Sanctum for Ascendancy Discussion POE2

Did I understand the video correctly, and you need to find a token to be able to try the trial?
I think you got emotional and didn't understand what happened -
The first ascendancy only needs 3 rounds of the ultimatum, just like sanctum is just the first floor. The first lab is always complicated on the first char due to lack of gear, but it's just a matter of practice.
quodlike#4687 wrote:
Big L

Sorry GGG

Agreed, 100%

I unequivocally LOATHED sanctum.
And now it's an unavoidable part of the core game.
I'd rather just have the annoyance of the Lab trials back.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
I will miss Suitsizesmall's lab maps! :(
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Yea i absolutely hate the idea of losing when you get hit...
What the hell, I suck at Sanctum and I always lose.
If it forces me to do it to get the ascension points I'm never gonna get them cause i'l always fail.
Change it what the hell.
Last edited by Delia222#6218 on Nov 21, 2024, 11:06:10 PM
When this was mentioned I quivered. At least Ultimatum is doable.
Youtube - PartTimeExile

"Remember, youre the best."
Sounds like people with skill issues crying lol.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
I wonder if chronomancer will be able to stop all the stuff in trials..
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
Sounds like people with skill issues crying lol.

i don't think they realized that the new 'lab' will not differ much from the actual game play lol
I never liked Sanctum, so for me this is looking like a huge L. I'll reserve judgment until I actually try it, though.
My most hated game.
My most favorite game.
Such is the duality of man.

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