[PoE 2] Cannot enter map (discconect upon clicking portal)

Liquorek#0713 wrote:
Maps are currently unplayable. The game ends at act 6. It's a shame because it was awesome. GGG doesn't respond to this topic, which is a pity.

I did like 15 maps last night, its not broken its just the public portal one that is bugged. Once you get a hideout, you're free game to power out maps.

I agree though, I'm surprised this bug has been going on as long as it has.

na hideouts are also bugged.
Bonesoul#0061 wrote:
Liquorek#0713 wrote:
Maps are currently unplayable. The game ends at act 6. It's a shame because it was awesome. GGG doesn't respond to this topic, which is a pity.

I did like 15 maps last night, its not broken its just the public portal one that is bugged. Once you get a hideout, you're free game to power out maps.

I agree though, I'm surprised this bug has been going on as long as it has.

na hideouts are also bugged.

Haven't been for me? I've done 60 maps so far no issues.

ill try using hideout or log out before every map see if either works
Liquorek#0713 wrote:
After AKT 3 the game can be deleted because the maps don't work at all. It always ends with disconnection from the server. I couldn't access a single map. Even 1 doesn't work.

Yes this bug is terrible and ruins the game (pc), we can't progress the atlas at all, we can't get the hideout, we lose the maps everytime, we are stuck in act 3 refuge..., no fix from the dev since the start of the early access.

Experiencing same issue -- Since the crashes were initially fixed, I didn't think it'd be a problem, but the southern wall of the Savannah map seems to be infinitely crashing my game. SO far no issues with other maps, Happening between T6 and T4 rare maps. Guess I won't try to do that map?
Not true. I have had a hideout for a while now and it still does it. For a while I tought that refreshing my loot filter was a good workaround but today it proved inefficient as it crashed, then I relogged, put another good waystone to go somewhere else and still crashed. Always when there's additional content on the map.

So log out, log back in is not a good fix either. It may reduce the chance, doesnt make it impossible to still get the "crash".
I started having this issue today, only 1 each 5 maps work. Have no idea what to do.
I'm having the same issue, before was fine.. now I'm loosing a lot of good maps plus the extra bonus from the maps, bosses etc...
It's coming to a point that it's just not worth to play as I keep loosing T15, sometimes T16 and all the content of the map.
Hopefully they will work on a fix after this whole time ignoring players issues as it's year end, let's see how fast they can do this as a lot of friends of mine are quitting for the same reason.

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