"we removed bind to left click for instant skills"

Posted this in the other thread:

The only change this functionally makes is that people smart enough to do so begin to use (or increase their usage of) AHK, and people that don't are at a (further) disadvantage.

There is no practical way for GGG to ever police AHK usage; it's not feasible to do so and saying otherwise displays a misunderstanding of how the software operates, so any "quality of life" change must be considered under the context of "people are GOING to be using AHK to replicate this behavior, or do more". Why would anyone capable of using AHK give up extra gem slots to reclaim a less powerful version of what they can do trivially with AHK?

Put the gems in for people who want to use them, having them is better than not having them. However, removing the current behavior is asinine in a world where you have created a game that functionally operates on the expectation that a large portion of your player base will know how to use third party tools including AHK.
Next league is going to be 3.24 weallgonnagoplayLE-polis.
Silverpelt wrote:
Next league is going to be 3.24 weallgonnagoplayLE-polis.

Feel free to play LE if you wish. I'll stick to PoE :)
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
xjjanie wrote:
Silverpelt wrote:
Next league is going to be 3.24 weallgonnagoplayLE-polis.

Feel free to play LE if you wish. I'll stick to PoE :)

He's 40/40 on a level 100 EA champion using withering step on left click that barely benefits the build - he ain't going anywhere. He could play the same exact character and functionally notice no difference. Drama be drama, but no poe andy is quitting PoE over a change to left click automation, lol.

It's a dumb decision from GGG, but it will likely be rolled back and has an immediate solution available in AHK even if it doesn't, so the community reaction, while understandable, is overdone. It's far from the worst thing GGG has tried to do.
Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Mar 19, 2024, 7:09:44 AM
These are the kinds of decisions that push long time players slowly away TBH. Poor form GGG, especially as it's most likely a decision based upon satisfying something to do with console play (controllers). Man, I despise compromises in PC clients to accommodate consoles.

I love PoE, but with Last Epoch now, and (admittedly a long way behind) D4, there are other places to go if things get too silly.

The change is poorly thought through anyway, as it can just be automated with Numlock or other programs as has been pointed out. So it's a pointless anti-QoL change. It's quite odd, actually.
Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Mar 19, 2024, 9:29:52 AM
Pathological wrote:
Why would anyone capable of using AHK give up extra gem slots to reclaim a less powerful version of what they can do trivially with AHK?
To...just play the actual game?

Why would me as a kid with access to a turbo controller ever play fighting games or shmups etc without it? Why would anyone who can afford to order food ever cook for themselves? Why would anyone who can flip to the last page of a book ever read the pages in between?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, I have no issue with people using macros on their computers. If that's more fun for you, go for it. But surely you're only pretending not to understand? People play games in their baseline, unassisted state all the time, it's really not that mysterious.

To choose to play a game at all is to accept limitations, they are an inherent part of it. And the whole experience is optional. I chose to play POE. I chose boundaries; I'm not trying to avoid them, I'm choosing to play within them.

Lots of people will use tools like AHK. And lots of people won't. The latter is not just out of 'lack of capability'.
Pathological wrote:
xjjanie wrote:
Silverpelt wrote:
Next league is going to be 3.24 weallgonnagoplayLE-polis.

Feel free to play LE if you wish. I'll stick to PoE :)

He's 40/40 on a level 100 EA champion using withering step on left click that barely benefits the build - he ain't going anywhere. He could play the same exact character and functionally notice no difference. Drama be drama, but no poe andy is quitting PoE over a change to left click automation, lol.

It's a dumb decision from GGG, but it will likely be rolled back and has an immediate solution available in AHK even if it doesn't, so the community reaction, while understandable, is overdone. It's far from the worst thing GGG has tried to do.

It's not about whether I use the left button or not, I only use withered step for Movement speed boost anyways.

I quit 1 to 2 years ago, back before/around Lake of Kalandra-something, decided to give poe another try mid/end of January thinking they "changed". I guess not. If they keep on showing clear nerfs and anti-player changes as QoL, I ain't gonna give another try to poe before I hit the retirement housing.

BalorMage has a good take on this stupid gem idea to "automate" instant skills, good old Numlock.


Great change, especially considering that there's a support gem for automating instant skills now.
GusTheCrocodile wrote:
Pathological wrote:
Why would anyone capable of using AHK give up extra gem slots to reclaim a less powerful version of what they can do trivially with AHK?
To...just play the actual game?

Why would me as a kid with access to a turbo controller ever play fighting games or shmups etc without it? Why would anyone who can afford to order food ever cook for themselves? Why would anyone who can flip to the last page of a book ever read the pages in between?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, I have no issue with people using macros on their computers. If that's more fun for you, go for it. But surely you're only pretending not to understand? People play games in their baseline, unassisted state all the time, it's really not that mysterious.

To choose to play a game at all is to accept limitations, they are an inherent part of it. And the whole experience is optional. I chose to play POE. I chose boundaries; I'm not trying to avoid them, I'm choosing to play within them.

Lots of people will use tools like AHK. And lots of people won't. The latter is not just out of 'lack of capability'.

That's fine, and I guess that's an extra cohort of people that I sort of left out of the discussion by an omission of oversight rather than anything else. Like I said (though it might have been in the other thread); PoE is a game that has functionally encouraged the use of third party tools indirectly since its inception. It is a reality that a massive cohort of players already use these tools, and they are tacitly supported by GGG even while they actively say otherwise. As a result, such changes must be considered in the context that anyone who already does so will immediately recreate the behavior via a macro, and the only people losing out are those who aren't informed as to the capability to do so.

The boundary that you discuss doesn't exist in PoE like it does in most games; most games actively disallow such tools and discourage or ban their use. In PoE having such boundaries is a choice that the player must make (and enforce) on their own, so in many respects constitutes an arbitrary choice by the player rather than a rule enforcement by the developer.
Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Mar 19, 2024, 7:46:31 AM
Draegnarrr wrote:

I do have a friend who won't play any build that isn't basically 1 button but that is a personal choice it isn't that he's incapable of doing so - I get that some might hate it and that's a loss but its pretty irrelevant overall it isn't that bad.

Almost every "2 buttons" build click second button from time to time, for tougher enemies etc. Imagine you need to click two button EVERy SINGLE TIME you want to use your skill. Its not even close.Only build that is as clunky would be ED + Contagion if Contagion would not spread.

Silverpelt wrote:
Next league is going to be 3.24 weallgonnagoplayLE-polis.

Im already playing LE and I feel less and less motivated to even check out new league.
Last edited by Aynix#7757 on Mar 19, 2024, 7:53:46 AM

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