Bloodmage [EA] - "Sanguine Bonemage" - Phys/Crit Build (+ some Bleed/Break)

Thanks so much for this. I have been searching for a bone magic blood mage build forever
Has anyone tried to get the Blood Magic node on the left side of the tree yet? I'm thinking about trying to go to it just so I can see how it works. Hopes would be that you can get that any possibly not cost any life/mana for spells with how Sanguimancy and Blood Magic are worded. However GGG probably thought about that already. Other downside of it could be that is costs double the life for a spell. Just curious since it is the same direction as building for a little block.
Have we looked at going down the left side through the barbarian passives? There's the juicy huge crit chance bonus and crit dmg at the cost of extra mana cost. Could also grab 2 large nodes that dmg goes through mana first. And then take spells cost life instead of mana?
even with a reliable way to get power charges, dd is just so much better than 3 charges bonestorm at clearing
Hmm, haven't seen OP in a while, here's hoping this guide doesn't die, it's an interesting build.
Would love to see an update from OP. This build got me over a hurdle at the act 2 boss and has carried me since then.
Im a Crit Bonestorm build pushing 74$ crit at 500 multiplier with Atziris Acuity.

Spirit: Grim Feast, Blink, Lingering Illusion, +1 Skeleton brute, Clarity.

Hit points before combat:
2,860 HP
3,334 ES

Hit points in combat:
somewhere between 9k-11k total combined ES/HP.

Bonestorm: Considered Casting, Arcane Tempo, Brutality, Physical Mastery, Exploit Weakness.

Bone Cage: Splinter , Astral Projection, Demolisher, Bleed.

Vunerability: persistence

Detonate Dead: Conc, Spell Echo, Unleash, Corpse Conservation

Profane Ritual - Profusion, Fast Forward, Magnified Effect, Burning Inscription

Blink - Ingenuity, Wind Wave

Profane Ritual is to generate power charges, as well as lingering illusion.
Ideally id drop lingering illusion and the skele brute to run Blasphemy with Vulnerability and Temp Chains.

I start attacking with Bone cage, astral projection allows me to target mobs from a distance, locking them in place. often this is enough with bleed and crit to get an initial monster kill for Detonate dead, or just to hold a rare monster in place for Bonestorm.

Bone Cage allows me time to cast profane ritual and generate charges if im pinning down a rare monster, allowing me to use bonestorm to its full effect.
Bone Cage breaks armor, and i get a huge buff from exploit weakness via bonestorm when it does.

My original thought were to be a Armor/ES setup, but i had a hard time getting ES values where i wanted, so i dropped Armor in its entirety and went full ES.

Ideally Id like to get an insane Sigil of power to run, but until then im running a full phys wand, with a damage based focus- this puts me in the ballpark of 250% spell damage total from my two weapons.

This build has been working remarkably well for me, When i started POE2 at launch, i was a little late. all my friends suggest infernalist, but i like to make my own path. pun intended.

Currently im hitting at about 71k per projectile before the shrapnel explosion, Vulnerability, and armor break. this puts me north of 1 million DPS via 20 projectiles.

Any questions on my build feel free to message me @StinkyFish. I dont check here often.

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