0.10.8 Information and Race Updates

mushioov wrote:
Just STFU about the "desync" issues. I've NEVER had a desync except very small enemy warping and I've NEVER lost a HC character to desync. Whiners QQing about desync live in the damn sewers or just doesn't know how to play this game.

Yeah I had the exact same attitude as you had until I faced a desnch in a lvl 67 -max resistance map with my elemental adaptation skilled and well equipped lvl 89 ranger. I walked into a room and those carrion beatles that throw multiple fireballs spammed their skill on me. So I walked out of the room to safe ground, at least so I thought. The game synched and my char teleported back right in the middle of them and got killed even before I had the chance to leave the game or drink any potions. In a lvl 67 map with 5000+ life!!! It was the only time such a desynch happened to me. But the thing about HC is that 1 time is enough to kill you for good. Previously I did a lvl 71 map with hard mods and facerolled it.

So yeah fix desynch. I won't invest any time for a new character until that.
boohead wrote:
Finally,..... fixing garbage unused skills every week instead of adding even more garbage unused skills every week.

Seriously, smart move.

mushioov wrote:
Just STFU about the "desync" issues. I've NEVER had a desync except very small enemy warping and I've NEVER lost a HC character to desync. Whiners QQing about desync live in the damn sewers or just doesn't know how to play this game.

The fact that you're not having desyncs (or are insignificant for you) doesn't mean that these problems don't exist.

Hell, even people who were like you before are now turning, saying that they won't create another HC character until this is fixed or at least improved to have less of an impact.

It's not one person experiencing, or two, or ten.
There are literally THOUSANDS of posts on this forum with people complaining about it, and I'm sure there were many more, but mods kept deleting those posts. I know I got one of mine deleted... seen other posts disappear.

Still, I'm sure they ARE WORKING on the issue, or maybe preparing new (better) servers, so I agree there's no point in "QQ"-ing anymore... but still, seeing patch after patch with no news of improvement in this aspect is kinda demoralizing.
Never give up, never surrender !
boohead wrote:
Finally,..... fixing garbage unused skills every week instead of adding even more garbage unused skills every week.

Seriously, smart move.

I just hope they don't make Lightning Warp unusable for mobility, because that's what I and thousands of other people use it for.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
deathmongoose wrote:
mushioov wrote:
Just STFU about the "desync" issues. I've NEVER had a desync except very small enemy warping and I've NEVER lost a HC character to desync. Whiners QQing about desync live in the damn sewers or just doesn't know how to play this game.

Yeah I had the exact same attitude as you had until I faced a desnch in a lvl 67 -max resistance map with my elemental adaptation skilled and well equipped lvl 89 ranger. I walked into a room and those carrion beatles that throw multiple fireballs spammed their skill on me. So I walked out of the room to safe ground, at least so I thought. The game synched and my char teleported back right in the middle of them and got killed even before I had the chance to leave the game or drink any potions. In a lvl 67 map with 5000+ life!!! It was the only time such a desynch happened to me. But the thing about HC is that 1 time is enough to kill you for good. Previously I did a lvl 71 map with hard mods and facerolled it.

So yeah fix desynch. I won't invest any time for a new character until that.

Why do you insist on lying? Your ranger was, and is level 81.
IGN: Reynold_Hawke
I really really dislike the idea of removing the waypoint in Lunaris Temple..changes like that doesn't make the game fun, just annoying.

I'm assuming it means remove from Lunaris temple completely since there is no wording on moving it. And if you DO remove it, then reduce Lunaris level 3 by 50%, not 15%..
generally dangerous
Belis wrote:
deathmongoose wrote:
mushioov wrote:
Just STFU about the "desync" issues. I've NEVER had a desync except very small enemy warping and I've NEVER lost a HC character to desync. Whiners QQing about desync live in the damn sewers or just doesn't know how to play this game.

Yeah I had the exact same attitude as you had until I faced a desnch in a lvl 67 -max resistance map with my elemental adaptation skilled and well equipped lvl 89 ranger. I walked into a room and those carrion beatles that throw multiple fireballs spammed their skill on me. So I walked out of the room to safe ground, at least so I thought. The game synched and my char teleported back right in the middle of them and got killed even before I had the chance to leave the game or drink any potions. In a lvl 67 map with 5000+ life!!! It was the only time such a desynch happened to me. But the thing about HC is that 1 time is enough to kill you for good. Previously I did a lvl 71 map with hard mods and facerolled it.

So yeah fix desynch. I won't invest any time for a new character until that.

Why do you insist on lying? Your ranger was, and is level 81.

Oh yes sorry. I didn't do it on purpse, just somehow remembered it wrong. Doesn't change anything about the problem described though.
There will be no reason for me to play maps <70 with this patch.

New lunaris: very fast runs with same mobs, 2 unique mobs, no hard mods so you can gear with MF gear. No currency needed. Same reward

66 and 67 maps: hard mods, chaos damage, flicker strike mobs etc, no exp, no good items and ugly maps

68 maps: you need to spend currency for iiq, that means hard and random mods(and mobs ofc), also you need to spend alchs and chaos for getting 100%iiq while you can buy an IIQ gem + 30iiq boots which are 70% IIQ and run lunaris lol.

Same reward as lunaris, slow runs, likely to die (random mobs + hard mods), need to use currency, cant use low life builds without shavroness, etc

You cant drops 69+ maps in lunaris while you can in maps, however with the currency spent on rolling maps in order to get an upgrade you can just use that currency for buy a bunch of lvl 70maps @4 chaos each. And im sure maps will drop in value

We need to know the "reward balance" of maps though

Am i the only one who think this way?
I love the sound of this patch.

Hopefully you'll be making it so that freeze mine can stack. It's only useful against white mobs atm because of that.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Uvne wrote:
If Chris or another GGG happens to post again, I just have a quick follow-up question:

In testing, why is running a 66 map rather than converting it a good idea? It's only 3 66 maps to a 67, and I'd be hard pressed to get that upgrade ratio running them myself. If maps is the only endgame, you can usually sustain 66s while upgrading to 67s at roughly that ratio, but if you have access to 68 content, I don't fully understand where the incentive is to ever run a 66. Potentially even a 67.

Could someone please show us the numbers on why running a 66 would be rational behavior given that one wants to reach 90+

You will not reach 90+ by only running lvl68 content. If you want to spend your time running 68 content to farm 66 maps and then vendoring for 67/68/69 maps, be my guest. You'll be a long way from home if you want to lvl effectively. You'll get way more maps and way higher maps by running the maps itself than by using the vendor recipe.
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr

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