Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

Another 4x Months league cycle in the worst players retention league - ICANT.

Perfomance are getting worser and worser each league , you not doing anything with that.

Economic was ruined hardly at the start of Necropolis - league really was needed a fresh start after things getting nerfed in patches.

I dunno - what the decision of extending a league - where 60-65% of playerbase left in first 2x weeks? Curious.

The only positive thing i hope will be for that another 4x month cycle - that new league at the start - will not be so buggy and unbalanced as was Necropolis.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Jun 6, 2024, 6:21:31 AM
Necropolis is so unpolished that it makes me think that its only purpose was to test this weird crafting idea for PoE2. Like GGG wanted to see if players, instead of old iterative spamming methods like essences/fossils/reforges, actually want to have one big slot machine they would gather dozens of tokens for. "What if they don't want to bother with chasing one affix at the time, and just want to hit big or miss completely?"

League retention answers that good enough. My only fear is that they won't learn the lesson and actually bring something like this in PoE 2. Please GGG, do not turn my favourite game in MS Excel anymore.
Last edited by natural183 on Jun 6, 2024, 6:42:24 AM
it's so frustrating to play with constant rollbacks and currency/scarabs and time invested on blueprints/t17s/uberlab just vanishing. Came back after 8 years break to figure that rollbacks become worse. E-mail support not existing is another fun discovery.
cyfer.russia wrote:
it's so frustrating to play with constant rollbacks and currency/scarabs and time invested on blueprints/t17s/uberlab just vanishing. Came back after 8 years break to figure that rollbacks become worse. E-mail support not existing is another fun discovery.

8 years is generally too large of a period for a comeback regardless of what game we're talking about. You cannot expect just small changes.
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by JC_GGG on Jun 6, 2024, 9:10:09 AM
Poderiam adicionar uns eventinhos pra dar uma "animada" na galera
More killing less thinking please.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Moritz269 wrote:
4 months league again and no events? FeelsBadMan

This. It's a snooze fest out there GGG. Give us some random af takes 4hr to put together private league event please.
WilliamGoosen wrote:
play something else

Last edited by benzman9001 on Jun 6, 2024, 10:16:34 AM
FreshMeat93 wrote:
Another 4x Months league cycle in the worst players retention league - ICANT.

Perfomance are getting worser and worser each league , you not doing anything with that.

Economic was ruined hardly at the start of Necropolis - league really was needed a fresh start after things getting nerfed in patches.

I dunno - what the decision of extending a league - where 60-65% of playerbase left in first 2x weeks? Curious.

The only positive thing i hope will be for that another 4x month cycle - that new league at the start - will not be so buggy and unbalanced as was Necropolis.

Well, GGG is betting everything on POE 2 and completely neglecting POE 1.
A few leagues ago it was said that hardly any devs were still working on POE1, but that is supposedly changing now.

Apparently not yet. Apparently there are still very few people working on POE1
hopefully next league is something different, something better

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