T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?
That's not "key difference", more like key similarity :) You don't have to get "mitigation to the teeth", you just need to be smart, and plan, you decided to play glass, and so you die - it was your choice, because as you stated, you based your build on graphic aesthetics and effects more than statistics. What did you expect with such priorities? :)
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed" I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Aug 14, 2024, 7:41:59 AM
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I expected more than a very specific subset of builds work. Otherwise why do those useable assets present in game? You need more defenses - means you very likely need to change offense as well, to the one synergetic/closer to defenses, both on items and on passive tree.
It doesn't mean GGG are obliged to fix this situation if they like the opposite, but I hope I finally got my point across, and it is at least understandable why one may strongly dislike such design. Continuing Elden Ring analogy, playing it poe style would be fully respeeccing before every major boss, as if you couldn't beat the boss with the character you'd like to see. Thankfully this is not the case, and except the final boss of the dlc, Elden Ring is a very well balanced game, while also having large variety for a slasher: around 200 weapons, spells, and weapon arts, and a popular pvp to boot. |
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You need SOME defenses, because your build have none, and your choices were based on graphic effects, not on functionality - this is the reason your build doesn't work - ofc GGG is not obligated to fix this, because it was your choice to do it this way. I hope you finally realize this, that it was your choice to make a build that is not working, not GGG. Elden Ring is just like PoE, you can do many things and they will work if you think them through.
Go to help section as people there will gladly help with your bad build, you just need to be open and not stick to bad choices just so you can complain about GGG :) Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed" I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Aug 14, 2024, 8:49:55 AM
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Come on, it is not like I am running around without a helmet because want to see the hair at all costs:) Is Scion not a valid character class on par with Occultist? Is evasion not a base defense on par with armor and ES? (rhetoric question, evasion is shit, and it isn't written anywhere in game).
When making the new T17 content, should the designers consider how every archetype of build in their game is supposed to beat it? Including ones with no natural access to raw phys mitigation? If not, and just slamming more and more non-removeable random layers on T17 bosses without thinking of the consequences is "okay", I strongly disagree with it. Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Aug 14, 2024, 8:55:56 AM
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" It is prty much obvious, that if you base your build on evasion (example 90%), and have poor gaming skills, 1 out of 10 attacks will kill you :) You already acknowledged that your build is bad (well, it is based on graphic effects preference, not on numbers) - so it is your choice, not GGG fault, not t17. Now, go to help section, where people can help you out to get this build reworked. Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed" I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Aug 14, 2024, 9:10:19 AM
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" No. Thats your job as a player. Figure it out or follow the concepts of others if cant or dont want to do it yourself. Thats fine, nothing wrong with that. This is really the issue here. Your idea of a game boils down to "Devs must enable everything to be equally viable" - which results in "No choice really matters, you win regardless". This is not how PoE works. Never has, never will. You are ofc entitled to disagree with that, perfectly fine. The solution however is not trying shoehorn your ideas into the game but instead play a game thats already catering to your ideas. Thats imho really the fundamental issue here. |
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" Now that is novel concept:) I'd be honored to pay GGG for the game, and be a free beta tester at the same time, but they already have you guys for that, meaning dedicated temp league players. So I'll pass, and will watch how GGG is nerfing your best loot strategies mid-league as usual, because they didn't bother calculating it properly the first time:) And as you say, it is your job as a player to cut losses invested in nerfed strategy, and go looking for the next one for GGG. Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Aug 14, 2024, 9:42:42 AM
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" See, thats exactly what I meant. Figuring this stuff out is the funpart. I dont consider myself a beta tester. Its fine if you label or frame it that way, doesnt make it true. You are looking at this from your personal and extremely narrow lense. Anything outside of that lense´s scope is bad. Its not that simple. Different perspectives exist. Different tastes and takes on what a good game looks like exist. Your persepctive is neither correct nor wrong. Its just one of countless others, you simply fail to realise your perspective is just that: Your perspective and GGG doesnt cater to your persepctive. Thats all it is. |
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You are correct, this is a personal opinion, yet I know for certain there are other people with similar perspectives. And GGG cannot ignore modern gaming trends forever, however hard they try. Who knows, maybe threads like these one day contribute to one of GGG decisions. We did see a miracle of adding town portal hotkey recently. The new gold currency comes with autopickup, not archaic "you have to feel empathy with each of 5000 alts/alchs you click on".
Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Aug 14, 2024, 10:08:05 AM
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" They can and they should. Doesnt mean they cant change small things here and there but knowing who your audience is and catering to that group is key. The moment you try to cater to everyone is the moment you cater to no one and fail. You are entitled to label your own opinion as "modern gaming trends" but at the end of the day its just your opinion and represents what you want. It doesnt have to translate into more paying customers, if GGG were to implement those ideas. Id argue there is a good chance they´d alienate a substantial chunk of their current paying customers and might earn less as a consequence. |
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