PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable

Have been checking this thread for a while and officially gave up on trying to play this severely unoptimized ps5 version.

This is new to me but I have never seen such a large thread without one official reply on an official forum, this does not look promising for future content either.

Shame that such a good game has such poor support for what essentially is supposed to be a none port version built from the ground up.

I'm starting to believe that was either a lie or ignorance because how else does that explain the grainy, underperformed experience we get on console, with not so much as a reply. Cool, have a vacation great, right after a major release, what? Come back in a year, we might have loot filters and 720p by then at 30fps
212 replies more then 200000 views and they still dgaf...always lmao when people saying GGG is very pro fan base oriented
Honzjan#9610 wrote:
212 replies more then 200000 views and they still dgaf...always lmao when people saying GGG is very pro fan base oriented

Nah those people would rather believe that they care and are just waiting for the right time. Lmao. All we want is some fucking acknowledgment.
Lets get this shit to 30k views!!!!!!! or deleted or something!!!!! lol
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
Initially I only noticed any issue with the Ritual in Trial of Chaos, but it's getting pretty bad on mapping now. Especially with Breaches and Ritual.

Ritual is not helped with there being basically no visibility at all I am just spamming my abilities and hoping for the best.
The game's performance on the PS5 is beyond disappointing, especially in co-op mode. I understand that some bugs and other gameplay aspects can be relatively easily fixed, but how do the developers plan to address the issue where, for example, when a Sorceress casts a wall of fire and a Monk places a bell against 5-7 mobs, the FPS in some locations drops to an utterly unplayable 25-30? This happens even with all game settings prioritized for performance.
My wife and I absolutely love the game, and we didn’t hesitate to purchase early access. However, I have serious doubts that the developers are prioritizing any significant work to improve the game’s performance.

Please dont ever invest in an early version of a game again. It seems to be that your regard and expectations for an early access release isn't correct.
Ps5 or the conaole Version should Not have so many Options.
I buy a console Game for then maximum performance and graphic whats possible without clicking arround for performance check.
I actually disagree. While simplicity is welcomed, some options to tweak settings should be available and I consider them a plus. Performance vs quality mode 90% of time ends up at performance mode aiming for 60fps while some people are willing to play within 30-60fps range with better fidelity.

ATM it doesn’t matter anyway. Hoping for some GGG take on the matter since they’re back from holidays and already doing bugfixes.
Raam#9587 wrote:
The game's performance on the PS5 is beyond disappointing, especially in co-op mode. I understand that some bugs and other gameplay aspects can be relatively easily fixed, but how do the developers plan to address the issue where, for example, when a Sorceress casts a wall of fire and a Monk places a bell against 5-7 mobs, the FPS in some locations drops to an utterly unplayable 25-30? This happens even with all game settings prioritized for performance.
My wife and I absolutely love the game, and we didn’t hesitate to purchase early access. However, I have serious doubts that the developers are prioritizing any significant work to improve the game’s performance.

Please dont ever invest in an early version of a game again. It seems to be that your regard and expectations for an early access release isn't correct.

Don't tell me what to do, please.
My main complain (and not only my) is silence from GGG, not the problem with performance. Problems in EA is a part of a deal. Complete silence is not.
Last edited by dissonance90#3107 on Jan 9, 2025, 11:11:54 AM
Why are people still thinking this is early access lol, this is a full build game with end game and no 3 other acts, stop giving excuses lol you dont benefit for brown nosing lol, it helps telling your opinion about bugs and what to fix for the "full" release of the game.. which is only a few months away ...
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."

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