The dodge roll changes actually diminishes the combat experience

My main issue with dodge,isnt the actual dodge tbh!

It is that they planned the whole combat around it. Mobs move at x3 of the player just cause you have the dodge and you can move away resulting in situation where people doing 10 rolls back to back to get some distance.
The whole situation where people get surrounded in corners,specialy in early game where you lack movement speed and cc in general,makes it worse and feeling gets better later on but in the end it only happens because you can counter since dodgeroll has no couldown.

Problem is,in the end it isnt fun.

it is like playing crash bandicoot and the stone rock is chasing you.

I hope they revisit the whole situation but im not really optimistic since it is a fundamental choice on their combat system and balancing
It's amazing to me how many people just love shit gameplay mechanics, and unnecessary difficulty.

The roll buff was not only needed, it was necessary, especially for melee classes.

So many bootlickers on these forums...
I love how people complaining about things that has not even rolled out until today 0.1.0d Patch Notes
Another example of phantom changes experience.
Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but the dodge roll changes are not in game yet? no?

They are. And honestly they aren't great.

If anything, dodge needed nerfs (like a small CD) rather than buffs. Buffs only promote more glass cannon-y complainers who think they must dodge all incoming damage via dodge roll spam.

That is literally the dumbest thing they could possibly do

So i was not crazy after all, the changes were not in at the time this post was created, damn, placebo is one hell of a drug, well, time to actually test the changes now
The big question is.. can be an intermediate size between 1 and zero for the character when rolling? If yes, might be worth to explore.
Not a hot take at all. The changes were unnecessary (yielding to the crowd) and now they have made the game really janky. Dodge rolling through bonewalls, falling off/through dreadnaught walls into the desert, falling off from bosses ledges (colossus), etc.

They might as well have introduced phasing, would have had same effect but less jankiness.
I agree!

I think current dodge it too powerful.

May be make curent dodge as some talent in passive tree?

Or somehow make it chance to phase based on evasion?
Even in souls games if you manage your stamina well you can spam dodge rolls with 0 delay (not to mention light armer -> fast rolling aka bigger rolling distance), unlike here where you have a short delay between 2 dodges. In the really hard action games, you only fight 1-2 mobs at a time. In ARPGs you fight whole screens of mobs at a time. In POE2 you can't teleport, movement speed is lower, when mapping mobs esp. rares are still tuned according to PoE1 levels of mobility and player power, even some of the most hardcore streamers talked about how unfun it is to get bodyblocked, can't roll, and you just die. And here we are on the forums with people wanting dodge to be nerfed.

Some mechanisms right now are plain unfun or badly designed, like the 2 trials, like pre-buff dodging. Most people complaining about them aren't noobs who need to git gud. There are probably a lot of people who are very used to play challenging games and find some elements in poe2 unfair and too punishing. The fact that GGG buffed dodging in the first place is proof that they agreed that it was not fair to get bodyblocked so easily.
the only thing the changes diminish is the experience of those who think they are good at a game because they moved out of something that warns them with a voice line and 3 seconds of wind up.
its not hard, you arent good.

rolling out of bone walls ect should be fixed for sure but we are in early access folks.
it was a good change that came with some slight bugs. once those bugs are fixed it will be purely positive.

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