Ascendancy Trials Feedback: Understanding Player Concerns


Honor system is one of the worst mechanics, if not the worst, in any game I have ever played.

Honor system is one of the worst mechanics, if not the worst, in any game I have ever played.
+1 well written truth.

As someone who liked the original Ultimatum , i have to say that what we have now doesnt even come close to that. And one of the major reasons i liked it back then , was that my build (GC spin to win) could handle it without even moving from 1 place , except when the ghost was on me.

I failed 13-14 sekhemas until now , and i finally got my 4th ascendancy done after so much rng even though i had 14 minor affliction and 11 minor boons and being lvl87. This is unacceptable from a 11 year poe1 players view point and even more so from someone new to the genre and the game , who will find relying on luck at yet another point in the game utterly ridiculous and unforgiving. I get it that you want to make a harder version of PoE1 but this is one of the points thats too much.
I disliked lab simply because it was forced on me and never really engaged with it after ascending fully , but i always knew that i could complete it underleveled and undergeared and be done with it. Now this? I would love to see the dev team go in without gg relics or gg gear and ascend.

Just my rant

(edit:) Also i would love to know who thought that putting machinegunning mobs was funny ? 1 type is chaos grenade launcher that bypasses walls and physics and the other 1 is a space time straight up machine gun that again uses tungsten pen bullets. Who did that? And how was this approved?
Last edited by theo1000#0525 on Dec 13, 2024, 2:08:22 PM
I loved the labs in PoE 1 and played them a ton. I love the trials in PoE 2, too. The only issue I have with them is that they are too hard. As in: "this oil tanker is too goddamn hard to carry with my hands". Make them easier and I'll be happy. Remove them, I'll not be happy.
I agree 100%
Agreed, very well articulated post , thanks for taking the time.

Pls GGG at least consider removing the honor mechanic from the boss for the Ascendency attempt, getting there is not so bad, but there are plenty of classes/builds that just get punished too hard on the boss.

Maybe a choice to forego all chest rewards in order to have the boss fight not use the honor mechanic.
Where do we go from here?
First, I sincerely hope you're open to feedback. Look around - the feedback about trials right now is almost universally negative. Listen to your players, your supporters, the people who love your otherwise fantastic game. Please don't become entrenched in thinking you can make people love these mechanics. Right now, the trials might be the biggest potential "quitting point" in PoE2. And it's so fundamental to the game that it might turn people away not just from Early Access, but permanently. So please, take time to address this issue. Be open, be transparent, start a dialogue.

I couldn't agree more with this statement. Which is a thing that I'm seeing in other aspects. Such as the logic behind nerfing certain interactions.

While I do get that this is a different game and the devs want us to play it the way they intended it to be played, when you reach the point where you start restricting freedom of choice in a game that's all about freedom of choice you're crossing a fine line that most dedicated PoE players have very close to their hearts.

Yes we like that the game is harder and more engaging.

No we don't like when you force bad content or questionable decisions down our throats.

(PD: please provide respecs when killing builds, TY)
+1 Perfect feedback

I could support decoupling ascendancy from the trials or removing the honor system for gaining the ascendancy itself but not removing it all together. Making content that's build agnostic greatly limits what they could do with said content.
Bumping this so it doesn't disappear into the void, and I'm gonna keep bumping it until we see some kind of response.
Last edited by MarsAstro#7928 on Dec 14, 2024, 2:09:42 AM

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