Transfigured Gems Part 4

Every one of these without Chain Hook gets me a little more wound up hoping that there'll be a good Chain Hook variant. Please oh please let there be one that's more viable as a main skill.

Like it gives up it's innate Rage generation in exchange for Rage based scaling. 1% more speed and damage per 2 rage, something like that. Come on GGG, Chain Hook is so cool and this is the perfect opportunity to give it some love so I don't have to feel like I'm banging my head against a wall trying to make it work yet again.
GGG PLZ why no RF you tees its like looking at striptease and the artist is removing multiply pair of socks. LOGOUT
Are we gonna get any BV gems?
Will there be alternate variant gems for carrion golem?
I Dont know if anyone already said it but in the description of Ball Lightning of Orbiting is a Error: "Enemiy"
Animate weapon bows looks so cool. Love it.
Please give us good R so ppl can continue playing it and I can sell them their overpriced items again :D

It's a win for everybody
People only play RF for the last 10 leagues here is a new league which shakes up a lot of skills and people just want to keep playing RF. I don't get it.
GGG pls, delete RF from the existence, that would be epic. Because looks like all what this RF cultists wants, is to have 1 gem in the game and brainlessly follow the guide of one guy, that’s funny af.
rf meme is so tiring

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