What happened to One Game - Two Campaigns?

Mikrotherion wrote:
I wonder if by separating they can make PoE II their own game again and only PoE I would be tied to Tencent.
If so, that was a brilliant move.

How could this work from a financial PoV?
People bought their MTX from PoE I aka 10ct, and demand to use them in PoE II, speculative not owned by 10ct?
I can't see this working as intented.
Just do it! And keep it simple -
Things will become complicated by itself.
Last edited by tuasoafoch#7907 on Aug 2, 2023, 6:59:03 AM
Mikrotherion wrote:
I wonder if by separating they can make PoE II their own game again and only PoE I would be tied to Tencent.
If so, that was a brilliant move.
This would be possible if Tencent was just licensing POE, but they're not, they own the company. Any GGG product is a Tencent product by definition.
esostaks wrote:
So haters can't say 'pOE 2 iS nOt A nEw GaMe' anymore?

I'm pretty sure the people saying that are the people who enjoy PoE and trusted what GGG told them.

It's not our fault we were given misinformation.

I suspect GGG knew this was coming the moment they started calling what was once PoE 4.0 "PoE 2".

teknik1200 wrote:
esostaks wrote:
So haters can't say 'pOE 2 iS nOt A nEw GaMe' anymore?

I'm pretty sure the people saying that are the people who enjoy PoE and trusted what GGG told them.

It's not our fault we were given misinformation.

I suspect GGG knew this was coming the moment they started calling what was once PoE 4.0 "PoE 2".

Yes, they knew that PoE2 will be PoE2 and they explicitly said that at Exilecon.

Jonathan Rogers clearly stated that, almost direct quote:
"If we call it PoE2, everything has to look, feel and play differently. It has to be proper sequel"
Emphasis on everything.

Some people just decided to ignore all that information, stick to their own "4.0 patch" fantasy and spread misinformation.

The only real thing that change since is the way of delivery. In original vision, player items were meant to undergone some complex and difficult conversion process in order to port them into PoE2. How successful that would be, well, we will never know, but I suspect in most cases rather poorly.

PoE2 was always meant to replace PoE1. Now decide to keep PoE1 too.
Whatever happened, it's better that it happened like this. It's clear that many POE veterans have major issues with POE2.
With two games, they can choose to play the one they like better.
Last edited by lupasvasile#5385 on Aug 2, 2023, 11:35:30 AM
They changed it!! Just like they will with the release date!!!!! I cant see why ppl getting excited about a beta forecast for 10 months away where game launch could still be years off!!!! When is the last time ANYONE has played a game on the first release date in the last 10 yrs? just my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
argoniashawks wrote:
They changed it!! Just like they will with the release date!!!!! I cant see why ppl getting excited about a beta forecast for 10 months away where game launch could still be years off!!!! When is the last time ANYONE has played a game on the first release date in the last 10 yrs? just my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My real issue with games, in general, is that they release unfinished. Taking more time to make it good is better, but then you get into the issue of being impatient waiting for it. I think game devs should work more on their games and release info about them only once they are sure about a release date; but we all know that's never going to happen.
lupasvasile wrote:
argoniashawks wrote:
They changed it!! Just like they will with the release date!!!!! I cant see why ppl getting excited about a beta forecast for 10 months away where game launch could still be years off!!!! When is the last time ANYONE has played a game on the first release date in the last 10 yrs? just my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My real issue with games, in general, is that they release unfinished. Taking more time to make it good is better, but then you get into the issue of being impatient waiting for it. I think game devs should work more on their games and release info about them only once they are sure about a release date; but we all know that's never going to happen.

Exactly just like leagues are now days, just not quite finished when they launch!!
DreadLordAvatar wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
So all that supporter money went into a complete separate game for D4 players.

That's funny because it's the truth.

GGG has confirmed that all our MTX will be compatible with PoE2. But how can one use PoE MTX for which there is no equivalent item in PoE2?

