Why cant we get a proper self found with higher drop rates?


So, genuine question, what's the point of SSF at all then?

I've been asking that ever since their bizarre decision to introduce it, do nothing with it, and let people leave it to join Trade league with Trade league stash. I don't even bother selecting SSF anymore because I already don't trade. Oh, but they'll introduce Ruthless for the masochists. Fuck all the way off with that kind of decision making, feels like such a slap in the face to people who just want to play and progress at a sensible rate and rather than currently where it's barely a 1% power increase every 20 friggen hours because the planets finally aligned on mods rolled and their tiers on one piece of gear.

100%. I generally don't select SSF for the same reason. I'll admit that some characters do, on occasion, trade.

Even then, it's normally selling items I'm never going to use, or an occasional upgrade that I've been trying to farm or craft for long enough already.

In general though, I despise having to interact with trade. Even with the added site to browse items.

And the only point of that, is to force people to wait 2-3 hours until someone will actually manually transfer the item, when they're only a step or two away from an AH already.

The ladder is nothing more than a pre-defined set of filters, not really all that different from highlighting the class-specific ladder. They could just as easily build a ladder page with user-selectable filters for the bragging rights... and it'd be more useful than the trade site.
I don't think better drop rates is a good solution.

I'd rather they add lots of good uniques for low/mid/high tier.

Then you won't need insane RNG for a weapon or wand etc, you'll always have something to fallback on in SSF for your build.

SSF isn't that bad right now, it's more like the options for "meta"/minmaxing builds are limited to a small subset of highly desired uniques or rares.

For me one of the draws of SSF is precisely that I do with what I find, an element of surprise. It's not about being able to put tghether any build any time I want. Hence a larger selection of good uniques would make SSF better overall.
DeF46#3887 wrote:
SSF isn't that bad right now, it's more like the options for "meta"/minmaxing builds are limited to a small subset of highly desired uniques or rares.

I'm going to point out the obvious... but that depends entirely on your luck. I had one character struggle to hit resists above the teens. I want to say I spent the entirety of 3 acts trying to find anything that could provide just a single one. That character couldn't find anything with lightning or chaos at all. Not a single piece, essence, or rune.

And of course... penalties keep stacking up the further you get. So imagine pushing further into the negatives before you find a single rune, much less a viable piece of gear. It's just not fun.

On others... plenty drops to let them swap items on the fly as needed, or with multiple resists per piece. It's the polar opposite.

That's the killer about RNG. If your experience is hitting on the better end of it, it's not bad. If your rolls weren't as good, it's horrible.

That's one good thing I'll say about Diablo... they weighted drops based on what you were actually playing and it definitely helped. Honestly, that's a simple solution to both economy issues and SSF... but...
Last edited by chipninja#4276 on Feb 10, 2025, 2:36:08 PM
Imagine this fix for worrying about trade dilution.

Make SSF non-transferable to the current league. Whoa, I know. Pretty revolutionary.
BIGMP#3106 wrote:
Imagine this fix for worrying about trade dilution.

Make SSF non-transferable to the current league. Whoa, I know. Pretty revolutionary.

I've wanted dedicated SSF for years. Why the hell would I want the opportunity to switch to trade if I don't trade, anyway? I literally stopped bothering to even select SSF because I already don't trade. I tried for a bit in PoE2, but I simply can't bring myself to bother trying to trade again because of how monotonous and tedious it is. The fact you can transfer means they can get away with pretending there's SSF. GGG as a developer is like someone wondering why they should ever need to upgrade their computer just because their Tandy still works so we as players are still stuck sitting around with the equivalent of 5 inch floppy disks having to write a command line every time we launch the game. Like... why? And instead of upgrading, they decide "Hey, guys, we found this really cool punch card computer, we're gonna start using that, too" and we get Ruthless mode.

If they're gonna give us Ruthless, we also deserve a true and dedicated SSF without transfer. I'd play that shit in a heartbeat and would be FAR more open to spending money on the game if it then felt like it respected my time (actually progress in gear rather than a barely 1% power increase every 30 hours of T15).
BIGMP#3106 wrote:
Imagine this fix for worrying about trade dilution.

Make SSF non-transferable to the current league. Whoa, I know. Pretty revolutionary.

I've wanted dedicated SSF for years. Why the hell would I want the opportunity to switch to trade if I don't trade, anyway? I literally stopped bothering to even select SSF because I already don't trade.

I don't think the option to swap to trade is horrible... but it should be done in a way that doesn't impact the current league, like forcing a move to standard. Value of one inventory's worth of items on a diluted standard market isn't really going to be huge. Sure, you could try to mule things over, but the majority of the playerbase goes league anyway.

Or... just lock SSF from transferring at all.
BIGMP#3106 wrote:
Imagine this fix for worrying about trade dilution.

Make SSF non-transferable to the current league. Whoa, I know. Pretty revolutionary.

BIGMP#3106 wrote:
Imagine this fix for worrying about trade dilution.

Make SSF non-transferable to the current league. Whoa, I know. Pretty revolutionary.

I've wanted dedicated SSF for years. Why the hell would I want the opportunity to switch to trade if I don't trade, anyway? I literally stopped bothering to even select SSF because I already don't trade.

I don't think the option to swap to trade is horrible... but it should be done in a way that doesn't impact the current league, like forcing a move to standard. Value of one inventory's worth of items on a diluted standard market isn't really going to be huge. Sure, you could try to mule things over, but the majority of the playerbase goes league anyway.

Or... just lock SSF from transferring at all.

I, for one, would love to still be able to Coop in SSF. Last Epoch has an amazing approach to loot share (other than the fact access to trade/marketplace is reliant on a faction and grind, another good idea, would shut the RMTs right the fuck up) and I think PoEx should be willing to steal some of those ideas. Unfortunately, GGG has the game dev equivalent of boomer brain and hates change. Maybe it could be a League mechanic? Perfect time as any to experiment with such a thing and that would be the entire league mechanic: restricted trade system reliant on a marketplace with restrictive party loot share. Still, I'll gladly settle for a dedicated SSF with rebalanced drop rates (even exclusive currencies and such) and I am more than willing to bet a good half of the player base would play it because of how little most players actually trade. In fact, do that along with the marketplace trade league and see how they both go (where SSF obviously would not have access to the marketplace).

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