Why cant we get a proper self found with higher drop rates?

Finally you're showing your hands on what this is really about.

You're simply scared sh*tless than another way to play the game would prove to be more popular to the thing you're used to.

Yeah, classic conservative thinking based on nothing but fear.

More popular? Lol people will be driven to the EASIEST METHOD. It has nothing to do with "Popularity"

Imagine being so spectacularly entangled in your own bs beliefs that you type with a straight face that trading in a game like POE2 is harder than playing it.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
If only hyperbole can make it look like your "argument" has a leg to stand on, maybe rethink your argument.

Good thing the hyperbole is a stylistic choice then and not the essence of the argument.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I feel like we're living in the upside down when players are now seriously arguing against finding your own loot by playing the game. If only you guys could hear how [Removed by Support] y'all sound.

Why should it matter where/how I found my items? The whole thing with SSF Bros is always "items you trade for aren't real!" or "people who trade are CHEATING and getting stronger way faster than they should!" It's always the same story - progress made via trading or builds crafted via trading are somehow illegitimate and ONLY characters made completely SSF are 'real'.

How is an item any different if I found currency I gave to someone else to get an item that patches specific holes in my build - or lets me make the build in the first place - compared to farming for seven hundred hours merely to be granted the chance to make the thing I wanted to make seven hundred hours ago but was told "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT UNTIL RNGSUS ALLOWS YOU TO PLAY THE THING YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY!"?

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I get it, [Removed by Support] are scared of change. You've invested years of your life probably to master playing POE, and now some heathen proposes a change to the formula. That scares you, like so many other things in the world.

Hardly. I'm one of the strongest champions of shaking things up in PoE2. I wanted things to be radically more divergent from PoE1 than they are now. Jonathan talked a good game about the evolution of the ARPG genre, but I ain't seeing half of what he said in PoE1.5 here - and even then, people are ludicrously assmad over what few changes he did make.

I just think changing it such that trade players are forced to actively feel bad about trading and SSF-Broism is held up and championed as The Only True and Legitimate Way to Play PoE is a really terrible change.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
But maybe, just maybe, google "empathy", and reflect a little on that word. Because when people are suggesting the implementation of a feature in a way that wouldn't even affect the mode you will prefer to play in, it doesn't cost you anything to be a decent human being [Removed by Support], and cross your fingers for them.

How does it not affect the game to have SSF Bros over in their private gold-plated playground saying "you could be finding forty exalts a map with zero rarity and zero juice, finding a Mirror every other week even, over here in Dropamine League...you'd just have to give up playing cool builds foreeeeever~"? How do you not see the existence of a Loot Bonanza mode where drops are boosted to a degree that would make the most egregious of Borderlands loot rush exploits blush as warping the game itself?

People keep howling about Last Epoch and how it "gives you the choice!" All right. Does literally anyone[ play Merchant's Guild in Last Epoch? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, I didn't think so. Next, please.
I play SSF only and I don't like the idea of having different drop rates between SSF and standard mode. Not to mention, it would be a real headache for the devs to keep track of balance changes across these modes.

I think drop rates are not bad right now. I regularly find uniques. I have quite a few of the leveling uniques like Foxshade and Blackheart Iron Ring, and Kitoko gloves. Even found the infamous Pillar staff lately, twice.

The joy of SSF is to do with what you find. I think at some point if you make it easier to get most items, it removes the value of SSF. The point is that it IS a challenge. It IS a tradeoff.

It is the joy of NOT knowing for sure what you're going to play. Maybe you want to do build X and it turns out crappy because you can't find a good weapon, but along the way you found a unique or some other good gear for another build. So the joy of playing SSF is finding incentives to try different things.

And if you don't like surprises there's always some basic builds like totems and sparks that are cheap and do really well at maps.

I'm running two warriors currently both close to 90, and I love that there is plenty of room to upgrade and that if I wanted to do some popular build XYZ that some streamer showed off, and requires ABC uniques, I don't get to do that instantly on a whim - but something to look forward when I do find the ABC items.

Trade league takes all of that away. And increasing the drop rates and making it easier to get the gear you want also takes that away to some extent.
Imagine being so spectacularly entangled in your own bs beliefs that you type with a straight face that trading in a game like POE2 is harder than playing it.


Right? Hilarious....
1453R#7804 wrote:
gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
If only hyperbole can make it look like your "argument" has a leg to stand on, maybe rethink your argument.

Good thing the hyperbole is a stylistic choice then and not the essence of the argument.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I feel like we're living in the upside down when players are now seriously arguing against finding your own loot by playing the game. If only you guys could hear how [Removed by Support] y'all sound.

Why should it matter where/how I found my items? The whole thing with SSF Bros is always "items you trade for aren't real!" or "people who trade are CHEATING and getting stronger way faster than they should!" It's always the same story - progress made via trading or builds crafted via trading are somehow illegitimate and ONLY characters made completely SSF are 'real'.

