Transfigured Gems Part 4

DUDE ???
RF ???
WHEN ???
GGG ???
IGN @SexyMilf
Last edited by ProGameZ on Dec 7, 2023, 4:23:24 AM
Still no RF update? Sadge.
I'm just here to watch people complain that THEIR gem hasn't been announced yet.
They just posted on twitter that RF has been removed from the game after internal discussion amongst the dev team. Pohx also announced that he's switching to streaming D4 permanently. Sorry, RF bros.
Explosive Arrow + Toxic Rain Please Boyz.
ggg trollin'
You seem to have forgotten RF good sir.
Still no RF :(
how is there still rf, I'm not even planning to play it this league, you guys are actively trolling at this point
Pervenc wrote:
Thank god no more RF, I hope it dies, so it does not increase the price of items for builds with gems with same damage tags.

it's...almost like you could take that knowledge, craft those items, and make a profit on them...who knew?
Hey GGG, hear our rallying cry,
Bring back Righteous Fire, let it soar high.
Ignite the blaze, strong and bright,
With that fire, we conquer the night.

In every clash, let its glory shine,
With Righteous Fire, victory is mine.
Hey GGG, in your hands it lays,
Unleash the flame, set the world ablaze.

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