Recent Economic Abuse

MLGonthorian wrote:

Wrong. They're gonna play naive when generating 100+ mirrors in a day from abusing a bug/glitch/exploit...

Except neither of those were involved. All mechanics those people used to generate such absurd amount of currency worked as promoted, and as intended. Ilvl gate for div cards is intended mechanic. Scrying a map with nameless seer is intended mechanic and scarab worked as intended. There was clear oversight by GGG on how powerful this "strat" can be. I am not saying GGG should let it be, and let currency flood on the market. Freezing their currency is good call on part of GGG. But bans are not deserved (IMO) In fact as i stated some time earlier they should just roll back all participants accounts to leagustart and maybe give them some consolation prize in form of MTX or something. Unlike infamous Empy case (which btw i think was not deserving a league ban too) there was no untended mechanics at play or bugs absued. If you failing to see that, and go with redditor mob hungry for blood - consider next time if your atlas strat is "too" profitable or not, because there is no clear line where strategy ends and "muh aboos" starts.
Have a good one.

edit: some typos
Last edited by bbq_sausage#2094 on Jul 29, 2024, 11:18:34 PM
bbq_sausage wrote:
All mechanics those people used to generate such absurd amount of currency worked as promoted, and as intended.

This brings a tear to my eye.
I love how people can type this out without adding "/s" at the end.

Earning tens of thousands of divines/h and being at least 10x more profitable than any valid strategy ever while walking through damn t1 maps is called "working as intented". And then they accidentally abused it 250 times and immediately tried to ruin the market for everyone.

These are obviously innocent players and they had no reason to suspect GGG didn't intend things to work this way based on the previous 20+ leagues of experience. /s
axiomcro wrote:
bbq_sausage wrote:
All mechanics those people used to generate such absurd amount of currency worked as promoted, and as intended.

Earning tens of thousands of divines/h and being at least 10x more profitable than any valid strategy ever while walking through damn t1 maps is called "working as intented". And then they accidentally abused it 250 times and immediately tried to ruin the market for everyone.

We had numerous cases when such "oversights" were allowed, not to a degree of generating tens of thousands of divs, sure but harming economy in other ways. Fracture moving, influenced items when Sirus was added to the game, synth bases. And thats just from the top of my head. Mechanics wise, how(beside amount of generated divs) this is different from say... nem3 maps back in the day?

For once i am excited and hopeful we will see some kind of outline or policy regarding "clever uses of game mechanics" for once instead of kneejerk reactions.
Last edited by bbq_sausage#2094 on Jul 29, 2024, 11:39:23 PM
Great job fixing this so quickly 👍
Easy, just delete accounts, good riddance.
I am afraid you did not "locked all the wealth generated from this to prevent it from getting into the economy".

You locked the assets bought with the divines (Magebloods, Forbidden Flames, ...)

The divines duped already entered the economy and are spread through thousands of accounts by now.

So what the player base is left with is inflation (more divines in circulation) and shortage of assets (less magebloods in circulation).

The assets had been generated by valid game mechanics. They have been wrongfully extracted from the player base by the cheating few.

If you keep that assets locked now, you are perpetuating what the cheaters did to the player base.

"while we decide what to do"

The economically correct thing to do would be to let a GM sell the assets at the current fair market valuation to players for divines, then delete the divines.

That way you reintroduce the wrongfully extracted assets back to the economy, and you delete the wrongfully introducted currency from the economy.

If that is too much work, increase the drop rate of high value assets for a bit and forget about the divines.
KaseyM21 wrote:
r34_Angryi wrote:
Why dont you just permaban these abusers for once? Show that you value players who report these bugs and exploits instead of being overly tolerant to people who ruin the economy.

Because this is an intended game mechanic? There wasn't a bug. It was an oversight, but everything they did was all intended gameplay: scry to put a high tier map div cards on a low tier map. All but 1 of those div cards were restricted from dropping then because of the drop restrictions. Then the scarab that adds packs of monsters that drop div cards. Not a single step of this was disallowed and it makes no sense to punish them for a profitable strat that found. Locking the wealth which I assume means the divine orbs are now account bound is about as far as they can go.

If the "exploit" was as simple and straight forward as what you described, then it was almost disgustingly obvious. It doesn't sound like an abuse at all. It sounds like terrible planning on GGG's part. GGG should make a public apology video for all the players explaining what actions and policy changes they will make to prevent putting such exploitable mechanics in future patches.

It happens with loot, it happens with XP, it happens with damage - It's been going on for 12+ years with PoE. PoE has essentially become New League adds new exploits, let players run with them unless too extreme, then nerf almost everything the non exploiters are doing to
"balance" things out.

The fault on this one is GGG's. They can ban players for exploiting it, but GGG need to accept that this was largely their own programming/design mistake.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
As someone who didn't play more than 4 days last league, this quick action makes me happy and hopeful for this league.
Free market regulation done right
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Great job! I think moving forward, all cases of abuse like this need to be handled this way. It's either we keep it in the game so everyone can "abuse it" (not in this literal case — this was too much, I mean like 3.24 with the uniques, etc.) or we disable it and remove the associated impact on the economy.

In this case, I believe we already have an influx of currency in the market and thus inflation, so I'm not sure if just locking down their current wealth is the only suitable approach.
Last edited by Lirian21#5669 on Jul 30, 2024, 12:43:52 AM

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