T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?
What was the point of this video? I don't get it. Running an easy non juiced map, ignoring the league mechanics, ignoring everything else too including the boss. I really don't want to be mean but I really don't get it.[/quote]
Im not trying to showcase something here. Its a build i had been making, it maps. In that vid i think I have empty gem slots, i don't use a flask, im playing a build that i was brainstorming. I kept going till that character hit T17 and then league over. That is how much I hate those maps. The character clears that t16 with no issues as i said i didn't even run a flask i don't think i have a guard skill socketed . didnt even hit corrupted bood.. but that wasn't the point. I was having a fine time making a build. im one of 0.01% playing what im playing so says PoENinja. It's is not perfect but i was having fun. and TBH most times i don't kill the Boss and ill run right past yellows that will take more than a few seconds.. Risk to reward, why bother they drop crap and can be covered in AN modifiers so why bother. All the wealth you need is by shipping crops ... so really this league is gold farming league and im a real fast gold farmer ... until t17 and then all content became gated behind what i consider a very bad philosophy. It is lazy. You have so many categories of defense and offense. T17 are just taking packs of mobs that are tedious and cloning them all over the map while randomly dismantling builds, this is one area where i have issues because it undoes progress, randomly undoing each category with a brute force kill the player strategy. 1- If i cannot avoid an attack i get hit and the result is a -10% to my resists, ok im fine with it, my skill failed i am suffering a temp debuff to the points i had allocated. 2- If the map slaps that on as a zone wide effect, that is not the same. 3-If to counteract that debuff I need to spend money to make it go away, it's lame(reroll). As I said I believe you should spend cash to make something better not to avoid stepping in shit. Mods to the map can just brick builds, so now you need to engage in a homework assignment ... It is just a waste of my time .... crafting on maps should be to make them better, not to avoid shit. If you consider t17 as a good base... well perhaps .. but still im not into repairing broken maps. Im not into needing to look for ANYTHING on a map that will brick builds. I find the reflect elemental and physical to be stupid. But sorry for the text vomit my point is . That is a fun gold farmer .. I can kill all of the bosses in t-16. Yellows are harder than bosses ... another problem I have. T17 was such a slog I quit immediately. And i don't mean i tried and quit. I mean i put in total of 30 minutes on T17 and quit the league. I was really having a good time developing that build. t17 instant bail ... it's not worth it ... and i mean in life not the game .. the uninspired mind numbing game play. go vacuum the house. shovel the drive way. do your homework.. Equally entertaining activities that actually accomplish something. Games are supposed to be a fun diversion from those things. Not a replacement for their tedium and T17 are tedious and not fun. they killed my build or more specifically my will to play. [/quote]If you weren't trying to showcase anything then what's the video for? All I read here is excuses and none have any relevance in regards to T17 maps whatsoever. "T17 maps didn't kill your build. Your build was never alive in that regard, you're barely ready for red maps as is.[/quote] And please be specific and enlighten me. What are those requirements ? and dont miss any. What exactly are you talking about ? You are looking at a character who is currently doing blight maps. and without waiting for your reply but assuming i know what it will be. You will describe the exact reason t17 suck ass!!! you will describe a resist over capped over allocated character. Immune to everything with at least 6 million dps etc etc. Ill say ah ha i have fooled you you have described a near perfect set of statistics. Then ill try to associate that to a cost to purchase the build you describe sighting how much it is. Ill guess it will be expensive and will then stress that that build is only really accessible when playing trade league. Then Ill say the whole T17 level is based around trade league accessibility of gear , and that it says you are a better shopper than a player and it is wrong to balance a game around that. then we will disagree and ill get banned or whatever... t17 SUCK. Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:20:45 AM
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" They already did mention the issues with your build a couple of posts ago. " To add more to the list your build heavily lacks damage for t17 maps. Your entire character is already not even really ready for red maps tbh Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:03:07 AM
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Im lvl 93 ...
if we lookin at the same guy... https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Jitter912/characters no idea if that link would work 4u Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:34:52 AM
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might as well put something here the character in that vidio was Usheino.
