0.1.0e Patch Notes

Mucho el hypo!
FIX for Users?!

For those of you who may be experiencing bad lag/stutter/input lag every 2-3 seconds in the endgame maps hub or in any of the maps. Here's what I did to fix the issue:

1. Deleted shader cache and set shader cache to 100gb limit in the appdata folder. Found here: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile 2\ShaderCacheD3D12

2. Changed global/local chat to a random different number "9090". This is an old bug from POE 1 days that maybe contributes to issues.

3. Went into Nvidia Control Panel and adjusted the following settings under Adjust Image Settings:
1. Use/Check NVIDIA settings for edge enhancement and Noise Reduction
2. Disable/Uncheck Deinterlacing and RTX Super resolution.

4. Updated my Xbox controller using X-accessories app. Potential fix for those with input lag.

Prior to these fixes, I had massive lag/stutter after the recent patch (0.1.0E). My GPU was freaking out and would jump from 20% to 50% utilization every few seconds. It appeared like lag/stutter and input lag from my controller. Now, the game appears to be stable and working great!!!

Other things I tried that didn't help or were not the fixes (keep in mind i tried the following before I tried the above fixes. The below steps could still be helpful to perform):

1. Made sure my graphics was up to date. It was.
2. Changed graphics settings to low across the board. Made things worse!
3. Disable/enable Vsync, triple buffering, DLSS, etc. No changes and made things worse at times.
4. Restarted steam/computer. No changes.
5. Verified my motherboard was up-to-date. It was.
6. Tried my 1080p monitor versus my usual 3400:1400p monitor. No changes.
7. Verified game files. No changes.
Thanks GGG!!!

I would like to thank you for all the nerfs to builds I have made with no build giude. I jsut get on and im nerfed. You have now hit my latest build when you Upped the lvl REQ of my amulet. (Wasnt in patch notes).

Why change the level req of an item An item that was 52 too 78 Now i cant even use it.

My spirit for Playing another class just makes me depressed....

I fear if I make another toon if will be nerfed before I make it to maps again...

To everyone else: Watch out they arent putting this stuff in the patchnotes...
Please remove the 1 life mechanic in maps. We already lose exp. It doesn't feel good or fun to be one shot by something unavoidable off the screen.

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