Settlers league is one of the most unrewardings i'ver seen.

DAYUMMMM unrewarding btw.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
And thats not even like including all the crazy crafts these guys bring you, you get a lot of stuff that is one mod close or pretty damn close to perfect.

Like the shipping specifically I remember I had 5 links before I even got to tII mapping.

This league for loot is just, I never seen anything like it. Excluding the mirror and HH from seer, like I dont need these things.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I'm done it all day, only getting chaos orbs and random shit, no barely worth the time to get the gold, at least for me.
No money until, GGG fix melee.
I got 1-4 divs in each and every one of my last 5 shipments. I'm sending around 2-5mil shipment value (only filling the quotas + dust)

And it's not just the currency. I get runes and tattoos which I sell in bulk (if <10c/each), Time Runes are 1 div right now on the market and I got about 5 of those (in addition to the raw divs)

You also get amazingly good rares, I had about 10 items worth 5+ divs just from my ships. Verisium sends back scarabs. And you get all this FOR FREE - all you have to do is map for your gold as you normally would.

In terms of investment vs reward this is by far the most rewarding league I've ever played.

And I didn't even get to the atlas runners. The atlas runners vs shippers is a whole different discussion and different people have different experiences. I personally got more out of shipments than mappers but this isn't true for everyone. However, both are rewarding, I get lifeforce, scarabs and other good stuff from my mappers too and occasionally they do bring me a div or something else that's good.

400k in shipments is what I was sending in white maps, so you definitely need to upgrade your town and your port and send more shipments. The quota values increase over time so you get better stuff in return for bigger ships.
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 12, 2024, 8:08:08 AM
HunterDIII wrote:
Ships: there is no huge difference in a 30k shippment to an 500k one.

I'm playing all day and it just bad, too much gold investment to a low rewarding

The league mechanic seens cool, but too much micro to a low rewarding.

Sorry to pile on, only read first half page and decided to weigh in.

Firstly, I’d kinda agree that Kingsmarch is a chore. It is however a very rewarding mechanic if done correctly (Google and you’ll find guides on how). RNG can ofc still smack you silly even if done right, welcome to PoE.

As for it overall….. I am, like most are, 90% sure Faustus will go core (he is poe2 trade beta)
I would be delighted if HO Rog got dust as a new option, if Isla became and new HO invitee and (properly balance costs ofc) she could do a drone mapper with ‘free’ (built into upgrade cost) mappers for gold+dust to upgrade and gold to run. The gold management would be handled by Faustus.
Rest of the league can get binned imo (either too tedious or too OP to go core)
It's getting really tiring, all the non-stop whining, ppl complained for years about too many items on the ground, GGG removes a ton of junk while keeping same drop rates for the good items, everyone is complaining cause of lack of items on the ground, I picked up a MB on the ground and another from the seer, seeing all kinds of crazy loot compared to previous leagues (except affliction), got a random apothecary drop in jungle valley cause of awesome "scry a map" addition, having a total blast, what do I see in the forum? more whining... SMH

speaking of shipments, why would you send 30k-500k shipments? that is a waste of time and resources... you have to use dust to multiply your shipment rewards, I send 5-8m shipments, multiple divines in each shipment rewards... mappers bring solid loot all the time (you gotta aim for 100% completion, so use 6 mod maps instead of 8-mod maps)

so basically you just don't know how the mechanic works yet you complain instead of figuring out or simply do a quick google search, SMH
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Logged into another time rune and 2 divs lol

500 of each crop
8250 dust
---> Riben Fell

All I do.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

right now
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
I am just going to say that this league can be extremely unrewarding while at the same time people can get good ships.

My experience has been very lackluster. It isn't like you can do it wrong, the only way to get more is to do a lot more engaging with it than I am comfortable with.

I think people who are terminally online need to realize that if you only send out like 12 shipments a week odds are you get practically nothing. Not everyone plays for hours on end or wants to login every 40 minutes.

It feels like GGG really missed the mark in a couple of ways. Hopefully they make some adjustments.

roundishcap wrote:
I am just going to say that this league can be extremely unrewarding while at the same time people can get good ships.

My experience has been very lackluster. It isn't like you can do it wrong, the only way to get more is to do a lot more engaging with it than I am comfortable with.

I think people who are terminally online need to realize that if you only send out like 12 shipments a week odds are you get practically nothing. Not everyone plays for hours on end or wants to login every 40 minutes.

It feels like GGG really missed the mark in a couple of ways. Hopefully they make some adjustments.

It is not related to how much you're online at all, you can stockpile gold for farmers and don't log in for days. Also in 12 ships there will most likely be divines, for me in last 12 ships I had at least 8 divines.

Someone who barely play the game would probably use gear from ships, as they bring prty decent rolled stuff.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 12, 2024, 12:10:22 PM

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