Complete backwards step

I have been a long time POE fan and have very avidly supported the game through microtransactions and supporter packs as you can see to the right over there. I fell into the hype of this new game. But here we are. What made POE fun for me was the screenclearing powerspiking gameplay with fast movement and the feeling of grinding out thousands of mobs for comparable loot. Making my way to Act 2 in this game and I have probably found less than a hundred total item drops, have died to normal monsters who can somehow one shot me despite using the best gear I have been dropped or can afford on my pity gold allowance, and no ability to craft items outside of adding random mods on my blues.

It is very clear that this game was geared towards the streamers and professional players who complained that the game was "too easy" and wanted hardcore modes while making sure to alienate us casual players who just want to enjoy power spike feels when they come.

The game is gorgeous, runs well on my PC, and the music/sound/voice acting is wonderfully done, but the gameplay falls so flat and boring it takes the whole experience away. The reliance on a dodge roll or die mechanic for boss fights was a great idea that just does not translate to fun gameplay of being bodylocked into a corner over and over again. I am hoping that the devs truely treat this EA as a chance to listen to players' concerns. As of now, all POE2 is at the moment is a promise off less seasons of POE1 for me to be excited for and support.
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 12:13:53 AM
POE 2 is great ;)
POE 2 is great ;)

Sorry, it's just not.
POE 2 is great ;)

Great for some. Horrible for others.
Good feedback
mrtoothy#4394 wrote:
POE 2 is great ;)

Sorry, it's just not.

Sorry, it is.

It's just not for the TikTok generation who start to cry in the forums that it's "to hard" after wiping a boss 1-2 times with full blue gear.

It's an ARPG....if you stuck, make a step back and farm better 1-2 levels and try again.

People just cry becasue they can't faceroll all content day1 in a new game while applauding themself by doing they can do in D4. ;)
Don't expect to play normal PoE 1, expect to play PoE Ruthless. For example, Act 2 boss "lootsplosion"

You gotta assume you will not get much, so you have to make do with what you get is the saying I guess?
What is too slow or too hard is relative. What I can fully agree with however is being body-blocked all the time by absurdly fast moving white mobs. It drives me crazy and is not really fun. I feel like 90% of my time I am pushed into defense, running away and kiting backwards. Whenever I engage into pack of mobs (to hopefully stun them or throw off balance) I always end up getting swarmed to death.

And before you say it's skill issue - well, not really. I am skilled enough to avoid such deaths, I can handly myself. I'm just trying to say that more direct, offense-oriented gameplay is being heavily punished. I am getting stun-locked as soon as I gap-close enemies, even though I invested quite some points in inc. stun threshold.
absulutely agree.

we all know what we liked poe for.
i spent like 20 hours in poe2 and i dont like it for many reasons.
needless to say i spent like 12 years in poe...

i am very dissapointed. and its not an issue of finalizing the balance. its all about the view.
shall the blizzrd rage? i assume this is a failure for now...

CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
mrtoothy#4394 wrote:
POE 2 is great ;)

Sorry, it's just not.

Sorry, it is.

It's just not for the TikTok generation who start to cry in the forums that it's "to hard" after wiping a boss 1-2 times with full blue gear.

It's an ARPG....if you stuck, make a step back and farm better 1-2 levels and try again.

People just cry becasue they can't faceroll all content day1 in a new game while applauding themself by doing they can do in D4. ;)

what kind of 2 bit garbage white knighting fanboy post is this?
"i don't have issues so there must be no issues"
and then insulting everyone who has issues "tiktok generation diablo players"
man shame on you.

Anyway the game has issues that make it harder then it needs to be. not because of difficult game. but due to frustrating non fun issues and balancing. one class can stomp over bosses while another is going to wipe 20 times. purely do to the way the class/weapon plays. that's bad design.

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