This going down as best league ever bro! These gems are off the chain!
Posted bymomonami5#2026on Dec 7, 2023, 9:30:46 PM
AxiomOfAnarchy wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
just curious why no trans RF? nobody will play regular RF because its only viable for late end game now with big investment and there are much better builds for late end game. people played RF as a leaguestarter
That big investment build, the ivory tower build, is not just absurdly expensive, it also depends on 100% uptime on a coruscating elixir flask (with RF on left-click to turn it back on every time the flask triggers), because otherwise if any chaos damage so much as even looks in that build's general direction, it falls over and dies. And it's worth remembering that the "of Drought" modifier exists, so aside from magic flasks (which coruscating elixir is not) in a mageblood, no build can ever count on having 100% uptime on a flask.
It's a fucking meme build. GGG might as well have made late game RF viable only in a ward loop setup.
I dont know much about RF because I dont play it but I played ivory tower energy blade last league and I had no problems keeping corsc flask up.
Posted byfouquet#0993on Dec 7, 2023, 9:57:20 PM
Oh, this is gonna be fun to mess with. Branching to so many targets is gonna make my mapping so much faster with less clicking, and I won't have to use a Gem for more branching. Dinking around with this is gonna be so much fun!
Posted byCostanzaK#0238on Dec 7, 2023, 10:19:43 PM
will the animated weapon of reflection be able to proc on hit effects from weapons such as molten burst from Ngamahu's flame? Im praying the answer is yes it would be such a fun build. and side note if it does will the support gems in the copied weapon apply to the molten burst. since its an exact copy of your mainhand weapon.
-Professional Fish
Posted byGoldShark#5883on Dec 7, 2023, 10:38:35 PM
@GGG you did Pohx dirty
A very large part of why RF is so popular is because he has invested so much time into the builds and his website. To not show the transfigured RF gems before patch is just lame as hell.
You're trying to grow the population right? So why hold this so close to the chest. Seems like you're kicking one of your best content creators right in the ****.
Update: something was finally posted at the 11th hour
Last edited by dautry#3521 on Dec 7, 2023, 11:55:56 PM
Posted bydautry#3521on Dec 7, 2023, 11:43:12 PM
Posted byJmisss#1932on Dec 8, 2023, 12:00:47 AM
How does Energy Blade work with Animated Weapon of Self Reflection? Will it use your ES value or the minion's?
Posted byScarborough#2740on Dec 8, 2023, 2:35:07 AM
animate weapons and arma brand looks interesting :) im on fire
Posted bypromarna#4302on Dec 8, 2023, 8:54:26 AM
AxiomOfAnarchy wrote:
hyyyben wrote:
JimBeamm wrote:
Hopefully not ! we are going back to the good old days..where an rf char actually stacked life and regen..and made an effort to get % fire dmg / multi/ fire multi on its weapon...
RF was solid before it got the flat dmg - it will still be solid.
Pick either inquisitor or juggernaut, it will work just fine :)
Perhaps you should try actually playing a RF character before attempting to educate those of us who have played it as to what does and doesn't work, particularly in the current state of the game.
I played RF back then and the game was in a totally different state, and those builds can't be recreated now. They didn't do anywhere near enough damage to keep up with the current state of the game, the available items and passives back then were totally different, the available modifiers and how they interact were different back then, and the defensive investments required for a viable build back then were totally different.
It is not the same game, many of those builds predate PoB, and even for the builds that don't predate PoB, it wouldn't be possible to load them into the current version of PoB because they're so old and so little about them has anything in common with the current state of the game.
Hey dude. I played Rf for pretty much every league since i started in 2016.
I liked it alot when it only scaled of of your max hp..which is does again.
So i feel its more than ok for me to pitch in.
The dmg back then wasnt bad, and its not hard scaling it. So have faith :)
Ill start a Rf juggernaut, as my starter character.
Feel free to pm me if you got questions.
Posted byhyyyben#5751on Dec 8, 2023, 12:28:52 PM

How to chose items, by ASD88BET
Posted byASD88BET#0392on Dec 10, 2023, 7:39:31 AM