Armor - some possible
weapons - some possible
flasks - NO (only health and mana)
portals - NO (you die you start at beginning of level)
pets - unconfirmed
hideout - unconfirmed
skills - NO all different

The point is being able to use poe 1 mtx in poe 2, not the other way around, and everything from 1 will work in 2 no problem.

I'm saying that's the point because they'll probably kill poe 1 soon after poe 2's release.

Hey, if people can say bs like, "poe 2 is for D4 players" I can speculate on stuff that actually makes sense, right?
DreadLordAvatar wrote:

GGG has confirmed that all our MTX will be compatible with PoE2. But how can one use PoE MTX for which there is no equivalent item in PoE2?

You won't. You'll use it in PoE1, the game you bought it in/for.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
Armor - some possible

Armor is armor. Armor MTXes have never respected armor base type, you can turn the Brass Dome into a set of caster robes or a set of caster robes into superheavy armor with MTXes. Armor should work just fine, though unless they update the older MTX skins they're likely to look pretty shit in the new game. Frankly some of them look pretty shit in the old game too, so maybe a visual update's in order across the board.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
weapons - some possible

Same as armor, save sometimes weapons respect base type. "Universal" weapon skins like most of the recent Supporter Pack stuff? Imagine part of making new base weapon trypes in PoE2 is creating backwards compatible skins for those weapon types. Non-universal weapon MTXes will work with all the same stuff they used to, with the exception that staves might be Weird given the existence of 'caster' staves and quarterstaves. Still, I expect GGG to be generous with which skins work on what weapons. Why wouldn't they be? The more stuff an MTX works on, the more likely people are to buy that MTX.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
flasks - NO (only health and mana)

Dirty lies. Jonathan explicitly confirmed utility flasks would/do exist. They're being positioned as reactive more than proactive because the PoE2 team doesn't like the idea of flasks as permanent always-on buffs people maintain indefinitely (unelss you're a Pathfinder, presumably). Quicksilver flasks will not exist, those were confirmed nixed, but there's precisely one Quicksilver-exclusive MTX that was part of an old, discontinued supporter pack. Guess that one specific skin is currently confirmed to not work with PoE2. It is, so far as I know, the only 'confirmed' no-go MTX.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
portals - NO (you die you start at beginning of level)

Dirty. Lies. Multiple streamers (and one lucky audience member) used portals freely in the game. When you die you respawn at the last checkpoint you unlocked, which is the beginning of the level if you unlocked no checkpoints. Either way, portals are every bit as much of a thing as they used to be and your portal skins should work fine.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
pets - unconfirmed

Unconfirmed, but they have absolutely no reason not to include pets. They could likely just import the PoE1 assets wholesale and use them as-is with relatively little tweaking. Sure, some of them will look dated next to the newer stuff in the new game, but they're pets. They're self-contained enough to be extremely easy to import.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
hideout - unconfirmed

Unconfirmed, but I would be very surprised if they didn't make Hideouts a thing in the second game. A lot of people are pretty attached to their Hideouts, and the Hideout MTXes tend to be pretty pricey. They'd likely have to refresh the MTX Hideouts to match the graphical fidelity and style/standards of the new game though, so it is in fact an open question if these will transfer. I believe they probably should, but I'm not Jonathan so I don't get to make that call.

DreadLordAvatar wrote:
skills - NO all different

Why would they be different? The skill we've seen that had the biggest change was Glacial Cascade, which went from a spell skill to a Quarterstaff-based weapon skill. It...still creates a traveling blast of stabbing icicles. MTXes designed for the spell version would work fine with the attack version, with just a little glow-up/refactoring. Are they going to have to update skill effect MTXes for the new game? Yes - but they also committed to doing exactly that when they said "your purchases will work across both games." if you buy a Glacial Cascade MTX, you're entitled to expect it to work with the PoE1 spell and the PoE2 staff skill.

I get people are pissed off at the split and fishing for reasons to yell at Grinding Gear, but seriously. Try and pay attention. There's one thing on that list that may actually be "Nope", and I'd expect a lot of backlash if they decided not to do Hideouts in the new game.

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