POE 2 Trade Whispers not working
Same issue. If a mod is seeing this, it seems like a very high priority bug in my opinion.
It started working when I unchecked "disable cross play" in options>game tab.
same problem
same i try for 2 days nothing
yeah same for me but only when trying to buy uniques, ive been able to buy rares left and right but for some reason not uniques. not sure if there not getting my messages or what, but yeah frustrating to say the least.
it's working but people just don't answer, normally you have to spam them
I have found that a quick re login before trading helps sometimes. I sometimes message someone, and no response, relog and see their invite pop up straight away.
Probably not a solution long term, but worth a try if you really need an item. |
I've been trying to get a helm through the trade site. I've probably sent 100 messages from POE 2 and have not got a single response. Frustrating. The helm is crucial for my build.
Same here, been trying to buy an item for 2 days already and nothing, but i do recieve whispers to sell stuff tho and that works fine.
Would love to be able to trade on console