0.10.8 Information and Race Updates
Wow, that was fast, time to come back and play! Wait till us start to bitch again in a few more weeks though :)
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Any news on an actual release date?
IGN: ___I_Fink_U_Freeky___ . |
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YAY! Rewards for races have been dropped.
I honestly thought it was perfect the way it was, but i will enjoy getting more points. BTW, This game is awesome. There can only be one Oatmeal.
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" Seriously, you are an idiot. I am sure if you had millions of people playing a be a game you could do better? #1 you are playing a game in beta! This means the game still has tweaks needed! #2 you are playing hardcore and talking about "permanent characters". That's a redundant statement right there #3 every game in history with this large of a fan base has had lag, and whiners #4 no one is naming you spend money on the game, it's not pay to win, so mute point And finally #5 yes, you are complaining about desync and lag....... It's a game, get over it Peace |
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" If some guy called himself a chef, and shit on my plate, I'd know better than to listen to the people who say "Well, he does have a hat..." I agree with most of what you said beside this one tidbit. Last edited by nhargobange#1358 on Apr 30, 2013, 9:25:26 PM
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Liking this update a lot, the only thing that is missing for me is Melee boosting (can be skills reworked) as pretty much everything is ranged atm end game.
Last edited by veritasdoinwork#1859 on Apr 30, 2013, 9:27:18 PM
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I have a feeling that all the lag/desync problems people (including myself) are server/instance related and not necessary a game design problem.
I noticed that at some hours of the days the problems are much worst (making the game totally unplayable) than on other hours (like night in EU, when the game is -almost- ok). My internet's speed is constant and the same the entire day. I have also noticed that many European players are complaining about desync, and many American players are bashing them with various ad-hominem attacks and also things like "stop complaining, this is beta"... or other various useless talk. I have also tried playing directly on the US server, and while the lag is much higher ( 180-200 ms vs 50-70ms for EU ), the game feels much more stable and fluent. I'm guessing that there is a timing/overload problem on some instance servers, they are not properly calibrated, or perhaps there are hardware/incompatibility problems in the EU datacenters? It might be however difficult for GGG staff to experience what we, european players are experiencing, since they are NOT here... --- In any case, the network code needs a serious review, because in it's current state, the game is very frustrating. I personally gave up hardcore over two months ago, dieing out of the sudden to invisible monsters is really NOT fun. The problem is it has become difficult to progress in normal/softcore as well, some areas with quicker monsters are an exercise in mega-frustration. Unfortunately, all these content patches don't seem to address this serious problem which is driving players away day by day, no amount of "cool" spells and skill will change the fact that the game is almost unplayable ! P.S. - I've already seen some mini-reviews around the net, where reviewers say that while the game has wonderful atmosphere and graphics, the network/lag/sync problems are so bad that there is no point in even trying the game. This is sad, really sad, for what should have been the game of the year, really ! C'mon guys, focus on this please already before it's too late! We, as a community, really need a patch news that sounds like: "We made a major overhaul of the network/communication code, and updated the game servers all around the world, the game experience should now be much more fluid than it ever was no matter where you play from !" Sorry for the little wall of text ;) Wave. Never give up, never surrender !
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I would very much like an act3 expansion ETA!
Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Apr 30, 2013, 11:07:04 PM
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I don't think lunaris template should be made smaller. If anything it should be made larger. It is a great area for experience and feels like the last hurdle before the big boss! I want to feel like I have the right to face piety. I've slaughtered all the monsters and creations she has sent at me in her own temple and now I've come for her! I also want to feel like I've earned the rewards she drops. Searching for her and killing her minions is part of that challenge! |
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" Its seems like the whole zone is kind of backwards. We should start in the pits (begin 3rd flr), pass the roads w/ hoards of dead (end 3rd flr), into the main gates (1st flr), then upwards to the experimentation areas (2nd floor), and finally to piety herself... With the third floor being a combination of wide halls, a few side areas of experiments/blood pools, then a bigger transition to her altar/throne area. Or perhaps even make the 2nd floor have two entrances to three, one is the backdoor with smaller halls and the other the main way with bigger halls. but that's stretching i think. As far as desync goes it comes and goes but sometimes it's terrible. My cousin and I both seem to believe that it happens more often in certain zone/map types. Specifically, Crypt type zones are the worst (guaranteed to desync in there myself several times). But that could simply be because it has so many tight hallways. |
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