skill issue clearly.
IGN: Ziggro
Posted byziggro#7495on Dec 11, 2024, 9:44:40 AM
I don’t understand being bent out of shape about a game that was three days (at the time of OP’s post) into early access. They’re listening to the player base and already made changes that have made the game feel better. Of you don’t want to play, that’s fine, but you can’t go into early access for any game and expect it to be a completely finished product that won’t change. At least in this game, the devs are trying to incorporate player suggestions. Letting them know what you don’t like is fine, but not giving them a shot at fixing it is asinine.
Posted bydrocdaddy#1461on Dec 11, 2024, 2:27:36 PM
Hi everyone,
Please keep in mind the forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game, and avoid personally attacking, and antagonising one another as it breaches our rules.
Need help with something? Feel free to email us:
Posted byVash_GGGon Dec 11, 2024, 3:39:10 PMGrinding Gear Games
There is literally nothing constructive about the original post in general, its just complaining for attention and being negative towards the devs as a whole when there are plenty of good things with the game, sure there are things that need work but thats the entire point of early access
Posted byNemo#0066on Dec 12, 2024, 3:27:23 AM
There is literally nothing constructive about the original post in general, its just complaining for attention and being negative towards the devs as a whole when there are plenty of good things with the game, sure there are things that need work but thats the entire point of early access
Completely agree, I think he is a troll farming troll points .
Posted bypesadel0#0571on Dec 12, 2024, 4:34:19 AM
If you cared about your money, you'd hold onto it until the game was out and you could see real reviews and watch full gameplay to make an informed decision.
This is such a stupid take. A lot of us paid our money for this game because the company had built up our TRUST with poe1 and we wanted to support them. And a lot of us just aren't having fun after being hyped for so long. We feel like we've been tricked
You literally haven't been tricked. Something not meeting your expectations isn't being tricked. Trickery would involve intentional deception. Just because you put blind faith in something because of the company's reputation doesn't mean you were ripped off or deceived. If money is that important to you that something not living up to your expectations would be a huge point of contention, then you would not (or should not, I guess) buy into something sight unseen before release when you could instead just wait even one day to see what the general reception would be.
Last edited by PinkRabite#7321 on Dec 12, 2024, 3:27:59 PM
Posted byPinkRabite#7321on Dec 12, 2024, 3:27:25 PM
Posted byyongsinner#5570on Dec 20, 2024, 10:34:13 AM
I'm still edge of it to do same.
As a Poe1 veteran I've no issue with challanges unless unbalanced but facing with many illogical aprroach of new things it's started to irridiate me. Like 4th ascendancy is a total joke. I'm not gonna spend my hours to do here to get 4th skill points for ascend. I'm prefering doing maps but I'm started to think waste of my time is really worth for this game? Mayve leave now, paid for this game for supporting it's ok, I did in PoE 1 too. But nah man this game is broken is hell at the moment.
Posted byArtoba84#7071on Dec 20, 2024, 10:43:09 AM
Feeling amazing already!
It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.
Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).
Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.
The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.
Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.
They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.
The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.
Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.
Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.
And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.
not surprised someone with a STREAMER(TM) name makes a post like this. On what planet are these people from LOL
Step 1 is to self reflect.
Posted byRKxZlcLUUF#5704on Dec 20, 2024, 10:45:06 AM
The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.
POE 2 left me in the same exact situation and I posted on it myself and got trolled for it.
Nah, I don't think they get that some people do speak with their wallet; and they won't get another dime from me.
Posted byRichardBachman#4230on Dec 20, 2024, 11:35:47 AM