Killing uber bosses with a condition is insane in ruthless
" [Removed by Support] As for the nerfs, Raider nerfed but check Pathfinder out... And then compare with SRS Guardian. The gap is very huge. " Ruthless Hardcore* Last edited by Tai_GGG#0000 on Nov 23, 2023, 7:11:11 AM
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" If you have no interest in playing this mode why are you in a thread talking about future changes to it, if you're not just attention seeking or trolling? You're openly admitting that you're not someone that the devs should waste their time on when it comes to gauging feedback on Ruthless. It's like jumping into the feedback forums of League of Legends when you haven't played it in years. No-one cares if you think you know anything about the game; you're clearly just here for narcissistic and unhelpful reasons. Your comments are only derailing this thread. If you feel the need to play meta builds in ruthless you just lack creativity. I played shield crush this league and now consider it one of the best melee builds for that mode, and almost no-one touches that skill. I'm sure there aren't just 'turbo sweater meta builds' for regular PoE under that private profile... " Jugg now has to take extra accuracy wheels because they lost an insane chunk from their tree, and they lost movement speed and stun immunity and inc regen and more. Occultist lost all the damage from Frigid Wake. Berserker is a joke. Champion is practically non-existent. You can easily see the nerfs caused by the changes by plugging any character into PoB. This has consequentially made Ubers even harder than they were before (explode totem league excluded). Last edited by JekoJeko#6623 on Nov 23, 2023, 2:19:46 PM
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It is the unfortunate truth that many people will speak on things they don't know much about.
Pashid may have played some Ruthless in the early alpha and have seen some people report they killed ubers then, but had he done it himself he would surely have let us know. With that, his experience is ancedotal at best, and outdated as he hasn't played Ruthless since. To say you have a proper grasp of the Ruthless balance from reading patch notes is rather farfetched, and to say that having 3 un-nerfed ascendancy nodes versus 4 nerfed ones was worse is just factually incorrect. Some had stats removed, others got entirely new effects. But overall, player power was reduced time and time again. When you say "there are not many differences between base game and Ruthless in difficulty" that's also needlessly redundant and factually incorrect. - removal of pantheons means no easy stun / freeze immunity - shorter flask duration and no charges while active (Quicksilver is 2 seconds lol) - no crafting bench essentially means 1 less good stat per gear slot, and also removing veiled mods completely means having no easy access to phys taken as (making phys damage highly lethal) - lack of crafting materials means less item power overall - nerfs to grace/determination further reducing player defence There's much more that plays a roll. You still wanna tell me uber pinnacles are ez pz in Ruthless? The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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Because everyone can partake in a open discussion on a forum about the game, so like or dislike it.
" The only big difference is that you get way less loot and every other change is nothing but fake difficulty. You don't approach the game mode in a different way with those changes and just follow up with the best possible options, aka play srs since it's the least time intense option. For every other option you willingly set yourself up with a longer grind or challenge if you want to achieve Uber kills for example. So there shouldn't be a reason to complain about something "being" too hard. " There's not a single scenario where you rely on pantheons for Ubers. In normal maps you're already limited with speed and don't zoom zoom past mobs, hence you don't really need the stun immunity. And melee builds are in range of the OG stun avoidance node after all. " You don't gain any charges during Ubers anyways unless in some build cases. " All three cases don't make the game much harder, just more build limiting. And build limitations isn't really a difficulty and only a handicap you willingly deal with by playing a ruthless "unoptimized" or "inefficient" build for the mode. If you look up Ubers you see that people exclusively play srs (not including explode totems cause they are not a valid example), and some other builds for normal pinnacle boss fights. If anything the only difficulty is the poor balance of really viable builds for the mode and that's not just a ruthless problem and you know it. It's a problem in the game since a long time but it gets more obvious once you take away easy problem solutions over pantheons or crafting. But as is keep up the delusion of having a "harder" mode and keep up the complaints just because ggg gave you some actual challenge in their "harder" aka just more grindy testmode :) Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Nov 23, 2023, 2:09:43 PM
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I think the next 8/8 challenge should be 'Make a forum post about ruthless without someone with nothing helpful to add coming in and making it about themselves'
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" you are free to join in, no one can stop you from being factually wrong about the game mode you don't play The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" I mean you can play a lot but your creative build is clearly not able to run everything. And that's just the sad issue with the mode that for example the Uber challenge is gated behind one or possibly two builds unless you are in for a long grind to literally min-max your gear. Even than you likely don't stand a chance with the lack of power in different ways while you don't really need the power at all on stuff like srs. The no crafting aspect doesn't make the game harder, just more limiting on builds on the upper level. So hard to complain about something being too hard just because you pick a bad skill to complete Ubers with, or willingly pick it with the knowledge of knowing that you have to max your entire set in order to have a small chance. Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Nov 23, 2023, 2:02:02 PM
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" Then obviously the solution is to remove Ubers from the challenges so they can still be tackled by the few builds that are optimized for them and everyone else can ignore them. There are no builds that can do all content in ruthless, you will be good at something and suck at something else. A boneshatter/shield crush jugg can perform better at delve than a SRS necro/guardian, but will be worse at trying to clear breaches and legions compared to the capability that a ranged character could offer. This whole contention about the interaction between build choce/viability and how 'hard' ruthless is goes away when Ubers aren't part of the challenges. It's the equivalent of making delve depth 1000 a mandatory challenge - sure there are a few builds that can do it more comfortably, but making people play those to get the challenge themselves is unreasonable. Last edited by JekoJeko#6623 on Nov 23, 2023, 2:16:19 PM
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"Movement skills. In practice also missing some levels. As for movement skills there is 'Quickstep' but it has issues. Apparently its not even good enough to be used at all by the (supposed, dont know myself) #1 uber bosser in Ruthless Ancestor. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" lmao dude on my Ruthless guardian I keep staying in place using Quickstep because it even gets stopped by your own minions The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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