Why cant we get a proper self found with higher drop rates?

1453R#7804 wrote:

There's a lot that changes in your brain when you realize that the most successful ARPG of all time, by far, is not the Diablo series - it's the Borderlands series. Diablo is a niche game for weirdoes; Borderlands is one of the best-selling video game series of all time.

Diablo series:

"As of April 8, 2020, the series has sold nearly 100 million copies worldwide."

(That's without Diablo 4, mind you)


Borderlands series:

"As of November 2022, more than 77 million copies of Borderlands games had been shipped"


It's truly fascinating. Virtually everything you say is complete bs. Is your favorite news channel named after an animal, by any chance?

All right. I got that figure wrong. My mistake. I'd caught it somewhere else online and didn't fact-check as thoroughly as I should have. Mea culpa.

I do find it interesting that the two are not terribly far apart in sales despite Diablo having more than a decade's head start. And I do believe there's a lot to learn from games not named "Diablo" about how ARPGs work.

And I still believe giving SSF Bros what they claim to want and turning SSF into the only way to play the game would be a disaster for the future of Path of Exile. But do you, I suppose.
ampdecay#1924 wrote:
GGG put SSF in the game as a HIGHER difficulty mode, not an easier one. That is why.

People simply refuse to understand this.

If you want a game where you can leap character progression in a day of grinding... >>> They're over that way >>>
fnsonin#2863 wrote:
Because a SSF league character can be transferred to the trade league mid season. SSF higher drop rates would break trade. In order for SSF to get higher drop rates SSF and trade would have to be non transferable during leagues. I do no know why GGG does not do this as Last Epoch has paved a way forward for this issue.

Solution: Make SSF items/currency account bound or a wilder idea, disable transfer. Problem solved for people who don't wanna be involved with Standard League, such as myself.

Agreed, there is no need for this situation. Just make SSF permanent for the character.
Just a speculative opinion, but I think the concern devs might have is that once SSF loot drops are buffed - then there's pretty much no point playing non-SSF if you are not into active trading, and this will eventually entirely transfer the game into single-player mode.

Just ask yourself - would you bother playing regular mode, if SSF was much more rewarding in terms of drop rates, which would enable you to significantly faster and easier build your character and progress through the game on your own? I think, the answer is obvious for large amount of playerbase.

I think the current design concept behind SSF is to simply provide players an option to beat the game without external assistance 'as is', and it is not about empowering solo gameplay. It is more like a challenge mode into which you can enrol with an option to drop-out quickly if you don't like it anymore.

Powerful and completely isolated SSF mode is effectively an 'Offline' mode, then there's also no point having a constant internet connection when playing.

Read all you posted thrice and still can't find any reason why not to implement better SSF drop. All your cons are my pros.
1453R#7804 wrote:
I have no more reason to believe they want "modest, sensible drop rate buffs" than I do to believe they want the sorts of drop rates that make Diablo 2 save editors say "dude, crank it back a little."

Which is exactly how playing in a trade league feels.

No, we want sensible drops. Ones that wouldn't have me run my lvl87 totem warbringer with gloves i got from act 3 because they have +2 to all melee skills on it. Ones that don't put you into a situation where you're level 93 and haven't seen a single greater jeweller orb. Ones that don't leave you with an empty jewel slot because there's nothing worth putting in there.

Any build not specifically tagged as "ssf viable" has items in every slot so crazy that you can play for months and don't see even one of them on SSF.

My best item on HCSSF so far was 30 movespeed boots with like 40 elemental resistances and 30 life on it. That's it, that's the best i got since launch. Also +6 cultist hammer with near zero pdps. I could buy any of those for 1 exalted in a trade league.

This is NOT how it was in PoE1. PoE2 SSF experience is extremely bad. IDK i play life 3-4 hours a day, maybe someone with more free time doesn't have it so bad.
Last edited by onetruelai#7327 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:22:55 AM
GGG's SSF solution is outdated. It was designed as a challenge back then, sure, but now people are sick and tired of the trade league—scammers, bots, dupes, the need to install third-party tools, and the balancing issues caused by trading. They’re afraid to implement a proper crafting system because trading exists.

Because of all this chaos, everyone wants to play without trading. Some adjustments are definitely needed. Last Epoch's solution is the best approach. No matter how much you buff SSF, it can’t match trading, but that’s okay. Simply reducing the frustration is enough.

He is 100% correct though. Buffing SSF drop rate would just completly remove the trade league. It removes a large portion of players from trade league, gutting the amount of people feeding the economy, effectively killing off that game mode.

Oh i love this argument. It basically implies that people hate trading so much that they'd jump ship the moment SSF is actually viable. It's like trade holds people hostage and they would actually enjoy the game more without it.

So what are the downsides to buffing SSF drop rates again?
I think they should buff both SSF and Trade droprates by A LOT. Trading is cool, however if 90% (or more) of your gear comes from trading, because you couldn't find the proper gear yourself while mapping, it simply means the endgame is not rewarding. It means the player needs to get offspec loot from other players or the crafting leftovers from the "rich" ones.

I play both modes, on trade the only item I use that I've found are boots (they're from "crafting", not from drops), on SSF I've found one upgrade since I've finished the campaign, seventy T12-T15 maps into the endgame.

The only players with great gear that they found/crafted themselves most likely got it after they've already been quickly blasting T16 maps and +4 diff bosses.

The endgame offers no feeling of excitment when it comes to loot, unless you already farm all the content. However at that point you don't really need those upgrades.
Last edited by KubaLy#4534 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:16:33 AM
KubaLy#4534 wrote:
I think they should buff both SSF and Trade droprates by A LOT. Trading is cool, however if 90% (or more) of your gear comes from trading, because you couldn't find the proper gear yourself while mapping, it simply means the endgame is not rewarding. It means the player needs to get offspec loot from other players or the crafting leftovers from the "rich" ones.

I play both modes, on trade the only item I use that I've found are boots (they're from "crafting", not from drops), on SSF I've found one upgrade since I've finished the campaign, seventy T12-T15 maps into the endgame.

The only players with great gear that they found/crafted themselves most likely got it after they've already been quickly blasting T16 maps and +4 diff bosses.

The endgame offers no feeling of excitment when it comes to loot, unless you already farm all the content. However at that point you don't really need those upgrades.

They can buff drops overall but the game will still be balanced around trade, and since playing in a trade league will get even easier and there will be even more items on sale and even more power creep, the content will have to be tuned to counter that which will again hit SSF players. Add some hints and rumors about eventually adding Auction House which i hope will stay hints and rumors and the inevitable conclusion would be that SSF needs its own balance.

As long as SSF league is balanced around being able to trade and having 100 000 people farming gear for you it will always be bad.
Last edited by onetruelai#7327 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:29:47 AM

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