0.10.8 Information and Race Updates

Aureolin wrote:
Re-balancing of skills?

I have a feeling that freeze pulse nerf inc ;_;
On a side note though, I'm happy to see changes for more viable build variety.

as a freeze pulse user 90% of the time, this skill gem def. deserves a nerf..
pwnageoftheyear wrote:
Aureolin wrote:
Re-balancing of skills?

I have a feeling that freeze pulse nerf inc ;_;
On a side note though, I'm happy to see changes for more viable build variety.

as a freeze pulse user 90% of the time, this skill gem def. deserves a nerf..

Very true, I end up not using it much for that same reason, we already know it works great and it's no fun really, if there is a monster forum somewhere it must be in constant uproar:
- 'we can't even reach cold casters, they permafreeze us all the time, give us more health and cold resist'
- 'my serpent friend died to lightning arrow before we could even see what hit us'
- 'our desync skill isn't reliable, we only occasionaly kill anything with it, FIX IT'
- 'they raised my skeleton girlfriend as a zombie, she was silent and skinny, now she's bloated, squishy and cries BRAINS all day'

Trying Puncture + melee splash, now that's fun. Can't wait to see how will it work after overhaul.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on May 1, 2013, 4:40:21 AM
Danoga wrote:
Orgazmic wrote:
That desync keeps killing all my chars in hardcore... Well all my chars are dead and I'm starting a new one and so far that desync.. I hope you guys can fix it.

get off your highhorse and play default

Fix it
raics wrote:

if there is a monster forum somewhere it must be in constant uproar:
- 'we can't even reach cold casters, they permafreeze us all the time, give us more health and cold resist'
- 'my serpent friend died to lightning arrow before we could even see what hit us'
- 'our desync skill isn't reliable, we only occasionaly kill anything with it, FIX IT'
- 'they raised my skeleton girlfriend as a zombie, she was silent and skinny, now she's bloated, squishy and cries BRAINS all day'

That Was EPIC!!!

Related point: in the MMO LOTRO that's exactly what the Monster-Play forums are about LOL
SSF since ~OB
Formount wrote:

Currently: Maps = Investment required, better reward while Normal instances = No investment, penalty to reward.

You aren't required to use any currency on a map in order to play the map. You may choose to increase the drop quantity by rerolling the map, but it isn't required.

A transmute, and maybe a couple augments or alterations is all that is really "needed" on the lower level maps.

A lot of currency is used up trying to avoid negative mod combos that are too tough. The rest of it is trying to get the most favorable area/monster pack mods. This second one will likely drop in importance when GGG balances those mods with some appropriate negative effects.

Formount wrote:
Also why implement a drop penalty for farming low level zones as a core mechanic of the game at all if a level 94 character can farm a zero investment level 68 zone without being penalized?

If I am not mistaken, the purpose of having a drop penalty throughout the game is so that Higher leveled characters are forced to farm zones that are appropriately leveled to farm at max efficiency. Maps were excluded from this concept because of the investment required in order to be able to run maps, which makes up for not having a penalty to drops.

I don't recall anything mentioned about the so-called investment as a rationale for excluding maps from drop penalties. The Map of Chaos didn't require (wasn't even possible) any "investment" and it didn't have any drop penalties.

From what I understand - both the MoC, and Maps were excluded because they were the highest level areas accesible (reasonably) to players. There are higher level maps, but they don't drop enough to maintain a decent higher level economy.

Formount wrote:
I would really appreciate it if someone from GGG would explain how this change will not negatively affect maps, because as I see it right now, maps are pretty much getting thrown to the gutter and maps are my favorite thing about POE.

Keep in mind a couple things -
Just as you like the maps, some players do not like maps.
Higher level non-map areas are inevitable.
GGG will probably add in some fixes to the map system that will make it more sustainable and rewarding.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Uvne wrote:
I think going through with the changes is a mistake, and fails to contextualize the discontent in the feedback thread. Most of the articulate responses explained why this change has strong negative effects on the low level of the map system, while the positive responses were generally only positive because the players felt they would have a better shot at accessing the map system. Other positive responses included those who prefer to get higher level by opting in to easier content, and while this will certainly be a result, it worries me if these changes are concessions to those players.

Is there not some way to improve availability of lower maps without padding out Merciless?

I'm not sure how many of the 50+ pages you read through, but I don't think your assessment is accurate. There were posters (some of them Alpha players who had tested something similar - if I read their posts right) concerned that the changes would make the game too difficult, especially for newer players trying to get to act 3. There were posters who just don't care for the map system in any form. There were posters who wanted to level further outside of maps, but didn't ask for or expect it to be easier content.

From what I read (about 35 pages worth so far) many of those against the new level changes were concerned about maps being devalued, or just plain against the idea of any non-map areas being the same level as maps.

There were no maps not so long ago, and the game was still fun.

Some of those against the idea - expressed concerns about currency inflation, solely on the basis of non-map areas being more predictable and hence easier to set up for and farm.

Not all players are power players, and the game economy is not the sole driving force of the game. A lot of poorly made games revolve so heavily around the economy because it is the only way to improve your gear. When actually finding much or most of your gear is realistically possible, then players will be out there playing and not spending far more time trading than playing. We've already seen what happens to games when trading becomes the de-facto way to upgrade your character.

What POE really needs to keep driving player interest is more content. Adding new acts and new monsters and animations takes a lot of resources. If players want to see GGG come out with more content sooner - than just keep buying support stuff.

