Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

LouPoE wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
Valencius81 wrote:

As always lots of complaining and in the end changes like this will not make or break the league or builds.

Yes....and this is part of the problem. When they make a change to something iconic to the game, it should be a MEANINGFUL change: not something that literally will make no difference to the game writ large.

Last time bandits were changed (largely) was in 2017. You seriously think that the current change is worth SEVEN YEARS of thought?

If a change was warranted, it should have been better. Look at how drastic the change was from pre-3.0 to post-3.0. THAT is what should have been done.

I'd have to say...the biggest problem I have with "modern" poe, since 3.14, is that GGG seems to have fallen into a pattern of making changes just for the sake of "seeming" like they are doing things, when in reality even before rollout it very clearly changes nothing.

3.14: nerf all power, nerf all flasks because player power is TOO STRONK! Oh....and lets also release Mageblood

I agree with you Bandits are indeed an iconic quest in poe and really needed a better rework/buff.

My choices would always be Alira/Eramir.Seems people didn't appreciate Alira regen part to its value this early, however Oak and Kraityn were really underwhelming.

Would have hope something charges related like 8% chance to gain charge on hit 20% said charges duration, with Eramir remaining +2 passives.

I find the new changes as underwhelming as before even though Oak being 40 life + 1 passive is an undeniable buff he just become the new Alira while she is a new Oak, and we are just back to the same.8 ms/15 all res + 1 passive isnt that bad either early on but meh.

It's kind of more balanced now but just really anecdotic;it s really a whatever side quest now.

Ok after some research this is indeed a nerf to all bandits. Friends i would play with would never pick them at all and now they never will. I cant even justify it at this point. poor kraiten too he hasnt been good since 2.0 lol. oh well i will say its good to get new players to go towards the lab thing so they dont miss it as easily.
Hoping that 15% ele resists isn't calculated on top of the -60% you end up with as the base lmao
Sydneydonza wrote:
Hoping that 15% ele resists isn't calculated on top of the -60% you end up with as the base lmao

Of course it is calculated on top of -60%, there is nothing special about it lol
Dawndove wrote:
Ok after some research this is indeed a nerf to all bandits. Friends i would play with would never pick them at all and now they never will. I cant even justify it at this point. poor kraiten too he hasnt been good since 2.0 lol. oh well i will say its good to get new players to go towards the lab thing so they dont miss it as easily.

Of course they were nerfed. They are now competing with a single passive point instead of two. I, for one, will pick Oak for the first time in my 7 years of playtime because now he is worth it, you seem to be misguided here.
Can we get the div cards listed when holding alt over Kirac maps as well? :)

Love the change anyway <3
Ok after some research this is indeed a nerf to all bandits. Friends i would play with would never pick them at all and now they never will. I cant even justify it at this point. poor kraiten too he hasnt been good since 2.0 lol. oh well i will say its good to get new players to go towards the lab thing so they dont miss it as easily.

I think a lot of people on softcore will pick the movement speed increase. It is pretty sweet to run faster through the campaign and just respec quest reward when/if you need the point for something else at T16+/bossing.
Last edited by arknath on Jul 16, 2024, 12:11:47 AM
Artorianus wrote:
Dawndove wrote:
Ok after some research this is indeed a nerf to all bandits. Friends i would play with would never pick them at all and now they never will. I cant even justify it at this point. poor kraiten too he hasnt been good since 2.0 lol. oh well i will say its good to get new players to go towards the lab thing so they dont miss it as easily.

Of course they were nerfed. They are now competing with a single passive point instead of two. I, for one, will pick Oak for the first time in my 7 years of playtime because now he is worth it, you seem to be misguided here.

Yea, I don't get the fuss about it either.

With the old bandaid quests, you'd rarely choose them, because if their offer did not fit your build exactly, there was no point in choosing them. And even if they fit exactly, only Alira was actual barely worth two points,the other two got outperformed by a decent cluster anyway.

Now it's only one point, and you get exactly one thing, that is equal, or slightly above a regular notable in the passive tree. That's fine, because it way more often fit a build.

In the end, gg- cluster yewels outperform aby regular passive point anyway. So for a min max trade league no lifer, nothing changes, but for that lvl91 ssv dude, that can only play on weekends, thus is actual a realy nice change.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Last edited by IsodorRodosi on Jul 16, 2024, 12:18:26 AM
ihatedragons wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
When they make a change to something iconic to the game, it should be a MEANINGFUL change: not something that literally will make no difference to the game writ large.

Last time bandits were changed (largely) was in 2017. You seriously think that the current change is worth SEVEN YEARS of thought?

since you're so long in this game you're kinda wrong with your vision here. poe is very complex game especially for the newbies. clearly ggg trying to make game less confusing in some places now. 2 points for bandits were always the choice of mine since Sentinel league, but for just 1 skill point i might prefer to loose 1-2% of damage for extra HP pool or resistances, for example. that's more reasonable approach in general and could add some devirsity for build creators, i believe.

actually the changes are what keep me in poe. I love pretty much all of them, doesnt matter nerfs or buffs or nerfs and nerfs :) it feels like alive game - the rules have changed? perfect, let's see what i'm able to achive now.

what really bothers me here: overall game perfomance, lags, bugs and a lot of third part sites/services players have to visit for comfortable playstyle.

well....they got you then. Change for the sake of change is not meaningful. It is a trick designed for exactly what you describe: the "sense" of a live game. But when the changes don't actually amount to anything and you still use the same items/skills/passives every single league, it is a much more concerning sign for the state of the game.

You know why 3rd party software is so popular for PoE? Because GGG is allergic to making REAL change to their game. How come, since the beta, we STILL cannot see stats for minions? How come tooltip dps and stats are generally inaccurate for most builds? The game is not so complicated that these things couldn't have been improved in 10+ years of game development: these are all just numbers and instant calculations. But no.....instead they make slight tweaks that have no effect on the overall game. A perfect example of their inability to make REAL change is seen in the removal of sextants and the new scarab system. Their proposal was that it would be LESS complicated the current way. What happened? We now have 100 different scarabs, with only a fraction of them actually doing anything. And its FAR more cumbersome than the previous system; at best, it ends up being exactly the same. AND NOW they are adding a 6th they remove 4 modifiers (sextants), and now they are just walking it right back. Like usual.

I love this game, I really do. Been playing since the beta. But there have been truly great CHANGES that offered meaningful, lasting impact. And then there have been....things like the last few years. GGG is currently lost; they do not know what to do with PoE 1. So they take the path of least resistance every time.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jul 16, 2024, 1:35:26 AM
The biggest QOL would be an in-game trade system!!!!
RavenPale wrote:
The biggest QOL would be an in-game trade system!!!!

or skip campaign...god i hate running it after all these years

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