Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

This is no trivial matter. Before focusing on aspects like loot balance or nerfing certain classes, ensuring the game is properly optimized should be the top priority. Without a stable and reliable foundation, gameplay adjustments become meaningless.
I feel that server stability should be the #1 priority.
Mismos fallos.
El juego no se puede jugar a ciertas horas con los picos constantes en el network.

Por favor, actualicen, arreglen y den info al respecto.
OK guys, this may be a solution. clear the chat record by just Enter /clear in the chat.
my friend said this solution comes from reddit. just open your in game chat and type /clear and works for me. After the clear, you could switch to a non-popular channel before GGG fix this bug. at least there will be no lag spikes stuttering
lag spikes might come from overloaded links, messages and data from chat/trade channels. GGG didnt optimize chat record history making everyone's CPU repeatedly reload/overload all messages and links, which also explains why some people were ok in the first couple of days but got lag spikes stuttering later.

before Enter /clear, Enter F1, you will see crazy CPU fluctuations, but after type /clear and Enter, CPU fluctuations gone, lag spikes/stuttering gone

additionally, enter these lines in chat to clear both global and trade record history and switch to any non-popular channel xyz:
/global xyz(replace xyz with any channel number you like such as 100 247 136 etc.)
/trade xyz
Last edited by luluskim#1796 on Dec 15, 2024, 12:04:45 AM
Can add myself to this list.
Checking the servers every day and everytime too much lag to be able to play.

Thankfully today has been lag-free so far (knock on wood), but over the past week probably half or more of my playtime has been under lagspike conditions. Every ~20-30 seconds, Network will jump from <20ms to 150-200ms and stay there for ~10-15 seconds, which you would think should still be playable, but unfortunately turns this game into a stuttery PowerPoint.

None of the folk remedies I tried (channel count low, auto/predictive/lockstep networking, Reflex off, etc) helped. For what it's worth, I'm playing on Wi-Fi, but have seen people with similar issues on wired connections as well.

The weird part is every few sessions there is one with no absolutely no issues at all. But most so far have been lagfests regardless of which gateway/realm I choose, which zone I'm in, or how many new instances I open.

I don't even think it has to do with peak/off-peak timing tbh. Was playing in the dead of the night this early AM and issue was still present. Seems like RNG at this point.

The only "workaround" that's actually worked for me is simply pausing the game during spikes 💀
Last edited by tbagster#2074 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:43:30 PM
This also just started happening to me as of last night. I have very good internet, no frame issues at all in POE 2 on max settings, and all of the sudden today I'm getting microstutter lag during combat or when new mobs are entering the screen.

I see my poe network spike from 25 ms to 150 ms each time it happens as well.
tbagster#2074 wrote:
Thankfully today has been lag-free so far (knock on wood), but over the past week probably half or more of my playtime has been under lagspike conditions. Every ~20-30 seconds, Network will jump from <20ms to 150-200ms and stay there for ~10-15 seconds, which you would think should still be playable, but unfortunately turns this game into a stuttery PowerPoint.

None of the folk remedies I tried (channel count low, auto/predictive/lockstep networking, Reflex off, etc) helped. For what it's worth, I'm playing on Wi-Fi, but have seen people with similar issues on wired connections as well.

The weird part is every few sessions there is one with no absolutely no issues at all. But most so far have been lagfests regardless of which gateway/realm I choose, which zone I'm in, or how many new instances I open.

I don't even think it has to do with peak/off-peak timing tbh. Was playing in the dead of the night this early AM and issue was still present. Seems like RNG at this point.

The only "workaround" that's actually worked for me is simply pausing the game during spikes 💀

try this just type /clear in the chat and Enter. it will clear all chat records and stop the stuttering.GGG didnt optimize chat records history making CPU fluctuation and game stuttering. After clearing both chat records of trade and global channels, switch to a non-popular channel is temporary solution before GGG notice and fix this bug.
Last edited by luluskim#1796 on Dec 14, 2024, 10:10:47 PM
At first I thought to myself could it be? all the trolls on reddit who lie on a daily basis about "Amd Driver issues" the same people who never owned a Radeon GPU in their life who post these lies, could it be these people are right?

Turns out no, everyone on both Nvidia and AMD GPUs have this issue.

Here I am with a Ryzen 5700 X3D and RX 6800 Core, and I have this exact same issue as everyone else.

After a while of playing this game will suddenly delve into a massive horrid amount of repeated stutters out of nowhere even tho pings and FPS are perfectly fine. Imagine getting stutter at 100 FPS.
Same here and it seems to be connected to lockstep and latency.

Weird how this wasn't an issue on launch, but now it is player numbers sinking every day...

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