Bloodmage [EA] - "Sanguine Bonemage" - Phys/Crit Build (+ some Bleed/Break)
hi i have been playing a similar bonestorm build and i'll likely give the stuff in here a try too.
my major weaknesses right now with this build are doors, staircases, and overwhelmingly large packs of ranged mobs. any solutions to these? |
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" Sorry about that. The first link in the Passive Tree section is still the main build. I have hidden the other links, such as for leveling, behind spoiler tag dropdowns so its a little cleaner to look at. I'll work on building out my Gem and Gear notes this weekend. I focus on Armour and Energy shield. Last edited by Chavic_13#1710 on Dec 14, 2024, 5:24:56 AM
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" I agree. Doors and Staircases are bad for casters, and huge packs of powerful ranged mobs sucks for everyone. My approach is kind of the same for all of these. Run away, then slowly approach until you can find and angle to kill a small amount from a distance/the right angle with Bonestorm, the start nuking with Detonate Dead. Not always successful. Someone else in this thread had recommended adding Leap Slam as a movement skill that could also give some options in these situations. Last edited by Chavic_13#1710 on Dec 14, 2024, 5:24:13 AM
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" Scattershot can be good if you are consistently close range/point blank on all shots, as there may be a bit of shotgunning. Based on my testing with it, the speed of shooting feels a lot better with Scattershot, but damage at any range is noticeably less. People in this thread have claimed "half" or "zero damage". That's not quite right, but it does feel like less than the 20% reduced damage claimed by the skill description. What I was noticing is enemies I could kill in one volley now took two volleys because it would drop the enemy to 20-30% health and I'd have to shoot again. So if I can shoot twice as fast, but have to shoot twice as much, the better feel of fast shooting kinda gets negated. Maybe further testing is needed here, but that has been my experience so far. |
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" You are channeling thrice as fast as you summon 3 projectiles instead of 1. For me, it does more DpS than without it but it's also a huge QoL improvement + If you play with Minions, you get more Bonestorm Debuff trigger. Last edited by RaphaelDjirane#7270 on Dec 14, 2024, 6:16:22 AM
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" Yes, I was speaking generally. So with Scatter shot, are you using Bonestorm for all content? And its keeping up on bosses without gem swaps? My other concern with Scattershot was having to keep up Dex, rather than just pure Str/Int. Is that part working out? Last edited by Chavic_13#1710 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:01:02 AM
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will you try the burden of shadows ? it grants !% of chaos dmg per 3 life cost of skills sadly it also convert mana cost to life cost i have no idea if it will work like blood magic i would be thankfull for you thoughts
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" Ricochet helps a little bit. If you can target somewhere through a door or up stairs where there's a clear 'chain' line of site between where you hit and the enemy, some projectiles will chain over. It's slow, but works. large packs of ranged mobs just sucks. I just back up and take it slow. Bonestorm has incredible range, so you can take advantage of that. |
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I've been trying to go life and nearly pure ES, since it's really hard to scale anything besides ES and Recoup given our starting point on the tree. With decent recharge rate and start of recharge, it's a serviceable buffer for hp.
Since I had pretty high investment, I figured I'd give eternal youth a try to get that nice regen on hp instead. Well, it sucks. When the regen kicks in, it's great. However the one massive downside is that the hp cost of casting skills stops the health recharge :/ Another interesting idea for the trashcan. |
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The OP suggests Cold Infusion as the 6th link; Cold Infusion can't support spells, only attacks. hth.
E: OP was changed to suggest considered casting, which is a reasonable choice :) Last edited by boneytooth#0317 on Dec 14, 2024, 1:21:52 PM
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