How is an item any different if I found currency I gave to someone else to get an item that patches specific holes in my build - or lets me make the build in the first place - compared to farming for seven hundred hours merely to be granted the chance to make the thing I wanted to make seven hundred hours ago but was told "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT UNTIL RNGSUS ALLOWS YOU TO PLAY THE THING YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY!"?

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I get it, [Removed by Support] are scared of change. You've invested years of your life probably to master playing POE, and now some heathen proposes a change to the formula. That scares you, like so many other things in the world.

Hardly. I'm one of the strongest champions of shaking things up in PoE2. I wanted things to be radically more divergent from PoE1 than they are now. Jonathan talked a good game about the evolution of the ARPG genre, but I ain't seeing half of what he said in PoE1.5 here - and even then, people are ludicrously assmad over what few changes he did make.

I just think changing it such that trade players are forced to actively feel bad about trading and SSF-Broism is held up and championed as The Only True and Legitimate Way to Play PoE is a really terrible change.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
But maybe, just maybe, google "empathy", and reflect a little on that word. Because when people are suggesting the implementation of a feature in a way that wouldn't even affect the mode you will prefer to play in, it doesn't cost you anything to be a decent human being [Removed by Support], and cross your fingers for them.

How does it not affect the game to have SSF Bros over in their private gold-plated playground saying "you could be finding forty exalts a map with zero rarity and zero juice, finding a Mirror every other week even, over here in Dropamine League...you'd just have to give up playing cool builds foreeeeever~"? How do you not see the existence of a Loot Bonanza mode where drops are boosted to a degree that would make the most egregious of Borderlands loot rush exploits blush as warping the game itself?

People keep howling about Last Epoch and how it "gives you the choice!" All right. Does literally anyone[ play Merchant's Guild in Last Epoch? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, I didn't think so. Next, please.

I won't engage with your hyperbole anymore, save yourself the energy.
1453R#7804 wrote:
gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
If only hyperbole can make it look like your "argument" has a leg to stand on, maybe rethink your argument.

Good thing the hyperbole is a stylistic choice then and not the essence of the argument.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I feel like we're living in the upside down when players are now seriously arguing against finding your own loot by playing the game. If only you guys could hear how [Removed by Support] y'all sound.

Why should it matter where/how I found my items? The whole thing with SSF Bros is always "items you trade for aren't real!" or "people who trade are CHEATING and getting stronger way faster than they should!" It's always the same story - progress made via trading or builds crafted via trading are somehow illegitimate and ONLY characters made completely SSF are 'real'.

How is an item any different if I found currency I gave to someone else to get an item that patches specific holes in my build - or lets me make the build in the first place - compared to farming for seven hundred hours merely to be granted the chance to make the thing I wanted to make seven hundred hours ago but was told "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT UNTIL RNGSUS ALLOWS YOU TO PLAY THE THING YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY!"?

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I get it, [Removed by Support] are scared of change. You've invested years of your life probably to master playing POE, and now some heathen proposes a change to the formula. That scares you, like so many other things in the world.

Hardly. I'm one of the strongest champions of shaking things up in PoE2. I wanted things to be radically more divergent from PoE1 than they are now. Jonathan talked a good game about the evolution of the ARPG genre, but I ain't seeing half of what he said in PoE1.5 here - and even then, people are ludicrously assmad over what few changes he did make.

I just think changing it such that trade players are forced to actively feel bad about trading and SSF-Broism is held up and championed as The Only True and Legitimate Way to Play PoE is a really terrible change.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
But maybe, just maybe, google "empathy", and reflect a little on that word. Because when people are suggesting the implementation of a feature in a way that wouldn't even affect the mode you will prefer to play in, it doesn't cost you anything to be a decent human being [Removed by Support], and cross your fingers for them.

How does it not affect the game to have SSF Bros over in their private gold-plated playground saying "you could be finding forty exalts a map with zero rarity and zero juice, finding a Mirror every other week even, over here in Dropamine League...you'd just have to give up playing cool builds foreeeeever~"? How do you not see the existence of a Loot Bonanza mode where drops are boosted to a degree that would make the most egregious of Borderlands loot rush exploits blush as warping the game itself?

People keep howling about Last Epoch and how it "gives you the choice!" All right. Does literally anyone[ play Merchant's Guild in Last Epoch? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, I didn't think so. Next, please.

I won't engage with your hyperbole anymore, save yourself the energy.

In other words, they are right because Last Epoch is basically living proof that what you are asking for DOES NOT WORK. It is one or the other.
1453R#7804 wrote:
gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
If only hyperbole can make it look like your "argument" has a leg to stand on, maybe rethink your argument.

Good thing the hyperbole is a stylistic choice then and not the essence of the argument.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I feel like we're living in the upside down when players are now seriously arguing against finding your own loot by playing the game. If only you guys could hear how [Removed by Support] y'all sound.

Why should it matter where/how I found my items? The whole thing with SSF Bros is always "items you trade for aren't real!" or "people who trade are CHEATING and getting stronger way faster than they should!" It's always the same story - progress made via trading or builds crafted via trading are somehow illegitimate and ONLY characters made completely SSF are 'real'.

