GGG need to undertstand that Fextralife is the problem I feel like they don't get it.
Explicitly stated Fextra is a well known grifter and con artist who has meta gamed Youttube and Twitch systems into appearing to be a much larger and much more popular creator than they actually are. Twitch has even changed their rules specifically to stop Fextra's grift.
by embedding streams and vids (viewbotting) playing games with video view counts and live streaming numbers on their wiki they have defrauded many Game devs into paying him for sponsored streams as a 10-30,000 viewer streamer when in fact his actual viewership is in the dozens to hundreds. This is literal fraud. GGG is an actual victim of this confidence game. (should probably get their lawyers involved). Most of twitch understands this because its REAL streamers bread and butter to understand the way the system is gamed. Which is why everyone on twitch hates this "content creator" to some degree or another. There was a whole big blow up about the guy last year followed by Fextra literally refusing to go live without their padded fake view count after twitch changed embedding gamification to no longer pad Fextra's numbers with fake viewers. Anyway someone at GGG needs to be knowing they got scammed because letting this grifter get early access shows they aren't in the know. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Last bumped on Dec 3, 2024, 7:42:08 PM
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i like how GGG actually claimed it was a misunderstanding and took the fall on behalf of fextralife.
stating that theyre not allowed to post guides etc, to ease tensions. only to have fextralife slap ggg in the face by posting walkthrus etc. fucking shit fextralife. ggg took the L for YOU and you shat in their face instead. [Removed by Support] [Removed by Support] Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Dec 2, 2024, 2:39:15 AM
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I honestly wonder if Fextra is in the USA and if there might be a multi million dollar federal case for fraud. I'm not usually one to give a shit about a corporation getting hypothetically defrauded but there's pretty easy open and shut case here of presenting their channels as far more popular than they are using website tricks while collecting huge sponsorship payouts based on viewership they don't even remotely pull in..
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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The players who fall to bait and grief content are their own problem.
It's not hard to avoid said content or even other fomo driving content creators. Don't click, don't watch it's that simple, but I feel like there's just a lot of fomo going on cause they already had the chance to play the early access while the rest still has to wait a few days. Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
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" Wait till you find out about what CSGO/PUBG pros do in LAN tournaments with private cheats and big streamers defrauding their little kid audience with their "skills" via low FOV aimbots they use with an overlay on Twitch. You think they're getting prosecuted? Of course not. There's a lot of dirty money being made by sketchy people and most don't question any of it. Most are really slow to even catch onto these kinds of things. People seem really naive and gullible to think athletes won't risk their reputation for profit or that politicians won't break their campaign promises or that no businessman will put their profit above the benefit of others. Yet somehow with people who stream or play video games professionally, the same rules don't apply. 🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Standard>Leagues✨🌀🔰🔶🔷
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷 Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow |
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For all we know GGG didn’t give FL access, someone that GGG did passed it on to FL.
Fair play to GGG for taking it on the chin when it clearly was not their fault at all, I wouldn’t have. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
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i will give my two cents about all this controversy
first, GGG does not want to escalate things because it never helps we can only hope they change some of their internal policies or remove someone from staff to prevent this happening in the future second, i see this drama is larger than it should be because people are getting second-handed angry or something by proxy: the ones who are truly angry - and rightly so - are the other content creators that now feel punished because some shady guy broke the NDA. this is specially the case with content creators that are affiliated with sites COMPETING with scummy fextraloser. third, if you don't care about being spoiled or you are one of those waiting for leaks and datamining this should not impact you. in the other hand, people like me who cares about enjoying the game and do not want to be spoiled we can only take precaution like getting some browser extensions to block channels that are spoiling in advance because they also want that sweet ad revenue or engagement metrics. finally, we are only seeing a drama that is happening between streamers/youtubers as the established and OG creators are feeling the squeeze because PoE 2 is getting a TON of attention and now we have orphaned creators from other games because of "D4 BAD" content creators are competing because "attention span" is a scarce resource from audience distance yourselves from all of this or embrace it completely the choice has always been yours and yours alone, not from your favourite streamer good luck everyone Last edited by Dragoon_Diver#5241 on Dec 2, 2024, 8:41:38 AM
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GGG probably aren't making a big deal out of this because it's NOT a big deal. Like... at all. It could not possibly matter less, and everyone needs to calm the hell down.
Why do I say it doesn't it matter? Well... 1 - This is a voided early access build of an unfinished game. Absolutely none of the things we all get up to on Friday will carry over into the full game when it comes out, and literally every skill, item, and enemy are subject to change. 2 - Everybody who cares about campaign spoilers is already avoiding videos about the game. Because... obviously. So the people who go out of their way to watch a campaign playthrough are opting into spoilers. I haven't watched anything since the reveal, which was incredibly easy to do. All I had to do... was nothing. 3 - The idea that people are going to quit the game after getting bad info from Fextras guide is absolutely laughable. No remotely intelligent and mature human being acts this way; if I get a new chocolate cake recipe and I follow it and the end product tastes awful, am I then going to think "all chocolate cakes are bad?" OFC NOT, I'M GOING TO CONCLUDE THAT THE RECIPE WAS SHIT AND FIND A DIFFERENT ONE MADE BY SOMEONE ELSE. And that's even assuming anyone follows his guide in the first place, which is a BIG assumption. 4 - I might be wrong about this, but isn't it true that Fextra didn't get to play in maps? Because if it is, even if I were somehow wrong about my first three points ( which I am not) it still wouldn't matter because we're talking about the game's tutorial. So all of this rage makes no sense and is not grounded in any kind of logic. People need to take a look at themselves and realize that the real reason they're so triggered by this is the same sour grapes FOMO nonsense it always is. You're all just mad that someone you don't like got special treatment and you didn't, and everyone can tell that's why you're mad. Stop being mad, none of this crap matters. Login on Friday and have a good time! |
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" You're right about avoiding unwanted influences and i've tried to practice ignoring things that i feel might spoil my experiences, It's pretty normal in almost anything that can be spoiled to avoid such things and no matter what you do or what we're talking about here there's no guarantee it won't be spoiled. It's really difficult sometimes in the current culture with streaming a lot of users will watch a stream and then very excited come to their friends to deliver the exciting new and useful information which i guess for a lot of people is great but im some kind of dinosaur who wants to suffer to learn and enjoy the journey. Edit: On this Fextralife stuff, i thought it was just a wiki that was trying to make money on ads by supporting a lot of games from the first glance many years ago, I'm really sad that GGG has been betrayed by some of these streamers and i really wish that GGG would give some new streamers who will actually appreciate the opportunity a chance to take the stage. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 2, 2024, 9:13:34 AM
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"So much this. It is actually borderline asinine how hard people are losing their shit over a non-issue like this. Absolutely wild. |
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