Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Aw, no playing today I guess. I hope everything will chill out soon and certification comes thru by the time I wake up tomorrow.
Y’all throwing a tantrum because a video game has bugs need to get some perspective. No one is going to jail or dying because you couldn’t get to level 100 in 17 hours. Maybe it’s my old man showing, but I can’t get over how bitter and entitled and, quite frankly, hysterical you sound.

I bet at least one person went to jail or got murdered. I don't think you understand how salty people get about hackers. I can almost assure you that it's some form of sabotage or another. People are stupid, but game devs are smart and don't make a mistake like that on release day. It's an over-promise-under-deliver kind of situation, when a lot of these people are recurring paying customers.

I yell at pretty much every company that disappoints me (which is almost everyone). You're disappointing too old man, whoever you are.
TheFirbs wrote:
PublicAvenger wrote:
stopped reading there
. Ya, he / she / it is a troll or an employee of GGG trying to down play the negative publicity of a tragic start to a league where only microsoft are able to log in, probably one of the ones in GGG getting paid by microsoft to botch up the playstation virtual keyboard.
HatoradeGames wrote:
Y’all throwing a tantrum because a video game has bugs need to get some perspective. No one is going to jail or dying because you couldn’t get to level 100 in 17 hours. Maybe it’s my old man showing, but I can’t get over how bitter and entitled and, quite frankly, hysterical you sound.

You're disappointing too old man, whoever you are.

You should talk to my wife, I think you’d be friends.
Soo many entitled little children here…go outside and touch grass while you can’t get on. It’s not a big deal. Oooh so sad you can’t get on and play right away. Boo hoo 😢 They provide you a free to play game and keep adding new content and you still can’t be happy? Grow up you bunch of babies, they’re doing what they can. Don’t like it? Then don’t play.
TheFirbs wrote:

PublicAvenger wrote:

stopped reading there

. Ya, he / she / it is a troll or an employee of GGG trying to down play the negative publicity of a tragic start to a league where only microsoft are able to log in, probably one of the ones in GGG getting paid by microsoft to botch up the playstation virtual keyboard.

I've seen Bill Gates hack his way through the ladder before. He even used his real name... Like every single achievement was him... Nobody is that fast Bill... Nobody. Video or it didn't happen.

What an 80 year old child... I'd play on my linux box just to spite him, but I don't wanna have to download and reinstall again, after installing on PS4.
Handyrat wrote:
Soo many entitled little children here…go outside and touch grass while you can’t get on. It’s not a big deal. Oooh so sad you can’t get on and play right away. Boo hoo 😢 They provide you a free to play game and keep adding new content and you still can’t be happy? Grow up you bunch of babies, they’re doing what they can. Don’t like it? Then don’t play.

... just has to s@#t on others... entitled spoiled cry baby brat ... people are upset... go touch the grass :D
Last edited by Murgen_v2 on Jul 26, 2024, 8:39:53 PM
Mac working. Spin to win, baby.
You should talk to my wife, I think you’d be friends.

I don't wanna steal your wife, dude. I don't hate you that much (I think). Maybe I do, since you said ya'll, and I live in Texas too...
Honestly I'm just bummed I can't get to play. Some people are going over board but that's the internet, where the sky is always falling. But man it sucks, I just wanted to play.

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