3.24.3b Hotfix 2

maybe it will work fine for me again because I have run a troubleshooting via steam you can right click on poe then properties and choose installed files and then choose see if the files are installed correctly he will then do a test after I have done that it worked game well again
You guys get a million post and comments reporting and complaining about these, and too few thank yous. So thank you! <3
what am i thanking them for the problem still exists for me.
Tested this three times: game crashes when walking up to The Harvest instance after killing Piety.

This won't happen if you quick-travel to The Harvest on a character that has already completed it.

Crash only seems to happen after killing Piety.
Huge update and huge crushing. Game is unplaylable at this point on ps5.
Playstation 4. Still crashes when opening strongboxes/heist chests while there are many enemies around.
still crashing love hope it get fixed before the league
Also chrashed after killing Piety.
Latest patch on PS5 fixed the crashing issue! Thanks for the quick fix y'all.
just to let you know
Silver Treasure Hunter Helmet‌ need to fix, it's not working
thank you for your hard work

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