He does blight maps and is trying to scale physical dot of exsanguinate, that is my experiment , he is not a bosser right now for sure but does try with exsangunate and CoC mechanics but i can't scale it high enough for t17 so i bailed the effort to make it work is not worth it ,, which is my point and why i think t17 suck.. Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:39:17 AM
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Honestly besides the levels.... my characters are more set than that thing is, coming out of the campaign.
Not sure what the purpose of that video was but ... WOW is that a bad build. Mash the clean Last edited by Mashgesture#2912 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:24:14 AM
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"None of your characters are level 93. (Schlaganfall?) |
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Now I totally need to know what you guys are looking at .. or better yet ..where my profile takes you ...
Shlagen ...what!!! Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:36:27 AM
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![]() None of ur characters is lvl 93, is what ppl are saying. Also I gotta agree, that has to be one of the worst builds I've seen in a long time. I get the idea of CoC Exsanguinate, but everything else doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What is the general idea of defense on this character? Ur Ascendency is made for ES and ES leech/overleech, but u r scaling Life on ur tree? Is it supposed to be a Life/ES Hybrid with Evasion as its only defensive layer and awful leech for both of them? U also don't have alot of damage scaling support gems in ur Exsanguinate setup, basically none at all. Why the Hell are u using Hatred if u want to scale Damage over time? Why even use CoC when u want to do DoT Exsanguinate... it only stacks 3 times anyway. I'd understand CoC if u're doing hit based, but DoT... I don't know man. I'm not 100% sure, but Cyclone does cycle between ur two weapons when dual wielding IIRC, so having "Hits Cannot be Evaded" on only one of them doesn't make sense. Also only one of them has a high crit chance, so everytime the second weapon hits, ur crit chance is abysmal. U specced into Spell crit, why? I'm really not trying to be condescending, but ur problem is not T17 maps, but a lack of understanding how builds and scaling in PoE work. If u're not sure about something, try the Gameplay Help section to figure out if ur build ideas make sense or not. As is now, like alot of people said, I wouldn't take that build much into T16 maps, let alone T17s. /edit: btw. Schlaganfall = having a stroke Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Oct 18, 2024, 1:11:46 PM
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" I looked at the PoB of the level 92 Usheino and while the idea of CoC Exsanguinate is good the execution could be much better. 1. One example is you are choosing Vivid Hues and Hemorrhage Cluster Nodes - Vivid Hues does nothing and Hemorrhage only provides 30% crit chance as the +10% DoT from crit is for AILMENTS only which Exsanguinate does not do. Choose whether you want to deal Crit Spell Damage or DoT from Exsanguinate - not both as it will be even more difficult to scale DPS and items. 2. You have very little form of defense - 2.5K Life and 1.8K ES and Not capped on Elemental Resistances is a death sentence in this game and you have no good way of sustain and you didnt even take Polymath which is one of the best Ascendancy Nodes in the game. It makes everything so comfy and provides Damage. 3. You have very little DPS. 150k Exsanguinate DPS is abysmal - its barely enough for Scoured Red Maps. You have a lot to learn when it comes to making a build or the mechanics of building. Tons of information in the forum, reddit or the PoEWiki. Again, idea of CoC Exsangunate is great just need to ask for help, learn or play more. If you look at the characters I played this league all of them arent meta builds and can clear T17 Maps and some Ubers. Personally, I dont like T17 Maps and hope it gets put back in the oven. Youtube - PartTimeExile www.youtube.com/@PartTimeExile "Remember, youre the best." Last edited by moerutora#4751 on Oct 18, 2024, 8:57:46 PM
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Is it raining enough divine orbs for you or are you struggling?
This is an economic problem. Income Inequality is great for those at the top. Probably suck for everyone else. That's obviously great news for some people. |
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