Complete backwards step

CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
mrtoothy#4394 wrote:
POE 2 is great ;)

Sorry, it's just not.

Sorry, it is.

It's just not for the TikTok generation who start to cry in the forums that it's "to hard" after wiping a boss 1-2 times with full blue gear.

It's an ARPG....if you stuck, make a step back and farm better 1-2 levels and try again.

People just cry becasue they can't faceroll all content day1 in a new game while applauding themself by doing they can do in D4. ;)

This is one of the most toxic troll posts I've seen all day.

This game isn't for everyone. No reason to be a d-bag about it.
and that's fine - POE1 was originally created as the spiritual successor to D2, because the 'masses' had devolved to D3, as can be evidenced with how Blizz had to dumb down D4 over S2 - 7.

The Diablo franchise has always had a higher player count as that is what it was designed for - greater accessability, ease of play, a shorter gameplay dopamine loop that appealed to the masses. There's a reason Candy Crush was the most profitable and popular game in the world.

I've already stated that there's scope for tuning improvements, but the core concept should remain intact.

From many posts, I feel like a lot of players have become the equivalent of slot machine players and are now freaking out that they're at the baccarat table.

Yes, more loot, yes make it more forgiving - but let's leave an offering in the market that actually encourages skill uplift and requires thoughtfulness and engagement to play, as was the original mission of POE.

And even then, they're literally leaving POE1 intact and active, so you can swap between them as you like.

EDIT - polish

Issue with skill uplift is that gear plays such a huge role in the power of your character. There is a reason in souls games gear plays a relative low role in a players ability to beat a boss. So low is the role of gear and levels, people are able to do level 1 naked runs relatively easily. The fact that this is still an ARPG that relies on rng gearing for such a huge part of the character power runs antithetical to focusing on player skill uplift. If they want player skill to be the focus, then they need to lower the impact of gear a lot, or drop a whole lot more of it. Trying to blend the two you end up with having an overly easy time if you get good gear, or a lesson in pure frustration if you don't get gear.

There is a reason they moved away from the overly difficult campaign in POE1, and that is because it is not popular (just look at ruthless mode and the lack of players playing it). The devs also said POE1 wouldn't focus on racing to max or killing bosses first, yet that is what was popular, thus they adapted to it. They'll change POE2 as players stop coming back to the slog every new season.
I was sincerely hoping to be wrong, but when I saw the pace of game play in the reveal content I was thinking, "Man, I'm glad they decided to keep PoE 1 around".

Unfortunately, my gut was correct. Unless some significant changes are made to balance, pacing, and gear progression, I will remain a PoE 1 only player.

I don't even feel like trudging through the campaign a single time. How terrible will the second, third, and hundredth time feel? :(
nice feedback
Cherd#1787 wrote:
I was sincerely hoping to be wrong, but when I saw the pace of game play in the reveal content I was thinking, "Man, I'm glad they decided to keep PoE 1 around".

Unfortunately, my gut was correct. Unless some significant changes are made to balance, pacing, and gear progression, I will remain a PoE 1 only player.

I don't even feel like trudging through the campaign a single time. How terrible will the second, third, and hundredth time feel? :(

I don't blame you mate.
Unfortunately for me, I've already played PoE into the ground, and it just refuses to run well on my system anymore. So for me, it's this or nothing.

And so far, I am not god damn impressed.
Still, it's early days.
I dont really enjoy the game, I just slogged my way through act 3 just to see all the story content in the game and I really dont have it in me to push to maps. It is just way too slow for me. I hope they make some changes but I think I have seen enough for this version of the beta.

and that's fine - POE1 was originally created as the spiritual successor to D2, because the 'masses' had devolved to D3, as can be evidenced with how Blizz had to dumb down D4 over S2 - 7.

The Diablo franchise has always had a higher player count as that is what it was designed for - greater accessability, ease of play, a shorter gameplay dopamine loop that appealed to the masses. There's a reason Candy Crush was the most profitable and popular game in the world.

I've already stated that there's scope for tuning improvements, but the core concept should remain intact.

From many posts, I feel like a lot of players have become the equivalent of slot machine players and are now freaking out that they're at the baccarat table.

