So poe 2 is basically ruthless with gold?

Kaukus1 wrote:

To all the whiteknights saying "Ruthless is just a sideproject"

This dude just blasted out "as we were testing (in ruthless) gold"

Ruthless was the goal all along.

No movement skills
No bench crafting
Scuffed mobility
Scuffed trading

All that GGG adds to the game is a test like harvest, e.g

And only the players check if it is suitable

If the gold is not useful in poe 2, it will probably be thrown away later

Poe 2 is not ruthless

Shini wrote:
Yeah it was slow and painful to watch. People are saying that it was 1 link gameplay and end game is much better but we had zero proof for that.

I have to say exilecon killed all my hype for PoE 2 and I just hope they expand our 8 man crew from PoE 1 to maybe 40 devs and we will hit all new highs with new leagues and mechanics.

Go into Act 5 and gear/skill/link the same way. How fast are you killing?

It’s terrible, so that means PoE 1 endgame/napping is trash paced. Got it.

I do think GGG erred in taking this gearing / pace approach for everyone but Mark and Octavian. They know pace of play is a toxic issue with the players, why feed the paranoia?

Feels like a missed opportunity to show the game in a better light.
So I'm not like a ..super mega player or anything. I've played a few leagues. Enjoyed most of them. There are been a few leagues that I just didn't play because I didn't like the mechanics or whatever. That being said, I've been trying out D4 and I can't WAIT for POE new league and POE2. I want to have choices. For everyone that is bitching about speed. I'm sure it will all be ironed out.

That being said, a big side note. One of the BIGGEST let downs of D4 which I'm happy to say doesn't seem to be the case with GGG is development for console first. Meaning the entire game is targeted at those folks, which means social aspects that require a keyboard or softcore trade are out the window. GGG provides CHOICE and caters to PC players. PC players are your folks who will be engaged with the ARPG content - CONSISTANTLY. Console dads who log in for a few hours and then never play again won't keep your game alive. Blizz got their 70 bucks so they don't seem concerned about long term engagement.

I'm just relieved there will be a game which focuses on me the PC ARPG player.
mrrick1781 wrote:
Overall I think this Exilecon has hit the hype for POE2 and it's confirmed Ruthless wasn't a side project. It has had such an influence on POE2 GGG had to split it off into its own game.

I think it would be more accurate to say, Ruthless has clearly been an opportunity for GGG to test core ideas intended for POE 2 and be able to tune design and content base on player behaviours and economy data.

It’s essentially like D4 endgame closed beta test. Except GGG has a convenient environment to run these tests (in POE 1 Ruthless).
IGN: JerleSimCity/JerleRuthlessCowGirl
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
inb4 chinese goldfarmers stake their lands in poe2.
Second-class poe gamer
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
So poe 2 is basically ruthless with gold?

Nope not even close.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
How ruthless is PoE2.. it may be giga ruthless.
People played an early demo of the game. Not even the beta. So chill with the Kardashian drama, it's ridiculous.
Shini wrote:
Yeah it was slow and painful to watch. People are saying that it was 1 link gameplay and end game is much better but we had zero proof for that.

I have to say exilecon killed all my hype for PoE 2 and I just hope they expand our 8 man crew from PoE 1 to maybe 40 devs and we will hit all new highs with new leagues and mechanics.

I am really looking forwards to PoE2. If they indeed are making Dark souls insired ARPG with focus on bosses - oh boy count me in. And the best part is - zoomzoomy PoE1 will still get new leagues, updates, etc.

100 new bosses in PoE2 is A LOT, and they seemed to have nice mechanics, phases, etc. Knowing GGG how they re-use assets - we can expect a lot of uber versions for these bosses. I like where this is going. I will play both games.

And the best part is - PoE2 is FREE TO PLAY. You don't need to spend 80euros to play a game. You liked the game? Well then you buy some mtx stash tabs and donate to the company this way.
Last edited by gageris on Jul 31, 2023, 5:48:53 AM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i skipped that was it? was it too tedious? i'm glad that there will be 2 games and i can just stay here on poe 1 if i dont want the turtle speed playstyle.

I got to 45 in the event and stopped. It was not particularly fun, especially since it was all voided. The gold aspect of it felt forced and unnatural to me. I can give that part of it a pass since the game wasn't really designed around gold in the first place.

But it was still Ruthless at the core, and that has a very very low ceiling on fun for me.

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