One life per map is just not fun

the thing i dont get is why they are forcing this on softcore. If you want the 1 life playstyle, feel free to join the Hardcore league. Yes, 6 portal defenses memes like in PoE 1 is a bad thing but thats not the right way to solve it.

Maybe being able to die 3 times is fair enough if you dont want to give people 6 portals but 1 single try and then being oneshot by a random chaos damage rare monster because chaos resistance is almost impossible to get, it just feels stupid.
If people really want to have 1 life per map, they can just play it that way and have 1 life per map. It is insanely unfun to lose a map because of an unlucky break or something like that. At least it feels that way too often.

It isn't rewarding. Going back and trying something different against what killed you is fun/appealing/rewarding. Not having the ability to get that revenge feels pretty bad.
It is insanely unfun to lose a map because of an unlucky break or something like that. At least it feels that way too often.

It isn't rewarding. Going back and trying something different against what killed you is fun/appealing/rewarding. Not having the ability to get that revenge feels pretty bad.

In addition to that, dying and losing xp during the leveling process (80+) feels twice as terrible. You lose what we can only assume was a great map for you and you lose 10% xp. I never really had issues with dying in PoE1 the same way I do here, it is just so much less fun when I can't even make up for the xp loss with a bit of loot. I have to make a new map and go again. 1 portal per map is masochism and IMO it's some "Player Retention" mobile game nonsense - I know for a fact GGG love their statistics.
Last edited by Moerlin#4140 on Dec 22, 2024, 1:25:19 AM
My first day or two with the game I only played in short bursts because the game was pretty hard and I was ready for a break. After I found a grove and my build started to come online I really started to enjoy the game and played more than I should have to finish the campaign having the time of my life along the way. Then I got to maps. Oh boy, maps. Death is so overwhelmingly punishing that I very frequently log in, run maps until I die, lose all motivation and log back out. I’m back to short bursts once a day because the endgame is punishing in all the worst ways. Act 2 normal was the hardest part of the game in terms of challenge that’s fun to overcome. I died sometimes, but I wasn’t losing motivation to play at all - pulling a boss 2-3 times until I learned the fight felt awesome. Super fun fights that I could re attempt immediately and actually learn was fantastic.

In maps I’m not dying because I don’t know the fights. I’m dying mostly to my attention drifting for a half second and I explode to some ground effect or on death effect that I could barely see. It’s not the bosses on the maps getting me, it’s just random trash. I wouldn’t mind at all if I lost xp and was punished for dying, but I had 6 portals to the map (or heck, even 2 would be an enormous step in the right direction). It just feels so bad to lose so many different things for a single death that often amounts to feeling random.
I'm open to the idea of 1 life per map, but I fail to see what it adds to the game..

- 200 hours
I'm open to the idea of 1 life per map, but I fail to see what it adds to the game..

- 200 hours

It adds the uniqe feature that danger is around every corner and fills every map run with adrenaline.

This also opens up the need to develop the own character beyond the bare minimum....And if your character is not strong enough simply play cautious or take a step back and farm lower tier maps.

My char is far away from being good equiped and because of that I either run T13 maps or T15 but very slow to not die.

It's so much more engaging than games without such penalties.

Lets take D4 as an counterexample....beside the fact that in 98% of the content it's simply not possible to die with above avarage gear, it makes endgame content simply borring if you don't have the fear to die even if you run a potato build.

You practicaly can fall asleep in D4 on the keyboard and still beat most of the content....thats not the case in POE2 and makes the game way more interesting, thrilling and engaging.

The market is already oversaturated with brain AFK failproof ARPGs, we don't need POE2 do be another one.

Simply gear up your character propperly and one life per map wont be a problem....And with "propperly" I talk here about 3-400 Divine investment, not only 30-40.

Hard content and the need to invest heavely into his build is good for the longlivity...If you can faceroll everything within 3 weeks people will endup in the forums and cry that "there's nothing to do anymore". ;)
Last edited by CroDanZ#1818 on Dec 27, 2024, 8:37:01 AM
I said this in another thread regarding the one and done map experience.

But it basically feels like they've put semi hardcore mode on for poe2. I just feel like if people wanted that hc experience they'd tick the hc box. I mean they are different but still feels HC-esque to me. You lose everything in that map including the waystone itself and any mods or mechanics the atlas point had (boss, ritual, breach etc).

Feels bad.
I'm in Act 3 Cruel in the story part of the game. After doing ALT+F4 in the game again last night, I thought about how these streamers with a large audience managed to do it.

We're talking about a game where 1 Divine Orb costs $3.

How do these streamers make such impressive builds?

I try to improve items with Enchanting, I constantly consume Currency as long as it drops, I save up and buy better items, but it never works even if I try to apply the same build.

Neither the item I want drops, nor the feature I want after Enchanting, nor the Currency I drop is enough to buy items! I haven't finished the story part yet. I've never seen a game this greedy.

Streamers; How do you drop so much Currency? Or how do you drop the item you want or should have so often and early?

I'm not sure how many people can make similar and working builds in the game, except streamers and Youtubers. Maybe 1% of all players

GGG is really starting to get annoying.
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
I'm open to the idea of 1 life per map, but I fail to see what it adds to the game..

- 200 hours

It adds the uniqe feature that danger is around every corner and fills every map run with adrenaline.

This also opens up the need to develop the own character beyond the bare minimum....And if your character is not strong enough to play cautious or simply take a step back and farm lower tier maps.

My char is far away from being good equiped and because of that I either un T13 maps or T15 but very slow to not die.

It's so much more engaging than games without such penalties.

Lets take D4 as an counterexample....beside the fact that in 98% of the content it's simply not possible to die with above avarage gear, it makes endgame content simply borring if you don't have the fear to die even if you run a potato build.

You practicaly can fall asleep in D4 on the keyboard and still beat most of the content....thats not the case in POE2 and makes the game way more interesting, thrilling and engaging.

The market is already oversaturated with brain AFK failproof ARPGs, we don't need POE2 do be another one.

Simply gear up your character propperly and one life per map wont be a problem....And with "propperly" I talk here about 3-400 Divine investment, not only 30-40.

Hard content and the need to invest heavely into his build is good for the longlivity...If you can faceroll everything within 3 weeks people will endup in the forums and cry that "there's nothing to do anymore". ;)

wtf are you even talking about, way to out yourself as a scrub in the genre. You can faceroll everything, I kill every uber boss in poe2 in a true stunlock the game is even easier than d4 in its current state. You are just a masochist who wants to see everyone be punished and stressed out 24/7, this is the worst for retention and barely anyone thinks like you.
BK2710#6123 wrote:
wtf are you even talking about, way to out yourself as a scrub in the genre. You can faceroll everything, I kill every uber boss in poe2 in a true stunlock the game is even easier than d4 in its current state. You are just a masochist who wants to see everyone be punished and stressed out 24/7, this is the worst for retention and barely anyone thinks like you.

Good for you...but not everyone copy + paste those Youtube builds who are able to do so. ;)

Btw your comment is a contradiction in say that you faceroll all content in the game but complain about one life maps?

Even worse, insult others for no reason.

Becasue of that have a nice day, no point to talk to you further. ;)

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