Introducing the Currency Exchange Market

Mentoya wrote:
Molochmane wrote:
Players like me are nearing in their 40s, please please add more QOL anti RSI implementation...

Like auto pickup!

I think it depends on the player. Heck I'm 58 and 1/2 and I don't have a problem with the way it is.

Yes, but you're the exception, not the rule. I just turned 40 this year and have to take many breaks. But gaming in general has changed for me in so many ways. I realize it would be hard for any dev team to manage all the things one would need to consider.

The first thing that comes to mind: is the change they made with having a dozen orbs on the ground, having to stand there and individually pick each up. But they changed it a bit, so the orbs would be more grouped. That was a nice change, but didn't go far enough IMO.

Buts its hard to be mad at how short that turns up because its basically a reward for the players who are willing to stand there and pick up single stray orbs.
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
QQPQ wrote:
Currency exchange market sounds awesome!

It would have been wonderful to have a version in SSF though. Obviously it wouldn't be player to player, but player to NPC would work. You could even make the exchange rates dynamic in relation to trade league perhaps.

I'm really not a fan of swapping 4-1 Jewellers to Fusings at the NPC in order to 6 link an item.

Well, perhaps if it works well enough in league it might then make its way into Standard and SSF. We can only hope :)

I'm pretty sure that's beside the main intention of SSF.

For SSF, if you need fusings, you're supposed to go farm fusings. Not spend Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs to buy them... if you want that convenience, you're supposed to play trade league.

The vendor shops have significant penalties because they still want you to farm. They're there so you can soak up large excesses (e.g. you have 4000 jeweler's orbs) and so you can get yourself out of a bind when you only need a very small amount of something.

And vendor shops don't exist for certain currency because they want those currencies to be limiting. Heck, they're even taking one away in this patch: glassblower's baubles.

There's certainly different interpretations that could be applied to the intent of SSF. I primarily perceive it to be that the gear your character has is what you yourself have found or crafted. I don't necessarily think having exchangeable crafting materials as being opposed to that rational but I can certainly see your point.

The game already has some NPCs that you can trade "currency" for including the 4 to 1 Jewellers to Fusings. It would be nice if I could just say "here's my 4000 Jewellers, please give me 1000 Fusings rather than do what I am compelled to, which is click my mouse button 1000 times.

I think some of your philosophies are perhaps more aligned with the intent of Ruthless rather than SSF.

Anyway, the discussion is quite moot at the moment as I certainly don't expect any further changes till GG has the chance to review the 3.25 experiment and works out where to from there :)
i love you GGG !

HUGE for me
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
genius idea to kill bots & rmt providers, hope this stays in the game afterwards. everyone will love it.
Please do not make the gold transferable, tradable or account shared... it MUST be character bound.
Dear GGG, how does the currency exchange marketplace interact with our current tabs listings?

Will it fill purchase orders only with sale listings from the exchange marketplace only or with listings from other tabs as well, as long as the exchange rate is met?

Because if the exchange marketplace also work with normal listings from tabs, nobody would want to list sale orders on the exchange market place.
Especially with the experimental limit of 10 orders, all orders on the exchange marketplace would be heavily forced to be buying order.
As there are no incentives to list selling orders on it and it cost you gold to create listings.
Super Cool move by GGG, hope it works out well as anticipated.

The game already has some NPCs that you can trade "currency" for including the 4 to 1 Jewellers to Fusings. It would be nice if I could just say "here's my 4000 Jewellers, please give me 1000 Fusings rather than do what I am compelled to, which is click my mouse button 1000 times.

Just in case you don't know, you can actually buy whole stacks at once. It's actually 50 clicks, not 1000.

I can't remember if it's ctrl-click or shift-click or what, but there's a modifier key that makes you buy whole stacks instead of one at a time.

On PS controller, it's pushing Square (whole stack) instead of X (single item).
We need more account bound stuff like gold in this game.
Great change against all the hideout flip bots and hideout warriors.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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