Bought the Lord of Ogham and never received the items and gold

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Same guys i got the $60 founders pack as well on my ps5 got access but have let to any of the cosmetics or pets or anything from the pack other then early access do's anyone no y everything from the founders pack is missing and y does my poe account keep saying i dont have early access when am playing the game
Same problem here and my stash tabs didn’t transfer either
Same for me, my other half on PC has his items but not coins. Spent $100 have nothing.
same for me. Bought 99 dollar pack on PS5 in Playstation. Only have game access. No points or any pack items.
Same here man I hope I get the stuff soon
It seems to be bugged on all level of packs on ps5..

The founders pack not received the 300 points either
Same here

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