POE 2 Ancient Vows Quest Bugged
Same bug for me here. I wasn't sure where to insert them so i tried droping them on the little platforms in front of a giant, shortly after died and when i went there to pick them up, they were gone.
Commenting to make this more visible. Please implement a reset or give mobs a dropchance for us to finish the quest! |
same issue here, idk what to now.
Yeah im stuck at act 2 cruel. I dropped one of the relic and now it's impossible to get the relic. I cleared Keth 30-40 times still no luck. Hope they can solve this stupid issue.
I have the relics. I have the horn. Game directed me to Helani gates. Went there couldn't use horn. It directed me back to the valley where I spent an eternity looking for the relic holder. The pins disappear. I do the maps in their entirety and down the bosses. I'm level 31 now lol. Can't progress. Great game though, but this is really bad. After the valley and finding the relic areas, the grotto opens and there is no place. The quest guide online says there is a relic holder before the grotto.