Killing uber bosses with a condition is insane in ruthless
" I've given up trying to understand these strange guys. because what's the point? or do devs make money from it? If so, how the hell? and why should a frustrated player buy their digital junk from the shop? And why should a player even play the game if he dies from morning to evening and doesn't even know why? The only explanation I came up with after 10 liters of beer: they want to fill a digital niche for masochists. So.... suffering in 3D? and the next game next year will probably have mobs in black leather with whips? When you die, do you also get insults from the mobs as a private message? |
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Picking the hardest game mode available and then wondering why its hard. This generation is lost.
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" It doesn't mean it must be unbalanced like it is in its current state. I'm playing HC R rigth now and some aspects IMO overnerfed and some are OP. Following your logic every single mob may have x10000000 damage factor and ppl are not allowed to bring feedback just because it's Ruthless. Just play and shut up, right? |
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" so true hoho Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
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" That's why I stopped at 7/8 in SC-SSF-Ruthless this season. Wasn't worth my time. This kind of thread is meant for feedback so that in future seasons maybe the challenges will be more balanced. E.g. in Crucible it was just pinnacle ubers without conditions and that was fine imo The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" Why does it have to be balanced? and balanced compared to what? It's a choice to play ruthless and it's a choice to complete challenges. Feedback that says a challenge is hard isn't really helpful. |
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" It's also a choice to play Path of Exile so why give any feedback in the first place. /s As someone who regularily does 40/40 in SSF (which also is a choice, yea yea) the difference between Endgame Grinds in regular vs the grind necessary to even get close to being able to do Pinnacle Ubers in Ruthless is way out of proportion. I don't think your type of comment is very helpful to the discussion at all. You clearly have a bias against Ruthless and don't even play it yourself. I doubt you have a scintilla of an idea how much grind is necessary to even farm up a single boss invitation. Yes, challenges should be challenging (duh), but please.. The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" Because it is videogame, even if it's Ruthless. Do you know what it means? You clearly don't understand the amount of effort needed to reach simple things, especially on (SSF) HC R. And sure, your profile is private, as expected. |
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This challenge by itself is the only reason I haven't played Ruthless this league.
At Crucible there already was a challenge to kill Ubers and it was quite punishing, but fortunately (or unfortunately) we had that broken Explosive Totems build, so it was viable to push 8/8 on SSF without absurd amounts of grind. Even then, we had like 5 or 6 players only who did that. This league we also had nerfs to aura gems and ascendancies on Ruthless. I'm always trying to get all the cosmetic league rewards (except the totem, don't really care for it), and Ruthless is in quite a bad spot for that. On both Crucible and Ancestor, we had 7 challenges that are really basic, where you have to pretty much only play the game enough to get them, and suddenly for the last one you have a gigantic spike in difficulty by having to deal with Ubers. It would be way more acceptable for me if the Uber requirement was only for an extra challenge or for the last totem, but, since there are way less challenges than the default league, the rewards on Ancestor starting from 35 to 40 on the normal league are gated by the Uber challenge, so for this current league you are missing the tier 4 and 5 of the body armour, the tier 4 of the helmet and the last totem style if you cannot complete it, for example. My suggestion would be to remove anything Uber related from challenges at Ruthless and increase a bit the overall difficulty of the others or, if GGG wants it to stay, then instead increase the number of challenges to 9 and gate only the last totem behind the Uber challenge. Being able to actually get all cosmetic rewards would be an incentive to bring more players to the mode. |
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" What is more reasonable: Ruthless players complaining that ubers as a challenge is too build restrictive for their own game mode OR players throwing a fit every time a new league mechanic doesn't shower them with currency or every time their favorite skill or ascendancy gets nerfed? When I played SSFR I was constantly in the top 10 or 20 for the first 3-4 weeks so I played a lot (I was literally no lifing it by playing 8-12h days) and I got nowhere near ubers. Technically challenges like these are possible but only if you have infinite time and I personally think that it is too much for devs to put a challenge that requires players to grind for 300+ hours each expansion every 3 months. Just because something is technically possible it doesn't make it reasonable. I think that ALL challenges in ALL of PoE game modes should be reasonably achievable for any endgame poe veteran within a 1 month time frame, taking a bit longer if someone is new to the game and whatnot. Ruthless already provides its own set of challenges by having different ascendancies and by giving the player less power because they are always undergeared. Players should be tested by something that makes sense in their own rules and restrictions. And by the way, by the same logic, SSF non ruthless should also have different challenges compared to trade non ruthless. I am not going to use this argument just for the game mode that I play, I actually think that they get it wrong outside of the ruthless bubble too. |
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