[PoE 2] Cannot enter map (discconect upon clicking portal)

same issue, savannah map
Same issue. Enter portal. Get dropped to login screen after a few moments of loading.

Bug Report ID: #3169558169

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
When solo it seems to be fine for me, when partied up we manage to run one map, and guaranteed the next one will log us both out.

Only workaround for party play that we found was to log out after each and every map, and we could consistently play together. (we didn't have to leave the party so that saved a click)

Obviously not ideal as maps is all about the grind but hey, it lets us play for now.
crudd#7613 wrote:
I just finished the campaign and was able to complete my first map no problem, but upon opening my second map, I disconnected. When I reconnect and click on the portal, it disconnects me with 'an unexpected error occurred.'

After trying to re-open/re-log/change instances, sometimes the portals are there, wherein I still disconnect when trying to enter, and sometimes they aren't there, wherein I cannot click the map device to open another map.

Anyone found a solution to this issue if you ran into the same thing??

Same here
Last edited by l3ackHearTs#4074 on Dec 14, 2024, 1:42:00 AM
I just finished the campaign, opened my first map and got dc and then again and again..
Same here
Same here. Lost 40% of my maps this way as I cannot enter them.
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Last edited by nocebo#2432 on Dec 14, 2024, 10:39:15 AM

Here is my thread about it. It sucks having to spend so much gold on buying a new lvl 1 map just to junk it. Plus once you open the map and crash to have to put in a new one, I'm pretty sire you don't get any of the special map stuff that is available ex: bosses or breaches.
Please do something guys, i need to play, i need it!!!
yeah got same problem can't complete quest to get my hideout

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