Yes, more loot, yes make it more forgiving - but let's leave an offering in the market that actually encourages skill uplift and requires thoughtfulness and engagement to play, as was the original mission of POE.

And even then, they're literally leaving POE1 intact and active, so you can swap between them as you like.

EDIT - polish

Oh 100% man, but please don't build a game on money we donated for PoE 1 to have "an offering in the market that actually encourages skill uplift". This is unfair. We waited for PoE 4.0 not Dark Souls Ruthless experience, we bought supporter packs, stashes, MTXs etc. just for it to be repurposed into this abomination.
It is clear now that any money donated on PoE 1 will go to build "THE VISION" TM which is why for now at least I will stop buying any MTX. I don't want the "keep it hard / difficult / complicated" crowd to have the time of their life on my money while I sit and play an old spaghetti code game with old graphics instead of the 4.0 I was promised

Granted I didn't even buy that much just about 200$, some people payed way way more

Edit: added to the comment
Last edited by Etvein#1213 on Dec 8, 2024, 12:47:11 AM
To me the game feels good so far. Its harder than POE1 and that is fine in my opinion.

The more slow methodical combat has its charm.

But i think the balance of things is a little off right now (which is fine cause early access).

I got blessed with crafting a quite nice weapon.

But my char still feels a little weak considering this weapon is quite good.

Its simply that the pacing in which you get to upgrade spells by adding more sockets etc feels a little slow. I have like 15 uncut skill and 10 uncut support lvl1 gems in my stash but just now found my first small jewelers orb at the start of act3 (yeah im not that far i know).

Bosses are challenging but i got both act 1 and act 2 boss down in 2 tries each.
But even with that weapon act 2 boss took like 0 damage from any of my skills and it took 15 minutes to kill him. Its fine if bosses are more challenging, but i think at least in the leveling stage it might be better if your skills at least do more than 1% boss hp a hit(Dont even want to imagine other people going solo into the fights without a good weapon).

What my main takeaway is that the game might need adjustments. They can increase drop rates of items so have more chances to craft good gear for example, because that already helps to make the game feel less tedious or hard. If even white "trash" mobs tank a full skill rotation it feels like your char is weak af.

And they really have to do something about the dodge roll.
Getting blocked by everything and the game spawning small enemys behind you from time to time makes it feel like yeah... i have the dodge roll, but it does nothing if i actually are in need to use it because i cannot roll away anyways.

It does work great on boss abilities tho. So i think they only need to adress the roll vs normal trash mobs.

I just hope they will tweak the leveling experience until the game hits full launch. I dont look forward to take forever to get through the acts each new season. I dont have to onetap everything and zoom through the maps, but at least the feeling that my char is reasonable strong once it has a few good items.

Bosses and gold mobs should be the challenge. White mobs should be fodder to destroy while running to your destination. Not that a group of white mobs tanks like they are small bosses xD.
Etvein#1213 wrote:
Oh 100% man, but please don't build a game on money we donated for PoE 1 to have "an offering in the market that actually encourages skill uplift". This is unfair. We waited for PoE 4.0 not Dark Souls Ruthless experience, we bought supporter packs, stashes, MTXs etc. just for it to be repurposed into this abomination.
It is clear now that any money donated on PoE 1 will go to build "THE VISION" TM which is why for now at least I will stop buying any MTX. I don't want the "keep it hard / difficult / complicated" crowd to have the time of their life on my money while I sit and play an old spaghetti code game with old graphics instead of the 4.0 I was promised

Granted I didn't even buy that much just about 200$, some people payed way way more

I'm one of the people that has paid "way way more" over the years, but I'm not bitter about it. I've played PoE for over a decade now and feel that I've gotten more than fair value worth of enjoyment.

I hope that PoE 2 can be restructured into something that I want to play, but my future support isn't contingent on that being the case. So long as PoE 1 content continues to live up to expected standards then I'm happy. But, if PoE 1 content obviously falters due to PoE 2 development, then that will change. I'm not going to pay for a game that I don't want to play.
_Aeron_#3445 wrote:

Im always interested how this kind of "feedback" does anything to the discussion other than show you are mentally not fit to participate.

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