The game may be free on our end (the player side) but it sure isn't free to develop. The more we contribute, the quicker we will see the major improvements to the game.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Moosifer wrote:
Cannot wait for all the complaints about the new area levels. The same people who gave a +1 or quick "ya sounds good" are going to be the ones losing their minds on the forums because act 3 merci will be hell to get through.

I'm sure it will be rough. I have a templar headed towards Merciless, and I know act 3 will be painful. It should be.

Moosifer wrote:

Just imagine while leveling you jumped into an easy mod lvl 66 maps middle of act 3 when you clearly aren't ready to handle mapping. You will be stuck grinding act 2, then city of sarn, then getting frustrated at docks, then in lunaris then once you have enough lvl 68 maps (as all that grinding will give you alot of 66s and you'll be close or over 80 so what's the point of starting at 66 maps, vendor them up and take RNG out of it) you'll finally reach the end game, where you can grind for gear to do lvl 77 maps (ofc you have to find them first).

It's grinding so you can grind. Not even being most effective either, just to allow yourself to progress. This is one of the reasons D3 was so frustrating, you farmed act 1 inferno to allow yourself to farm act 2 inferno, to allow yourself to farm act 3 inferno then you hoped to get gear 1% better to speed up your clear speed in the slightest. All of this knowing that 50m upgrade you just bought will only be significantly improved by a 2b gold upgrade.

I'm begging you, don't do it. I was so happy you did away with it in alpha, please don't bring it back.

I think if you really wanted to make smooth transitions (and allow players to keep moving without much XP farming, you'd have to add Ruthless difficulty back in. It would mean some more quest reward points, but if they took away the passive from the 3 busts quest and only had Piety give a single passive, I think it wouldn't cause any characters to be OP. We might actually see players grabbing something besides life nodes.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
VMP wrote:
These changes are good, but desync needs to get a top priority issue and fix it as soon as possible. I'm sad.

I don't know if GGG has an expected number of hours of labor needed to find the solution to desync. If they did have some sort of estimate and could translate that into a fund rasing campaign - "XXX Dollars needed to fix desync in 2 weeks time" or some such, than I'd be happy to chip what I could toward the goal.

If it's not just a matter of throwing extra effort on it (which I suspect is the case) than all we can do as players is try to be patient and hope GGG discovers the cure soon.

Hmmm - I wonder in the meantime - if some sort of cap on desync damage (similar to life steal %) couldn't be used temporarily. Perhaps when the player is about to be killed by the server, the game checks to see if there was/is significant desync with the client and if the damage recently done was over a certain amount. If so, it would cap the damage, and the player would get a near death experience on their side when the client was resynced.

Looking forward to the changes, and thanks for keeping us informed.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
TheAnuhart wrote:
Chris wrote:
A large part of any decision we make is asking ourselves what we would want as players.

Sorry for the snip. But for this line..

I think it is more like

"A large part of any decision we make is asking ourselves what we would want as group players who think nothing of buying an upgrade over finding or crafting it".

Any chance of asking yourselves what you would want as a solo player as well as a group player who may or may not see loot find games as just that?

Did you miss the part where Chris stated: "These changes make her a lot more rewarding. It's a lot of fun to do Merciless Piety runs and actually have a chance at decent items and experience."

I think that statement means you will have a decent chance to acquire new and better gear by finding it yourself! This will help solo players.

A solo character may not have the same item quantity drop boost, but they can certainly work their way slowly through most non-map areas. The very open nature of many maps is what makes them dangerous when you don't have any comrades to help take some of the damage. Initially, running the new areas will be tougher, but after some adjustments and leveling, I think they will be more productive for solo characters.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on May 1, 2013, 6:46:44 AM
wavetrex wrote:
I have a feeling that all the lag/desync problems people (including myself) are server/instance related and not necessary a game design problem.

I noticed that at some hours of the days the problems are much worst (making the game totally unplayable) than on other hours (like night in EU, when the game is -almost- ok). My internet's speed is constant and the same the entire day.

I have also noticed that many European players are complaining about desync, and many American players are bashing them with various ad-hominem attacks and also things like "stop complaining, this is beta"... or other various useless talk.
I have also tried playing directly on the US server, and while the lag is much higher ( 180-200 ms vs 50-70ms for EU ), the game feels much more stable and fluent.

I'm guessing that there is a timing/overload problem on some instance servers, they are not properly calibrated, or perhaps there are hardware/incompatibility problems in the EU datacenters? It might be however difficult for GGG staff to experience what we, european players are experiencing, since they are NOT here...

In any case, the network code needs a serious review, because in it's current state, the game is very frustrating. I personally gave up hardcore over two months ago, dieing out of the sudden to invisible monsters is really NOT fun. The problem is it has become difficult to progress in normal/softcore as well, some areas with quicker monsters are an exercise in mega-frustration.

Unfortunately, all these content patches don't seem to address this serious problem which is driving players away day by day, no amount of "cool" spells and skill will change the fact that the game is almost unplayable !

P.S. - I've already seen some mini-reviews around the net, where reviewers say that while the game has wonderful atmosphere and graphics, the network/lag/sync problems are so bad that there is no point in even trying the game.
This is sad, really sad, for what should have been the game of the year, really !

C'mon guys, focus on this please already before it's too late!
We, as a community, really need a patch news that sounds like: "We made a major overhaul of the network/communication code, and updated the game servers all around the world, the game experience should now be much more fluid than it ever was no matter where you play from !"

Sorry for the little wall of text ;)

As a European player myself I totally agree with this guy.
To crit or not to crit ?

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