3.25. short list of melee nerfs (and few buffs) teaser and announcement didnt want you to know

Coconutdoggy wrote:

Hes the best melee player in the world when Ben even acknowledging it if he says it's cooked then it's cooked likely and you didn't even fully watch his stream did you? Naw naw he says for bleed to be good it has to be like a giantatic hit such as lets say RET skill Crushing fish which is likely to do 1000%+ damage effectiveness.

Alk and Ben were both talking to each other about bleed too that's the only way for bleed to be good.

If it's a MASSIVE hit.

You don't have to forum-splain Alk to me. He's just stuck on his highest setting after last league. He called 16 million bleed damage poopoo.

Being fair: he also said "sure you can play it and it wont be bad" so I guess I'm misrepresenting him to some degree. The guy loves his over the top statements almost as much as Quin does.

Mind you I've watched Alk fight Uber Sirus with 250k PoB tooltip HIT damage that he described as "probably effectively 50k after downtime is accounted for".

Now post 3.24 str stacking he's calling everything else dogshit. Stuck on his highest setting like a girl who just dated Ryan Gosling.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Jul 19, 2024, 6:35:03 PM
16m is bad I ono what to tell you in terms of high end settings lmao.

That's like zdps in ubers t17s even.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
alhazred70 wrote:

Now post 3.24 str stacking he's calling everything else dogshit. Stuck on his highest setting like a girl who just dated Ryan Gosling.

to my melee brothers hold your wallet until actual melee is addressed

Coconutdoggy wrote:
16m is bad I ono what to tell you in terms of high end settings lmao.

That's like zdps in ubers t17s even.

I would expect nothing less from you. I guess its a meta trade player thing.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
sidtherat wrote:
so, the 220% -> 550% announcement hit hard, made people excited

let me throw a wrench into the enthusiasm. in my opinion melees strength relative to competition remains unchanged, the QoL is slightly better (still bad, but you now baby sit a banner not a totem(s)) and the biggest issues plaguing the archetype are still here, untouched

so, in no particular order

1) all melee players lost A LOT of attack speed. some builds less, most of them more. attack speed from rage, attack speed from things like Challenger Charges, attack speed from totem(s).
hard to measure it in general, all builds are different, but the change is serious and will affect DPS and fluidity of combat. it is one of these 'build feels like shit' changes

2) mana cost increase. previously all melee skills were shit but GGG balanced it out by making them 'cheap on mana'. well, they are no longer cheap. most melee skills had a base cost of 5 or 6. now it is ~12. it is HUGE deal.
total cost goes from ~20 to ~50. 20 can be limited with -7mana rings, 50 - no way

3) the life mastery 'pay 30% mana cost with life' is now 15% and to get to current value you need attack mastery that you might have not planned to take. ~4+ passives down the drain

4) these two combined mean you WILL have to do one of: Lifetap support (19% more instead of ~30% more. direct nerf) or speccing heavily into otherwise garbage 'attack cost reduction' nodes (5+ passives - direct nerf)

5) one less aura for you. melee aura cluster had been cut in two and made worse in the process. you either get 8%rmr less, or pay several passives to get more. congrats, you are one aura shorter

6) all flat damage (except boneshatter) is gone. that means that you either level as boneshatter or dont level melee at all. unless you actually are enjoying being disappointed IDing 17th weapon from the ground. bigger % and stuff for skills is ok, but that helps only if the base is there to be multiplied.

7) retaliation skills are DOA. they have attack time (garbage attack time to be precise). they cost A LOT of mana. they have incredibly clunky activation logic. and you have to constantly be on a lookout if that shit is ready to go and play FOMO minigames to squeeze that into your combat rythm.
it might have worked on a bow build, but it wont on melee. even if it does bonkers damage.

8) retaliation, banners and warcries are presented as a 'solution' to melee - problem is, there is no option to get all 3 into the build. each costs ~8 passives in mandatory nodes to just f.. work. bare banners are rags, bare warcries are 2s shrieks nobody cares about. GGG released them pre-nerfed.

9) warcry massacre. warcries were bad already, now the stats are so unbelievably undesirable that i seriously wonder if the plan is to make a mid-league buff.

10) no Armour formula change. get rekt with phys damage without phys-as-ele. casters will just outrange this, melee - no chance. have fun, your auras will be up after respawn :)

11) Rage.. rage will drop off mid-fight unless you stack (see 8) rage loss rate reduction and increased delay. yet another 8+ passives. if you dont, all your rage is gone while you dodge shaper's beam or do the ball phase. it seems to be made to be completely unusable UNLESS you spend the passive tax. without it you get a nice mapping buff, worthless vs anything remotely dangerous (this one im not sure of, the wording in patch notes and on the skill tree is confusing)

12) no change to spell suppression means one thing: you STILL have to cap it as the game is balanced accordingly. do not even try to replace it with max res. it wont work. capped suppression equals ~87 max res. you wont get that much, get suppression.

good things:

1) overwhelm is gone. it seems to be realistic to get 100% chance to ignore phys reduction. phys wheel + mastery gives that outright but you could shop around.

