POE 2 Trade Whispers not working

I swear I have been whispering people for item trades that are posted on the website and not getting responses from anyone of them, my normal whispers are working fine but its almost like the sellers of the items aren't getting my messages to begin with, I also haven't had anyone whisper me for items for a while now either
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 3:36:21 AM
I'm getting the error "Your account must be in-game to use this feature"
I AM in game...I'm using the same ID for steam, POE 2 website, and game ID.
1/2 the time I can't even search correctly. It won't pull up all the items.
I've tried edge and chrome both.
I can get the correct search when I use iPad, but can't whisper anyone.
Experiencing the same right now. Anyone know of a workaround ?
Same , third day in a row i am whispering to probably 35-40 ppl to buy some stupid gloves and no answer at all, nothing
same for me, it worked just fine this morning but suddenly i stopped getting answers.
same, I have been trying whispering people to trade for different items and nothing happens. I think some times the party is created but who joined doesn't appear anywhere not even to teleport.
I am feeling this is true, I have whispered over 100 people trying to buy radiant grief in the last 24 hours and 0 responses. Even when trying to target ones selling above avg market price or that are corrupted in a useless way.
I’ve been trying to buy an item for 2 days, and it’s frustrating me because I’m not making progress as quickly as I’d like, and nothing is getting done!
Last edited by Blooddust1#3964 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:33:11 AM
same problem
I’m getting whispers but unable to add them to party the receiver is not getting my requests only a few it felt like a lottery or it’s getting timed out. I want to sell for inventory management. RN I don’t even see the whisper option or invite to party option - having a direct trade option would be such a qol option, I don’t feel like leaving my game and I do not want to ignore the requests - console player PS5

I’ve logged on the poe1 and poe2 website to be sure I’m not missing anything

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