GGG need to undertstand that Fextralife is the problem I feel like they don't get it.

Those of you replying that the "real problem" is the garbage wikis that will come you think the entire playerbase is a bunch of idiots who can't figure out a source is bad on their own?

It already happened in PoE1, more than once. It will happen again in PoE 2. Give the average person just a bit of credit...most people who use wikis will figure out in minutes whether the wiki is accurate and usable or not.

That line of argument is so deluded its not even worth laughing about. You know this is the internet right? 99% nonsense, 1% useful information.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Those of you replying that the "real problem" is the garbage wikis that will come you think the entire playerbase is a bunch of idiots who can't figure out a source is bad on their own?

It already happened in PoE1, more than once. It will happen again in PoE 2. Give the average person just a bit of credit...most people who use wikis will figure out in minutes whether the wiki is accurate and usable or not.

That line of argument is so deluded its not even worth laughing about. You know this is the internet right? 99% nonsense, 1% useful information.

Why care about throwing trash out your car? Its not your lawn, am I right?

the real problem is the guy is being rewarded for chronic dishonesty, doing fraudulent stuff, scamming uninformed corporations (I know I don't care either but THEY probably should care) potentially and more importantly uninformed indi devs (I do care about this), cluttering up google results, cluttering youtube feeds full of stuff that tricks and misinforms newer players. Generally shitting up the internet even more than it needs to be. And the only thing anyone has to do is say "hey game devs this guy is a scammer you probably shouldn't give them journalist status"... and your position is "It doesn't effect me so who cares"? a hand wave?

If no one cares about stuff like this then we all "race to the bottom". We get nothing but spam and low effort, bad signal to noise ratio. Surely you understand signal to noise ratio? people who don't care about principle or anything past their own self interest just make the world a worse place. Sadly they also seem to be winning.

But hey you go ahead and make it into a reductive strawman you can lecture at if you like.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Dec 3, 2024, 12:02:05 AM
AintCare#6513 wrote:
kolyaboo#7295 wrote:
Am I the only one that never heard of Fextra before this? I feel like I am.

nope, i had to watch YT soap opera channel to figure this shit out. But i must admit, the individual in question operates like a pro-PoE player just IRL

Yeah you can almost admire their meta-gaming of SEO.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Everyone of these threads (and there are several) and every reply is just giving FL free advertising and they’re laughing to the bank.
People need to just stop talking about them.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Everyone of these threads (and there are several) and every reply is just giving FL free advertising and they’re laughing to the bank.
People need to just stop talking about them.

Yeah no, no one is reading this stuff and deciding to commit their game time to following a Fextra life guide or bookmarking the least expert and lowest effort wiki.

I can prove that this is nothing but bad for them: Last year a lot of big streamers like Asmon and Quin were talking about Fextra's grift, which pressured twitch to change their rules about embedding which caused Fextra to abandon their "10,000-30,000 viewer" streams. They literally refused to do a single stream from the moment twitch put the new embedding rules into place because it would have showed them having 10's of viewers and self exposed their actual lack of popularity. To date I believe they have not streamed on twitch even one time since.

This cost them a LOT of sponsored stream money potentially huge numbers.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.

But hey you go ahead and make it into a reductive strawman you can lecture at if you like.

Read the very first line of this post and revisit who's doing the "strawman".

My life, nor the health of the world, nor anything of even remote importance is controlled or affected by FL, or any streamer for that matter. I'm not going to give them or this argument any kind of significant "power" by comparing it to something that actually does have world consequences. That is what a "strawman" is.

Here's a better comparison, and not a strawman: You hear someone on the street shouting curse words, and you happen to not like curse words. That deserves an apocalyptic essay online, and a mobilization of the masses? Or do you just avoid that person? This is essentially what FL and their "wikis" are: a random person shouting in a busy public street. Walk around them.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 3, 2024, 2:02:41 PM
I've clicked on Fextra before I dont see any prob with it. Its much better than some of the YT vid's I've clicked on for 5 min for PoE 1. Plenty of bad apples out there.
One sad Exile

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