"we removed bind to left click for instant skills"
>delete RMB >3.26 >delete scroll Добавьте это в ублок, чтобы сайт выглядел по человечески.
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" I can't even bring myself to log back in to LE; and I only played it a week. Thanks for all the fish!
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"To be clear, the boundary that I refer to (well, one of them - I also refer to boundaries in general) isn’t “no macro tools”, it’s “this skill only casts when you press this button”. That exists in POE. That is the boundary people are trying to circumvent by using macro tools. But as I wouldn’t play a game in the first place if I had a problem accepting boundaries, I do not consider accepting boundaries “losing out”. Which is not to dispute that people will use these tools, absolutely, just as my brother, my friends and I sometimes used those turbo controllers playing SNES games or whatever. But I wouldn’t agree that it was asinine then for developers not to replicate whatever a controller allowed us, and I don’t think it’s asinine now for GGG to not just implement/maintain anything that people can do with macros. It’s okay for the game to stand where it is and say “no thanks, I know what I am, if you want to go beyond that, that’s your business”. Let people be responsible for their decisions, it’s fine. |
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" Well its not game for everyone but its definitely game for me. The way I play PoE - I can play LE just the same. Only thing that I dont like is trading system in LE. Yes, its ahrd to believe but its worse than PoE trading. Also for those who say "detonating mines manually is fine, many builds use two buttons". I played Slam Jugg to 99lvl this league. I used 3 warcries, totem, blood rage and molten shell so it was what.. 7 buttons build? Its still many level more comfortable to play that mine build with manual detonate mine spam. Last edited by Aynix#7757 on Mar 19, 2024, 9:46:49 AM
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Horrible change.
Destroys multiple builds, including: The entire mine archetype General's Cry (and most other warcry builds) Minion builds that don't have gem slots (and bone armor can't be linked) Most builds that use focus Probably many more In addition, it is creating new broken archetypes that they apparently didn't think about, such as the triggerbots interaction that is going around. Apparently they didn't learn from D4's crash and burn that diluting out and trashing PC functionality to appeal to consoles because "market share bigger" isn't a good strategy when your core audience is PC gamers. Here's a hint, there doesn't need to be parity or "balance" between gamepad or console players and mouse/keyboard players. Controllers will NEVER be as competitive as mouse/keyboard, no actual gamer thinks otherwise. Also just encouraging everyone to use AHK instead, so they are incentvizing breaking their TOS due to their design decisions. There's no reason to remove the LMB functionality. Just add the gem if you want to add it, don't remove core functions from the game. ARPG players have been putting binds on LMB since D2 or earlier. Let them do it. You're supposed to encourage flexibility and customization for it's own sake. Do you really need to go through a low retention league purely because of this boneheaded decision? People were amped for the league until they heard this. That should tell you something. But hey, maybe you need to see those numbers drop before you get it? On your first league since new serious competition showed up? Weird strategy but good luck. Last edited by Poiuytr133#2949 on Mar 19, 2024, 1:40:31 PM
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Guess I'll use the NumLock trick. Or AHK. Or mouse software. Or key rebinding.
Terribly-executed terrible idea. Last edited by DjXyrd#4517 on Mar 19, 2024, 1:39:14 PM
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Now other ARPG's will list the left click skill bind as a feature for more smoother and fluid game play.
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" Lol glad you said it and not me. There is a zero percent chance my account would have survived this sort of commentary. Jokes aside, it's pretty obvious this is a balance issue with console. It's clear they are designing PoE2 with accessibility on the console side in mind. Which makes sense considering the console market size, and how much they have sort of missed out on with PoE1 as an afterthought on Xbox & PS4. (Why there hasn't been a pS5 version / upgrade is beyond me) "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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"It literally is not. No one forces you to use the new support gems. Just bind whatever you had on left click to some random key which you now press manually. This isn't the big deal these forums and Reddit make it out to be. If anything it is super nice for anyone who actually wants more automization without using left click as a crutch. Again, optional - no big deal. |
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" If we want to have more options available then would it not be better to allow binding to LMB and also include the new gem? That way everyone can play the way they want. I don’t understand how anyone can say this is a good change, since you aren’t currently forced to have a skill on LMB. |
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