Echothesis wrote:
When there is a lot of monsters on screen, your combat pace is beyond human reaction time especially when it comes to casting guard skills at the right moment, your rare monsters can have damage per hit of bosses yet retain their fast attack speed without any telegraphing bosses have. You have invented build-disabling AN mods which no one can read at the heat of battle (make larger hp bar overlay with AN mods icons near it at every rare monster head, not hover-only tiny text on top of screen?).
With that in mind, your decision was to instead hit your players with a stick by directly reducing UI capabilities, to force them play the way you want. From what you've revealed so far, compared to free LMB, your automation gem solution manages to screw both players who prefer clicking themselves (no control on when it triggers and uses mana), and players who prefer automation, they've lost gem slot, cost and cooldown. Purpose of this solution eludes me so far.
This, 100%. The main reason on why players put guard skills on left click.
Posted bybewilder2#0356on Mar 20, 2024, 12:05:05 AM
GusTheCrocodile wrote:
Pathological wrote:
The boundary that you discuss doesn't exist in PoE like it does in most games; most games actively disallow such tools and discourage or ban their use. In PoE having such boundaries is a choice that the player must make (and enforce) on their own, so in many respects constitutes an arbitrary choice by the player rather than a rule enforcement by the developer.
To be clear, the boundary that I refer to (well, one of them - I also refer to boundaries in general) isn’t “ no macro tools”, it’s “ this skill only casts when you press this button”. That exists in POE. That is the boundary people are trying to circumvent by using macro tools. But as I wouldn’t play a game in the first place if I had a problem accepting boundaries, I do not consider accepting boundaries “losing out”.
Which is not to dispute that people will use these tools, absolutely, just as my brother, my friends and I sometimes used those turbo controllers playing SNES games or whatever. But I wouldn’t agree that it was asinine then for developers not to replicate whatever a controller allowed us, and I don’t think it’s asinine now for GGG to not just implement/maintain anything that people can do with macros. It’s okay for the game to stand where it is and say “no thanks, I know what I am, if you want to go beyond that, that’s your business”. Let people be responsible for their decisions, it’s fine.
I think you're misunderstanding my point, which is that removing functionality that already exists in the game which can be replicated by an external tool causes people to become more likely to expand their usage of those tools, rather than less reliant on them as was GGG's stated goal.
Someone who previously just used left click to autocast guards, but also knew how to use AHK or had the propensity to do so, now says "oh, I can do that with AHK right? Oh.. since I'm doing that already, turns out it's as simple as pie to cast it on any other keybind too.. or based on any other number of variables".
I'm not saying GGG needs to replicate what external tools; I'm saying that GGG removing functionality that already exists in the game which is easily replicated by external tools will absolutely lead to an uptick in people using said tools in a manner they state they don't want people to do.
Posted byPathological#1188on Mar 20, 2024, 3:33:25 AM
Pathological wrote:
I think you're misunderstanding my point, which is that removing functionality that already exists in the game which can be replicated by an external tool causes people to become more likely to expand their usage of those tools, rather than less reliant on them as was GGG's stated goal.
No I got that. I'm just, you know, not GGG, so there isn't really anything for me to say about it. It really doesn't matter to me whether or not they're meeting any particular stated goal.
Is this an out of season April fools joke?
Really no logical reason for this change except nerfing the player power by making them sacrifice a gem slot for the new automation gem.
Posted byesostaks#6761on Mar 20, 2024, 6:39:59 PM
JarlaxleDaerthe wrote:
Is this an out of season April fools joke?
I mean its just ~2 weeks earlier than usually.
Posted byAynix#7757on Mar 20, 2024, 8:00:22 PMOn Probation
GGG really hates summoners.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
Posted byzakalwe55#2432on Mar 20, 2024, 8:05:03 PM
GGG is preparing us for the manual 10 button rotation in PoE 2.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
Posted byzakalwe55#2432on Mar 20, 2024, 8:46:27 PM
zakalwe55 wrote:
GGG is preparing us for the manual 10 button rotation in PoE 2.
new Dial Phone controller for sale in their shop soon
Posted byImaginaerum#5568on Mar 20, 2024, 9:28:56 PM
They may have made it easier on gem slots elsewhere and built up all this tension, just be released when they do the reveal. Like no longer needing 3 gem slots for melee totems etc. It's entirely possible they didn't just nerf us and then lie about it this time!
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Posted byhmcg020#6029on Mar 20, 2024, 9:57:44 PM