How is an item any different if I found currency I gave to someone else to get an item that patches specific holes in my build - or lets me make the build in the first place - compared to farming for seven hundred hours merely to be granted the chance to make the thing I wanted to make seven hundred hours ago but was told "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT UNTIL RNGSUS ALLOWS YOU TO PLAY THE THING YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY!"?

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
I get it, [Removed by Support] are scared of change. You've invested years of your life probably to master playing POE, and now some heathen proposes a change to the formula. That scares you, like so many other things in the world.

Hardly. I'm one of the strongest champions of shaking things up in PoE2. I wanted things to be radically more divergent from PoE1 than they are now. Jonathan talked a good game about the evolution of the ARPG genre, but I ain't seeing half of what he said in PoE1.5 here - and even then, people are ludicrously assmad over what few changes he did make.

I just think changing it such that trade players are forced to actively feel bad about trading and SSF-Broism is held up and championed as The Only True and Legitimate Way to Play PoE is a really terrible change.

gX_kiD#0166 wrote:
But maybe, just maybe, google "empathy", and reflect a little on that word. Because when people are suggesting the implementation of a feature in a way that wouldn't even affect the mode you will prefer to play in, it doesn't cost you anything to be a decent human being [Removed by Support], and cross your fingers for them.

How does it not affect the game to have SSF Bros over in their private gold-plated playground saying "you could be finding forty exalts a map with zero rarity and zero juice, finding a Mirror every other week even, over here in Dropamine League...you'd just have to give up playing cool builds foreeeeever~"? How do you not see the existence of a Loot Bonanza mode where drops are boosted to a degree that would make the most egregious of Borderlands loot rush exploits blush as warping the game itself?

People keep howling about Last Epoch and how it "gives you the choice!" All right. Does literally anyone[ play Merchant's Guild in Last Epoch? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, I didn't think so. Next, please.

I won't engage with your hyperbole anymore, save yourself the energy.

In other words, they are right because Last Epoch is basically living proof that what you are asking for DOES NOT WORK. It is one or the other.

I don't think you folks even have the neural capacity or education to make assessments on what's right or wrong. It's obvious none of you folks ever stumbled upon the scientific method over the course of your lives.

You can not simply make a claim sound like a fact, and then refer back to that claim like it would be evidence for anything.

So if the claim is that Last Epoch has lost their player base mainly because of the introduction of a ssf mode, along with a trade mode - or circle of fortune and merchant's guild in this case - then we first need to establish evidence for that claim.

If you can provide evidence that ties the loss of players to the introduction of an alternative play mode, I'm happy to take a look at it. And then we can proceed from there, and assess what that potentially says about the ramifications of trade or ssf in this game.
"Last Epoch solved this"

And who the fuck plays that game.

Wake up
I don't think you folks even have the neural capacity to make assessment s on what's right or wrong. It's obvious none of you folks ever stumbled upon the scientific method over the course of your lives.

You can not simply make a claim sound like a fact, and then refer back to that claim like it would be evidence for anything.

So if the claim is that Last Epoch has lost their player base mainly because of the introduction of a ssf mode, along with a trade mode - or circle of fortune and merchant's guild in this case - then we first need to establish evidence for that claim.

If you can provide evidence that ties the loss of players to the introduction of an alternative play mode, I'm happy to take a look at it. And then we can proceed from there, and assess what that potentially says about trade or ssf in this game.

Can you prove that it didn't? It is about the only thing that is "Different" from other ARPGs so effectively I have more scientific evidence than you do.

I have also provided more evidence even if it is theoretical, towards a SSF mode being bad for PoE 2 than you have it being good.

Please stop trying to be "Intelligent" it just makes you look less so.
I don't think you folks even have the neural capacity to make assessment s on what's right or wrong. It's obvious none of you folks ever stumbled upon the scientific method over the course of your lives.

You can not simply make a claim sound like a fact, and then refer back to that claim like it would be evidence for anything.

So if the claim is that Last Epoch has lost their player base mainly because of the introduction of a ssf mode, along with a trade mode - or circle of fortune and merchant's guild in this case - then we first need to establish evidence for that claim.

If you can provide evidence that ties the loss of players to the introduction of an alternative play mode, I'm happy to take a look at it. And then we can proceed from there, and assess what that potentially says about trade or ssf in this game.

Can you prove that it didn't? It is about the only thing that is "Different" from other ARPGs so effectively I have more scientific evidence than you do.

I have also provided more evidence even if it is theoretical, towards a SSF mode being bad for PoE 2 than you have it being good.

Please stop trying to be "Intelligent" it just makes you look less so.

I am not trying anything. I'm merely explaining to you how a real debate is supposed to go down between remotely civilized and educated people.

"The burden of proof is upon the one making a claim", not the person questioning it. That's a very basic rule in debate, philosophy, and even our justice system.



I have yet to see any evidence by you, but it's fairly telling that you attempt to reverse the burden of proof.

You can one day become President with that attitude, you just have to spray paint your face orange in the mornings for some reason.

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