Narks_ wrote:
Shouldn't you ban everyone using this?
They're exploiting an oversight, this happened before.
Maybe reddit wasn't mad enough?
I will only reply twice to people who are too ignorant to know better, and too lazy to bother to be not ignorant about it - but what you do with the exploit matter more than the fact you used it. they gamed the economy, they should be kicked from the league - end of story. Yes, the line is to be drawn somewhere, but GGD already did that in the past, they just need to, you know, stick to it.
or why are we even bothering to balance wrt an economy?
Posted byBINARYGOD#2440on Aug 6, 2024, 3:49:12 PM
gruumine wrote:
So are we going to ban the folks using this build as well? Because clearly they “exploited” the unintended mechanism. Clearly they “ruined” the T17 farming economy.
The thing itself is not what was wrong that other time, it was what they did with it - that is usually the way it goes.
wow, so its gonna be "how you said it". lol ok
Posted bygruumine#5054on Aug 6, 2024, 4:06:17 PM
so where is the nerfs to the wages
i play a lot and hardly can sustain the 40k/hour
with the crew dieing a lot in the map device with 2% and in the ships with 0% risk
Posted byMokurp#2464on Aug 6, 2024, 4:49:21 PM
Echothesis wrote:
Linus1985 wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
Mr. Roberts, this is a great post, thank you for sharing thoughts with the community. Could you please apply same logic you've expressed here to how group MF tactics works in your game?:)
People gather together an aurabot, few MF-capable glass cannons (they have aurabot, so more free space on gear for MF) and an MF culler, get more MF just from being in party, and go printing divs, mirrors, T0 uniques at a rate no "normal" solo player can hope to achieve no matter how many years of playtime invested. Is this not "so overly broken", in your opinion?
solo play is just as effective sometimes even more.
Random fluctuations aside, shared loot generation means that party will always be greater than the sum of their stats. Simple math, they offload defenses to aurabot, they have more space to invest in MF and culling. And even a single mirror drop already covers all expenses from "but they have to divide loot by 6!".
I've suggested multiple times, use personal loot generation instead of shared, based on every player's own stats, so MF culling won't be a thing. This won't cause increased server load also, because currently there is already absurd volume of items generated, 99.99% of them immediately filtered out. So reduce quantity of item loot per player, increase average modifier tier per item, and give every player their own loot. Then it will indeed be just as solo loot, aside from combat advantage of playing in party, which is another issue that needs balancing.
Solo will do way more maps per hour than a group. Geting 10+ divines / hour as solo this league just as any other league.
Posted byLinus1985#5731on Aug 6, 2024, 11:30:14 PM
I will be glad to see a slight improvement in the quality of life.
The ship and maps icon (without everything, a green checkmark and swords(mb red)) above the head of "Johan, The King's Head" in the hideout to know that the boat is waiting or the boss has attacked. Just like over "Faustus, The Financier" head about completed trades. Because it is not uncommon that a large notification at the time of the event was missed(coffee break, search for an item on trade, pob, etc)
Area where you can put a check mark on the map device, “ignore fragments”, because there are quite a few bosses and other mechanics that launch in 1 slot, and you have to remove all the fragments, otherwise it won’t let you start.
Last edited by IchiseRR#3375 on Aug 7, 2024, 12:02:53 AM
Posted byIchiseRR#3375on Aug 7, 2024, 12:01:01 AM
for all the folks discussing the impact to the economy;
If GGG increased the drop rate globally then these exploits would have less of an impact overall.
GGG having to play wack-a-mole with these strategies looks bad.
Posted byroundishcap#0649on Aug 7, 2024, 12:27:54 AM
Posted byDJDIAS2024#7847on Aug 7, 2024, 12:44:21 AM
Linus1985 wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
Random fluctuations aside, shared loot generation means that party will always be greater than the sum of their stats. Simple math, they offload defenses to aurabot, they have more space to invest in MF and culling. And even a single mirror drop already covers all expenses from "but they have to divide loot by 6!".
I've suggested multiple times, use personal loot generation instead of shared, based on every player's own stats, so MF culling won't be a thing. This won't cause increased server load also, because currently there is already absurd volume of items generated, 99.99% of them immediately filtered out. So reduce quantity of item loot per player, increase average modifier tier per item, and give every player their own loot. Then it will indeed be just as solo loot, aside from combat advantage of playing in party, which is another issue that needs balancing.
Solo will do way more maps per hour than a group. Geting 10+ divines / hour as solo this league just as any other league.
With personal loot, this problem is also solved, and choosing party or solo will be down to personal preference, not grind effectiveness.
With current system:
- 6x solo maps: more low-grade loot
- 1x 6-party map: less loot quantity, but more quality, can stack MF to break raw mirror drop treshold, otherwise unobtainable.
With personal loot and no inherent party MF bonus:
- 6x solo maps: same as current system
- 1x 6-party map: exactly same loot as 6x solo maps, with a caveat of collective combat vs tougher mobs.
Posted byEchothesis#7320on Aug 7, 2024, 2:16:27 AM
Nerf t17, not everyone have a good build to farm t17
Posted byRondoushada#7729on Aug 7, 2024, 7:48:39 AM
Rondoushada wrote:
Nerf t17, not everyone have a good build to farm t17
They shouldn't nerf t17, they should increased drop from maps with lower tier. T17 is a content between Pinnacle Bosses and Uber Bosses, so T17 should be harder. But because there is no loot from ground - not all builds could farm them because you need something to invest in your build
Last edited by ForsesGIT#6499 on Aug 7, 2024, 8:16:19 AM
Posted byForsesGIT#6499on Aug 7, 2024, 8:15:15 AM