I don't mind a challenge but with one shot mechanics, on death explosions, melee getting one shot with max resists, evasion, armor, etc., then this game is beyond punishing if your melee. They also need to up the drop rate of the maps because when you get into tier 10+ and lose 1 map that you spent hours trying to farm and get upgraded, its just beyond disappointing.
-2 deaths per map
-up the drop of maps by 50%
-get rid of cheesy on death explosions. All it does it put melee at even more of a disadvantage.
Maybe it helps you but to solve this problem I added a semi range setup to my Monk, so I can handle the few mobs/rare effects that can become dangerous for melee (this Mana leech rare affix f.e.). ;)
The "weapon set" feature is rly nice here but takes a bit of time to setup....so u can make a setup for single target/close combat and 1 setup for clear and a bit range.
I run T13 atm and not 1 death so far since T9...you just have to think outside of the box a lil bit and adapt to the main threats you face.
You'll see with some small adjustments it will become way easier and you'll rarely die even in T13 maps.
And if it happens that I start to die often in T15 maps I have to adapt again to the situation and invest even more into my char.....I expect to need at least 100 Divine investment to run T15+ maps fluently + without dying and there's no shame to farm T13 till I have the required gear/currency. :)
Honestly if you can run t6 as monk you should be able to farm t15, just don't play melee builds those do not work in the game. Got a friend running t15-16 with random garbage gear you're overestimating the difficulty. Weapon swap is a nice idea but a lot of players will not deal with the tedium it requires+having to get a second viable weapon with these crafting systems is a lot of rng.
Posted byBK2710#6123on Dec 27, 2024, 10:22:17 AM
Give us back 6 portals and labyrinth trials GGG !
Posted byJoeGoldie#4090on Dec 27, 2024, 10:24:00 AM
I prefer it way more than having 6 portals where you can fully turn your brain off and unga bunga blitz a map. Really hoping GGG don't change it.
Honestly if you can run t6 as monk you should be able to farm t15, just don't play melee builds those do not work in the game. Got a friend running t15-16 with random garbage gear you're overestimating the difficulty. Weapon swap is a nice idea but a lot of players will not deal with the tedium it requires+having to get a second viable weapon with these crafting systems is a lot of rng.
Don't get me wrong but if people don't want to use everything to theyr advantage the game has to offer it's not the games fault that things are "to difficult". ^^
I understand that many people are coming from D4 and want to faceroll T15+ with avarage gear and witohut spending time developing theyr own character propperly...but propper character developement and min/maxing is a thing in POE2 and I love it.
Be honest?....How many Divines did you invest so far?....10? 20?
And you rly expect the results of certiain steamer who faceroll juiced T15 without dying but on the other hand invested 600+ Divines.
Just play and enjoy the game in your own pace....it's allowed to not faceroll all content 3 weeks after release. ;)
PS: if you have problems in T6 maps as a Monk, feel free to post me your current build....I'm always willing to help others if there is a friendly exchange.
Last edited by CroDanZ#1818 on Dec 27, 2024, 10:34:52 AM
Posted byCroDanZ#1818on Dec 27, 2024, 10:29:24 AM
Honestly if you can run t6 as monk you should be able to farm t15, just don't play melee builds those do not work in the game. Got a friend running t15-16 with random garbage gear you're overestimating the difficulty. Weapon swap is a nice idea but a lot of players will not deal with the tedium it requires+having to get a second viable weapon with these crafting systems is a lot of rng.
Don't get me wrong but if people don't want to use everything to theyr advantage the game has to offer it's not the games fault that things are "to difficult". ^^
I understand that many people are coming from D4 and want to faceroll T15+ with avarage gear and witohut spending time developing theyr own character propperly...but propper character developement and min/maxing is a thing in POE2 and I love it.
Be honest?....How many Divines did you invest so far?....10? 20?
And you rly expect the results of certiain steamer who faceroll juiced T15 without dying but on the other hand invested 600+ Divines.
Just play and enjoy the game in your own pace....it's allowed to not faceroll all content 3 weeks after release. ;)
PS: if you have problems in T6 maps as a Monk, feel free to post me your current build....I'm always willing to help others if there is a friendly exchange.
I invested less than 1 divine in my gear, I bought a few rings that upgraded my stuff, rolled a multi divine necklace with rng craft, bought a +3spell level staff for 1exalt and today I managed to finally clear sekhemas no hit so I now have a temporalis and the game became my bitch.
T15 maps are the same as t1, the only deciding factor is if you roll mods that are unreasonably broken or hard counter your character (accuracy vs evasion, burning ground).
Posted byBK2710#6123on Dec 27, 2024, 11:00:19 AM
Agreed. I got a life and a job, I don't have the time to do the most meta builds, also why would I want to with this build crafting? I love this game the abilities are flashy and powerful, build crafting is great but with the amount that's going on being one shot is a frequent occurrence any dedication into maps feels completely pointless. We have six portals I love seeing 5 wasted every time I get one shot by a meteor strike, god forbid there is two or more of the casters. One life has to go for me to dedicate any more time to this game, my progress is stalling because of it and its just not fun.
Posted byAraTheFaekin#0206on Feb 22, 2025, 5:04:44 AM
I just finished the campaign and went into my first map.
Died because I'm a monk and a regular monster spit in my face one shotting me and that's it, the map is done.
I have 3 maps in my inventory and buying a map is 5000 gold. So seeing that I have just one chance to beat a map, 3 tries, and then I need to start spending my gold which I won't recuperate dying in a map made me close the game for today.
I have about 1300~ hours in POE 1. I love souls games and enjoy POE 2, but for the love of god I can't imagine mapping like that. There should be a reason for the six portals more than "to back and sell" and refill flasks. I ain't going to go back to hideout 5 times per map just for loot- There isn't enough loot to excuse 6 portals and even if there were doing that sounds boring AF.
Please change that, I want to play your game but this is just not fun.
I have made to T-16 maps plus 2 levels and the one life per map just sucks.
Posted bywahipple#1265on Feb 22, 2025, 5:26:25 AM