2) overwhelm for impales can be solved with one mastery. most people underestimate power of this change. impales by default did not 'overwhelm', there was a separate stat for that, and it was limited - not enough to beat special mobs with 80%+ PDR. this makes impale builds MUCH more reliable damage wise

3) there is - finally - block mastery in Marauder's area. this was sorely missed

4) solid buffs to 'increased defences from shield' - 150% near unwavering stance with a 2000 AR shield is actually something. not gamebreaking but something.

5) Flesh and Stone change is actually nice numerical buff. sadly still not an aura so not %aura effect but - no longer needs maim support. less mana, less sockets - seems fine to me.

all that combined means GGG did a great PR stunt but I highly doubt we will see more than 5% melee players end of week 1. these changes are mostly net neutral, with some positive outliers that are still crap compared to things like mana casters or minions (that got all the broken corpses to play with)


Bravo!!! Very insightful and well laid out post. Explained it all detail by detail without any fluffed up hype. Just the solid bare bones truth. Even putting the few good things on the post, shows a non biased view. The white knights can all go fk themselves, if they even remotely try to pull the wool over peoples eyes convincing us otherwise.

I appreciate this post cause we need SO much more realistic posts with facts; rather than the typical crap we all see everytime GGG nerfs something and the first few pages are always "hype!" "great job GGG, cant wait" "inc best league ever" etc, all the same usual generic responses.

Posts like this are needed because it brings awareness to what's going on for the average non meta follower. Not everyone uses the same cookie cutter builds . I myself on occasion make posts calling out stuff when the masses seem to be blindly going along with it. I'm protesting the Elemental Hit nerf for yet the 2nd time now, despite people touting it as a buff.

There's a reason GGG don't outright tell people about this, cause they know it's unwarranted nerfs. Also has anyone ever noticed that when these big patch notes come out they're NEVER separated into sections of Buffs and Nerfs?

*closest to that we have is them telling us in parenthesis how something is from previous values*

Anyways, +10 to you dude and thank you for taking the time out to break this shit down. Say it a little louder for the people in the back!!
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/880487

6) all flat damage (except boneshatter) is gone. that means that you either level as boneshatter or dont level melee at all. unless you actually are enjoying being disappointed IDing 17th weapon from the ground. bigger % and stuff for skills is ok, but that helps only if the base is there to be multiplied.

Melee leveling is going to be stronger than ever, i take it you don't level melee much? There's this neat little recipe you can do with a whetstone and rustic sash. The audacity to say you might as well not even level melee unless its with BONESHATTER??? is so out of touch its crazy.

7) retaliation skills are DOA. they have attack time (garbage attack time to be precise). they cost A LOT of mana. they have incredibly clunky activation logic. and you have to constantly be on a lookout if that shit is ready to go and play FOMO minigames to squeeze that into your combat rythm.
it might have worked on a bow build, but it wont on melee. even if it does bonkers damage.

Skill gems aren't out yet maybe wait before calling them DOA they literally haven't even arrived. They cost less mana than earthquake BEFORE the changes. You shouldn't have to be "on the lookout" to see if its ready if you are looking at your screen

8) retaliation, banners and warcries are presented as a 'solution' to melee - problem is, there is no option to get all 3 into the build. each costs ~8 passives in mandatory nodes to just f.. work. bare banners are rags, bare warcries are 2s shrieks nobody cares about. GGG released them pre-nerfed.

POE mfs when you have to invest in things other than increased damage and life on the tree

10) no Armour formula change. get rekt with phys damage without phys-as-ele. casters will just outrange this, melee - no chance. have fun, your auras will be up after respawn :)

Melee will be the only archetype that WONT die to phys damage. Endurance charges? More armor? Stop playing abyssus berserker?
alhazred70 wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
16m is bad I ono what to tell you in terms of high end settings lmao.

That's like zdps in ubers t17s even.

I would expect nothing less from you. I guess its a meta trade player thing.


Your trying to do bleed


with EQ dude cmon.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Jul 19, 2024, 7:55:08 PM
I made a topic on move / attack speed myself.

It doesn't make sense if the intention is to improve melee uptime.

I saw Warcries die. I 'think' they're betting on exerted attacks but don't see that happening. With a loss in physical ignore and no real Impale buff seems melee phys will still be inferior to elemental.

I'm a bit curious how Aggravated Bleed and Crimson Dance interact but I doubt I'll be playing a DoT build anytime soon. Every time I try something it just feels like a mistake compared to Crit.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
you are right

bow gems should have 0.85 or less base attack speed

melee gems should have 1 or 1+ base attack speed
I agree with OP and I'll add my 2 cents too


This feels like major switcheroo. I could argue melee will feel even worse than before because of phys to ele is gone.

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