[PoE 2] Cannot enter map (discconect upon clicking portal)

I just finished the campaign and was able to complete my first map no problem, but upon opening my second map, I disconnected. When I reconnect and click on the portal, it disconnects me with 'an unexpected error occurred.'

After trying to re-open/re-log/change instances, sometimes the portals are there, wherein I still disconnect when trying to enter, and sometimes they aren't there, wherein I cannot click the map device to open another map.

Anyone found a solution to this issue if you ran into the same thing??
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 9:12:13 AM
Having the same issue here, anyone with an update on this? our whole group getting sent to login screen lol
Got the same problem, logged into game, opened 1 map disconecting to log screen :(
There are numerous threads about this issue and I haven't seen an official response yet. Frustrating as I have lost gear and progress because of how frequently this happened.

There are tons of work arounds like compatibility mode, turn off multi-threaded, delete local shader cache, but honestly none have worked for me so far.


got the same problem

some maps i can join and some i get an unexpected disconnect. loosing all my waystones for this =/

Client Log things from some of those maps:

2024/12/11 00:55:23 373611625 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 21188] Generating level 65 area "MapRustbowl_NoBoss" with seed 2430208020
2024/12/11 00:55:24 373612750 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 21188] Tile hash: 1275265245
2024/12/11 00:55:24 373612750 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 21188] Doodad hash: 3656960265
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373612812 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373612859 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373612859 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373613031 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 21188] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 810 x 810
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373613078 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373613125 1a61ea26 [DEBUG Client 21188] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 4112840042
2024/12/11 00:55:25 373613125 9237e8f [INFO Client 21188] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

2024/12/11 00:59:52 373880500 91c6da6 [INFO Client 21188] Connecting to instance server at
2024/12/11 00:59:52 373880515 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 21188] Connect time to instance server was 15ms
2024/12/11 00:59:52 373880531 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 21188] Client-Safe Instance ID = 2919849647
2024/12/11 00:59:52 373880531 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 21188] Generating level 65 area "MapRustbowl_NoBoss" with seed 2430208020
2024/12/11 00:59:53 373881484 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 21188] Tile hash: 1275265245
2024/12/11 00:59:53 373881484 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 21188] Doodad hash: 3656960265
2024/12/11 00:59:53 373881515 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 00:59:53 373881531 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 00:59:53 373881531 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 00:59:54 373881796 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 21188] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 810 x 810
2024/12/11 00:59:54 373881828 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 00:59:54 373881890 9237e8f [INFO Client 21188] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

2024/12/11 01:08:33 374401734 2d8e8abd [DEBUG Client 21188] Got Instance Details from login server
2024/12/11 01:08:33 374401750 403248f7 [INFO Client 21188] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2024/12/11 01:08:33 374401750 91c6da6 [INFO Client 21188] Connecting to instance server at
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401781 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 21188] Connect time to instance server was 31ms
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401812 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 21188] Client-Safe Instance ID = 2919849647
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401812 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 21188] Generating level 65 area "MapRustbowl_NoBoss" with seed 2430208020
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401859 bfabe408 [WARN Client 21188] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildFermur01.fmt'
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401859 bfabe408 [WARN Client 21188] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildClavicle01.fmt'
2024/12/11 01:08:34 374401859 bfabe408 [WARN Client 21188] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildBiceps01.fmt'
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374402921 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 21188] Tile hash: 1275265245
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374402921 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 21188] Doodad hash: 3656960265
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374402937 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374402953 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374402953 4228e2c3 [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374403093 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 21188] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 810 x 810
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374403140 4228e42f [DEBUG Client 21188] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2024/12/11 01:08:35 374403265 9237e8f [INFO Client 21188] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.
Same bug here lost some rare maps ffs. Alchemys are expensive this is frustrating.
I have the same issue. The only "workaround" is to open waystone with lvl 1 white map, enter to crash and then re-open map with the waystone you want to use. It will always work in this way. No clue why.
I can confirm BaronVonKappa's workaround works. Just really annoying the map you used is just gone. Expect to always use a clean map first before you use the map you want.
Can add to this, that it only crashes if there is additional content on the map (league mechanic or boss).
Wich means you lose your extra content as it seems to count the crashed map as failed.

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