Complete backwards step

Arruzaki#3625 wrote:
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:

Im always interested how this kind of "feedback" does anything to the discussion other than show you are mentally not fit to participate.

if you think online discussions about videogames need to be serious, especially regarding such stupid and useless topics like the difficulty in POE2, I'm gonna need you to whip out your masters in Online Gaming Discussion and show me that I'm really handling a professional
I like the slower gameplay, i have zero issues with that, in fact i welcome it over the zoomy endgame PoE1 or endgame D4. So i hope GGG does not change this. But i find the regular killing trashmobs during the campaign experience awful. It feels like grinding teeth. Its not a good gamedesign decision to have to basically use all of your skills just in order to clear the mobs. And if you happen to die they all respawn. Thats not a good thing. Boss difficulty is good. Hard but fair. I have NO issues dying 10x at Lachlann as a sorc (which i did), but i have issues barely managing to clear an area without several times being close to dying from trash. I also feel like the dodgeroll mechanic is too prominent. It should not feel like its a mandatory thing to use too often. It should be a nice to have thing. Also the loot from bosses is basically utter trash. It can't be that you barely manage to kill a boss after several wipes, you are at the edge of your seat and then get some whites and a few orbs. Thats just bad.
Last edited by th3orist#5387 on Dec 8, 2024, 1:27:09 AM
I dont really enjoy the game, I just slogged my way through act 3 just to see all the story content in the game and I really dont have it in me to push to maps. It is just way too slow for me. I hope they make some changes but I think I have seen enough for this version of the beta.

I have to say i don't mind it being slow. But i feel like its unnecessarily hard at the same time. Feels like trying to walk through glue. Its a difference whether you just walk normally or walk through glue. You might have the same speed walking, but one feels good, the other feels exhausting. So yeah, keep the slower pace, but make it feel good.
Game difficulty way too high, can't even pass a single boss. DO SOMETHING. can do the 2 arcs of poe 1 in 15h but can"t pass the devourer boss in act 1 of poe2. Why did i even spent for a supporter pack for a game i can't even play.
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:
Arruzaki#3625 wrote:
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:

Im always interested how this kind of "feedback" does anything to the discussion other than show you are mentally not fit to participate.

if you think online discussions about videogames need to be serious, especially regarding such stupid and useless topics like the difficulty in POE2, I'm gonna need you to whip out your masters in Online Gaming Discussion and show me that I'm really handling a professional

I just think about the poor guy working at GGG who has to read through those threads since they surely will use them to see player reaction to the state of the game.

While mimimi game too hard posts are not usefull in itself if they all share the same reasons as to why it is percieved this way they will help out GGG to maybe tweak the game, not to pander to the i want it to be easy guys, but to get it in a state where both sides can be reasonably happy.

For example people coming in with hey act 1 cave boss too strong. That might be a them issue because they dont play like the game intends you to (went to him with 3 chars and had 0 issue with this one while having 0 gear so i dont understand how other might have except maybe them going at it the "wrong" way.)

But game too "hard" because stuff like dodge roll not working like players might expect(Vs bosses nice vs more than 2 normal mobs is hey body block). Or maybe not enough currency/gold to get good gear to actually kill trash mobs quickly might be something the devs can look into.

In the end the game should become something that a wide variety of people can enjoy. Personally i love the boss fights being the way they are. I simply want to mow down the normal enemys faster because when my char is able to handle godlike entities he should not struggle with random zombies or bugs. (Its getting better now with higher tier skills and more sockets but the way to get there feels a little slow paced.)

And while i dont have a master in online gaming discussion i can have the opinion that comments that dont have at least some constructive message are not really helpful. I mean you do you, but i think at this stage of the game people bitching at eachother is only making it harder for the devs to read through it to improve the game.
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:
Arruzaki#3625 wrote:
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:

Im always interested how this kind of "feedback" does anything to the discussion other than show you are mentally not fit to participate.

if you think online discussions about videogames need to be serious, especially regarding such stupid and useless topics like the difficulty in POE2, I'm gonna need you to whip out your masters in Online Gaming Discussion and show me that I'm really handling a professional

I just think about the poor guy working at GGG who has to read through those threads since they surely will use them to see player reaction to the state of the game.

While mimimi game too hard posts are not usefull in itself if they all share the same reasons as to why it is percieved this way they will help out GGG to maybe tweak the game, not to pander to the i want it to be easy guys, but to get it in a state where both sides can be reasonably happy.

For example people coming in with hey act 1 cave boss too strong. That might be a them issue because they dont play like the game intends you to (went to him with 3 chars and had 0 issue with this one while having 0 gear so i dont understand how other might have except maybe them going at it the "wrong" way.)

But game too "hard" because stuff like dodge roll not working like players might expect(Vs bosses nice vs more than 2 normal mobs is hey body block). Or maybe not enough currency/gold to get good gear to actually kill trash mobs quickly might be something the devs can look into.

In the end the game should become something that a wide variety of people can enjoy. Personally i love the boss fights being the way they are. I simply want to mow down the normal enemys faster because when my char is able to handle godlike entities he should not struggle with random zombies or bugs. (Its getting better now with higher tier skills and more sockets but the way to get there feels a little slow paced.)

And while i dont have a master in online gaming discussion i can have the opinion that comments that dont have at least some constructive message are not really helpful. I mean you do you, but i think at this stage of the game people bitching at eachother is only making it harder for the devs to read through it to improve the game.

The game is not hard... it's tedious and boring... gameplay is way too slow, bosses have insane HP and you don't die because they're hard but because the fight is way too long and you are bound to make a mistake after having to dodge the one shot mechanics for the 5th-6th or 7th time in the fight because you're doing no damage...

The campaign is way too long and tedious... 60 hours to get to endgame??? Really now??? So you need to play the equivalent of the campaign of Assassin's Creed Valhalla (a game that is notoriously long and tedious) just to get to endgame? That's a whole month if you play EVERY DAY 2 hours...

But of course you think the game is "perfect" even though it has alienated at least 80% of the original PoE1 fanbase... you know... the people that have kept this game alive for 11 fucking years and GGG devs lied to them to use them as pockets for their horribly made Dark Souls Wannabe ARPG PoE2 that is not hard but it's a fucking dodge roll simulation because you press space more than you use your skills in this game...

The game is just BAD because they used only streamers and no-lifers to playtest...

Finally, the game is DUMB... the options for viable builds are about 2 per class and they're EXTREMELY OBVIOUS... so the whole "make your own ideas" bullshit they were spitting out at us? Yeah... all lies...

This game will die very very fast because it doesn't respect it's REAL fanbase...
Last edited by Blade_Dancer_90#3602 on Dec 8, 2024, 10:32:57 PM
Don't expect to play normal PoE 1, expect to play PoE Ruthless. For example, Act 2 boss "lootsplosion"

You gotta assume you will not get much, so you have to make do with what you get is the saying I guess?

2 regals is actually pretty good, considering you probably have some blue pieces equipped and can get 2 free mods with this. I feel it‘s visually not as exciting as a rare or unique item drop because all currencies look the same on the ground by default, regardless of their rarity.
It's boring and tedious, not difficult. What a letdown.

It's boring and tedious, not difficult. What a letdown.

I agree. Got to level 34 and have no interest or motivation to continue. Gameplay is slow, tedious, and repetitive. Every fight is dodge, attack, dodge, attack, .....
Ive spent thousands of hours in poe 1 and spent way more on supporter packs then any sane person should its my favorite game of all time. I made it 20 hours in poe 2 before i just uninstalled it.

Its slow frustrating and not even a little bit fun to play.

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